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A heavy thunderstorm passed ove; the Lower Valley yesterday afternoon.

Weleouic rain fell in the Masterton district agsiia last night. Worser Bay and Seatoun, near Wellington, are growing so tliut it is proposed to open a school in tlio district. 'i'hc Carterton Weslcyan Choir give the service of song," John Ploughman," next Wednesday evening. A short programme of musical selections was given in the Mnsterlon Park yesterday afternoon by the Bavarian Band. Additions are mn.le to I tic entries for Mr F. JI. Wood's next T'iratalii stock sale. Messrs Lowes and lorns add to their stoctc sale list for Wednesday next, ten fat steers and seven well-bred pigs. The Sunday cycliV got a wet' jacket again yesterday, and lots of very bedraggled muddy objects reached home towards night-fall. Mr G. M. Scales, niictioneer, of Wellington, makes further additions to the list, of flock anil stud slice]) he. lias to sell at the Wellington J!am and Jiwe Pair at l.'etonc next Thursday. The mint of punctuality on the Wcl-lingion-Wairarapa line is put down lo the running of mixed trains on the grounds of economy. An improvement, is promised when the line is through lo Wondville. The 'New Zealand loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, publish in our advertising columns the list of entries received by them up to date for sale at the Wellington Jinm and Ewe Fair ou Thursday next.

The hands employed nt Table Lands station, Lower Valley, havo presented Mr C. J. Tnlly with a handsome marble clock and two silver dishes, accompanied with mi address. The cloek, which is a very ha'idsomc one, bears the inscription, "Presented lo Mr C. J. 'fully, by tlie employes of the Table Lauds station, on the eve of his marriage."

Jiy their resignations (the outcome of tlio South case) Sergeants Gamble mid McMahon, of Auckland, will be enabled to apply for compensation for past seryico, which is one months pay for each year of service. Sergeant Gamble has thirty-one years' service, and Sergeant McMahon about twenty years. This is auafterconsidcration by tlieGoveniment, but there is a reason to belieye (says the Auckland Herald) that in the case of these two otlicers, on account of long and honourable service in the past, the application will not bo unfavourably entertained.

A correspondent of the Auckland ttcmhl writes" 1 notice that the census shows thai lifty per cent of the population, including Maoris are over the age of tivcnty-oiie, and so entitled to be on the electoral rolls. I think it would be .of public interest and good to know how many names were on the electoral rolls of tho Colony, Maoris included and the comparison with these and the census returns would show whether the suspicion of roll stuffing is well founded. My impression is that there were about4ooo more on the Auckland, Wellington, Duncdin and Christchurch rolls, than the population warranted, au evil needing a remedy, Those haying money to invest or having shares to sell arc referred to the announcement by Mr li. W. Kirkby, sharebroker and financial agent, Wellington. in our " wanted " column, in which ho details the various lines lie is prepared to do business in. Mr Kirkby is well posted in all financial matters, and can bo depended on to conserve the best interests of clients who have transactions with him In addition to the stocks and shares in his hands for salo, Mr Kirkby has various sums of money which he can advance on good freehold security at extremely low rates of interest.

The recent rain has put the Hutt Park Itaceconrsein line condition and some excellent sport should result at the Summer Meeting this week. The Wellington Eaciug Club's programme of events is an exceptionally liberal oue such as is calculated to draw both good fields of horses and crowds of people to the course, The Wellington Cup on Wednesday, with a stako of 500 sovereigns, will no doubt ho a big draw for tho first day, while on Friday an attractive second day's racing is doubly certain of good support, as being a public holiday (Anniversary Day) everyone is at liberty to be present, The attendance at the present meeting ought to be a recot(l one, As far as the Wairarnpa is concerned most liberal railway facilities For a trip to Wellington aro oltercdthc lowest excursion fares and tidk'cts available for tho rest of the month,

