An old and well-kriown colonist, in tho person of Charles Christie Graham, passed away at Duuedin yesterday. Deceased, who was a son of tho late Dr. J. M. Graham, of Cupar (Fifoshiro), was born at that placo on April 22nd, 15;55, and was educated at tho Madras College, St. Andrew's, and Edinburgh University. He went out to Victoria in 1555, and, after having followed mercantile and pastoral pursuits in that colony, came to New Zealand at the end of IS66\ and took up a sheep run (Ben Lomond) in !North Otago. While in that district he .was member for Oamaru in the House of liepresentativorf until 1871. He gave up sheep-farming and set up a large ilax mill at Kaumai (Rsmgitikei), but the adventure proved a failure, and deceased removed to Wellington. He was elected a member of the Provincial Council for .Kangitikei, which seat ho held until the abolition of the provinces, and during which time he held the position of chairman of committees. He was also a member of the Education Board, as well as secretary of the Wellington College until his appointment as Town Clerk of Wellington. The city is indebtedito him for its present coat of arms and significant motto, "Suprema a Situ." Later he was appointed Official Assignee and Magistrate, which offices he held in Wellington for many yearsr, and later on at Dunedin. Deceased married a daughter of the late General Thomas Webster, of St. Andrew's, Scotland, who survives him. Their living children are: —Messrs C. E. Graham (Queenstown), D. M. Graham (Masterton), Lieut. T. W. Graham (Ireland), Messrs Harry Graham (Vancouver), G. H. Graham (Waverley), Mrs , Percy Brown (Duuedin), Mrs" L. Taverner (Greatford), Mrs F. It. Riley (Dunediu), and Misses P. M. Graham and F. C. F. Graham. Deceased was well known in Masterton, where he has on different occasions performed magisterial duties.
Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume LXIX, Issue 14466, 28 December 1915, Page 5