- ..Nev/. Advertisements J. McDOWELLITOo. ...will commence their r\REAT O A L E ■ : ■ : ; OF DRAPERY! ' ' ' Surplus Warehouse Stocks ! And GOODS moie'.bv less daman-eel. ;':.IN A. FEW DAYS. tfciT Enquire for Catalogues. Jg|j Gheat Bargains at Finkdioiie's Old Store, Taufo ;Qoay. dls 273G "':......,. t)HRISTMAS~'" T ~~~"' HO tID A V B UNTINti!: : V . LARGE Variety! of .FLAGS for 'iL sale. ~\s M ;■-._. ? i " ;.. . ' ' -- -- -"Vi^ifc*oi*lti Avenue. dl 6. ... . 2745 COUNCIL NOTICE. ■0 0 0 X' S W A R D. ;r HEREBY declare John IFi^DrRJL soi^.,toi.e eUi'ly;"Elected', as a Councillor, filling the-extraordinary vacancy inutile above Ward. '■ i, "■-: ' JOHN■'ILCI-EtEiY,; : Returning Officer. dIG ... 2MG : 'cpraoir^ notice. WE hereby declare William Hogg Watt to be duly elected Mayor of the-Borough of Wanganni for the ensning year. ', JOHN HURLEY, ; : Returning- Officer, /■ Cook's Ward. ;"- Thomas ba'mber, Returning Office, Queen's Ward.' EDWARD HOWE, Eeturning- Officer, ■ ■ . St. John's Ward. dIG ■;/ ;H! ■ ■■•■'i-:';--' 3 7i7 ■;: ■"■■' ! : notice: : MEMBERS of the V.F,B. are re- ■ quested to meet; at Ihe En gine ■House, THIS EVENING, at 7 b'cloclr, for practice in full uniform. Fines will be enforced fov non-attendance. By order, ! 11. W. GOUGER, Secretary. dl 6 , . . , 2748 ! TjINTI^IES for Uie"Billiard Handi- | r:AP will close on Monday, the 20th iust, at 8 p.m., at thoJ.Custom House H0te1..,-. d! 6" " ". ' 2749 PQBLIC NOTICE. province" op swel %i :ng ton. NOTICE is hereby given that on THURSDAY, the; 6th day; of, •January, 1876, 25,000' Acres (more or less) "of Agricultural Lands situate in the Rangitumau Block, in the Wairarapa Disfcrict{ Iwlll' inJ terms of a; I Proclamation, issued %'Jlis "Honor the [.Superintendent, on the 26th day of November last, be open for sale at this office o\\ application, at ten shillings (10s) per acre. j / ;: ;> . Maps, showing ihe position of the Land aiul the traversed Road. Lines, caii fte seen at; the Crown Lands Office, frpvincial Government. Buiklings^Veldington, and at the office of this paper.: i JOSr :GUHOLDS WORTH, ■ ; Crown Lands. Crown Lands Office, '■\ Wellington,,9fch December, 1875." dl 3' ••'•'^'-•' :' ! '-•■■ ■ ' 272 l O A N X EY'S y i. ;H YMNS". : iyEnlarged .edition, with music, in i paper/ limp cloth, and handsome -"■-:, cloth gilt. Small edition, words. 1 only, 2nd. Also, as Pianoforte Songs, full music size. 1 ......,„.,., H; L JONES, Bookseller,
Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Wanganui Herald, Volume VIII, Issue 2656, 16 December 1875, Page 3
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