An Americau tourist tells how ho travelled with a young couple, evidently 011 their honeymoon, and the passengers in that particular carriage were on the gri) most of the time over their antics. The bride had got the man she Joved, and she didn't earo who saw hor pillow her head 011 his shoulder. The bridegroom had got farm with his wife, and if ho wanted to feed heron lollipops or squeeze her hand, whose business was it P A little old man, dricd-upand baldhfad.ed, sat directly in front of tho Couple; and ho looked at them so often thai the young husband finally explained We've just got married, "I knowed it all tho time." chuckled the other. "And wo can't help it, you know." "No, you can't; I'll be hanged if you can !" " I presume it all seems verv silly to i>n old man like you ?" continued tlie husband, '• Dooa itP'Does itP" cackled tlio old follovr, as bobbed about. "Well, I can tellyou'jt'does not, then. I're been thero threo'times over, and nowj'm on my way to'marry a fourth ■ fjilly ! ■ Why, children, it s paradise b'iled down! 1 '

■ The Minister.; for Lands' is in Weiington.

toxton proposes to niter its halfholiday from Tuesday to Wednesday. Tho Mnnawatu County Council lias extinguished its overdraft. Paimerstou North is about to open a bacon-curing establishment Mr D. McLean of Hawke's J3ay, is introducing some Dartmoor sheep to the Colony.

It is staled that a blo-k of 3.000 acres at Tiiihapo will replace the Levin State Farm, which it is alleged is now suitable to be cut up for settlement. Tho district Court will probably sit at Masterton on Wednesday, January 27th.

An enquiry regarding the destructive lire tit Miki Miki takes place at Mastertoh on Monday 'next, January 2oth. Entries for the Wairarapa Lawn Tennis Championship Tournament, close to-day. Mosul's Lora and lorns add to their next Saturday's horse sale, eiulit draught horses. Operations in connection with the roadworks at Pongaroa, are to be resinned in the course of a week or two. Tliirty trucks of sheep were despatched frmn Ekctahuna this morning, and ten from Masterton. Notice of public examination in bankruptcy, is given by Mr W, 13. Chenneils, D.O.A. A monster eel, weighing thirteen pounds, was caught on Saturday evening in a Masterton creek by Mr It. Jiwington. No less than one hundred and sixlyfive passengers took bicycles with them on one trip of a small boat from Wellington to Nelson n lew davs ago. Queensland defeated Olago easily in the cricket niateli which concluded last Saturday.' The Palmerston Agricultural and Pastoral Association have lixod the third week in November for tho annual show.

Fouv pounds fifteen shillings was the sum collected veslcrdny nfleriiodii Kt tlie Mastertou I'arlc in aid of the Maslerton Ilosi.itnl.

TVodrunkswcre dealt with by Messrs \V Lowes una T. Dnneau, J.lVs, at Mastcrlou this nioiiiiiig. One was lined "10s or in default twenty-four hours, and the other was lined 5s and prohibited. Mr H, A. Parker (an ex-champion of Wellington) and olher Wellington players, will lake part in the Wamipa Lawn Tennis Championship Meeting to be held at Masterton.

Tender for eontractNooS), Eketahunato To i\'ni lioad, getting and carting 4il"i yards of gravel, Imvc been dealt with as follows: -M. Kcrins, t/i); W. Cadwallader, £l3l 8s 3d (accepted); and Frederiekseii and liayner, £IGI. Amongst the nominations for the Cycling Sports nt Masterton oi 22nd Janility are Forbes the Hgmont champion; Wakcman and I'cacockthc Wellington "fliers" and Dawson of Pahiitua who proved so successful at the late Palmcrsion Cycling Meeting. The postal department, at the request of a Carterton deputation, is considering the advisability of extending the dosing hour of the afternoon mail to Mnslei'ton from liyc o'clock till a few minutes before seven.

Another early Wellington settler, who came to the Colony in 1812, lias passed away in the person of Mrs Ifoggard, relict of the late Mr John Farr Iloggard and mother of Mr J. iloggard, now Chief Clerk in ilie Circulating Branch of the Head Olliee at Wellington. A course of six lectures by Ike Iter. A, Hoggins is unnotmccd in our adycrtisiiigcolumns.bcginningto-niorrow evening. The lecturer is an authority on social science, and bears the reputation of being able to present a somewhat abstruse subject in a highly popular form. A 1 rA. W. Hogg, M.H.I!, takes the chair at the first lecture.

A special general meeting ot the shareholders of the Wuirarapa Farmers' Co-operative Association, was held at llio Association's rooms on January loth, a good number being present. Mr M. Ciisclbcrg Chairman of Directors, presided, 'l'lie Chairman moyed thai the motion passed at the iast meeting empowering the increase of the capital of the company by the issue ot new shares to the extent of £50,000 necessitated by all tho original issue having been taken up, be confirmed. Mr 0. l'harazyn seconded the motion which was carried unanimously. This being the only bnsinoss the meeting then adjourned. Lord Brasscy, llio Governor of Victoria has been " doing " Lake Wakatipu, and, like all others who hnye seen the picturesque regions in that vicinity, is absolutely charmed with the wild beauty of the scenery, He is (says the Olm/o Dai!y Times) so much delighted with what he has seen of Wakatipu that he expresses his intention of visiting the other lakes— Manapouri and Te Anau-on his return from tho Sounds. Lord Brasscy is one of the most accessible of noblemen, and he is not by any moans a chatterer, so that it may be concluded that he will carry his favourable impression of NewZealand scenery everywhere with him, with a result that a summer visit toNew Zealand will become quite the thing in Victoria,

| At a meeting of teachers of the Kuripuui Wcslcyau Sunday School, last Friday evening,, it was decided to effect some much-needed improvemeuts in the school building. The section is to be fenced in, and the interior arrangements aro to be rendered more conycnient. The large platform will he removed and some additional seats put iu its place. The Anniversary was fixed for the last Sunday in February, and the children's picnic for tho Thursday previous. The Masterton Christian Endeavour now meets in this school fortnightly, and some interesting meetings of various kinds are anticipated. A lime-lighten-lertainmont entitled "Christy's Old Organ," is to bo held on February 10th to defray the cost of improvements.

A correspondent of Nature proposed tho following query Supposo a man vcro enclosed in a light wooden box, the roof rising somo inclios aboye his head ; if he jumped and struck the roof of the box with his head with force greater than the weight of the box could the box be lifted off the ground P A reply in the ftllirniativo was Riven by another correspondent, who remarked that the fact is demonstrated by the behaviour of tho "jumping bean," This is a lurgp seed which, on being placed 011 a table, is often seen to make a series of jerky jumps, rising perceptibly abovo the tablo. The cause is-found to be an insect which has derploped inside the sholl of the seed, antl by jumping against its" box," actually lifts it, On Saturday evening a presentation in the form of a complimentary address from tlio North Wairarapa Liberal Association, was mndctoMrT. E. Price, J,P., late President of (he Asso. ciation, who is about to leavo the district. About thirty members were present and the address, which was neatly written uud engrossed by Mr W. Sellar and artistically mounted and framed, was presented by Ur A. W. Hogg, M.H.E., who mado some oulo. gistic reference to Mr Price's long connection with Mastcrtpn; his mnny good (jualitios, the i(spf|il' part he has played in local services in connection with tho'fciiighb of labour and the Liberal Association, Mrs E. Taylor followed, on behalf of the ladies con-, netted witli tlieoi'gnnisation and Messrs 1 Eli Smith and .Win. Falconer made some highly complimentary observations, stating that they were parting with Mrand Mrs Pricejwith great regret, Mr Price replied, warmly thanking the members of tho Association and those who were present for tie expression ,of good opinion to which ho had listenod and assuring, them that he would always value tho memento they had presented. Subsequently the heaitu of Mr and Mrs Price and also of Mr and Mrs Hogg, was drunk in bmupors,

Mr McDonald ot Waikawa. Queen Charlotte Sound, lias succeeded, in growing collee.. - ■ Tlioeclobrated Atlantioliner" Alaska" lias been purciiased ny the Spanish Government for use as a transport, Only twcnty-eiglit of the sixty-six witnesses subpronaed in the Bosher caae have yet been examined. The proposal to increase the shore capital of tlie W.F.O.A. has been conlinned,

Mr S. G. Hadford, of London House, will hare a new announcement in our next issue, Mrs J. S. Smalley gaye a very stirring address at the Masterton Wesleyan Church last night, The Kev. A. Pybus preached in the morning. Mr Thomas Scott-Smith, solicitor, has decided upon starting in the practice of his profession at Pahiatua. A son of Mr Spurdle, of Wanganui, while riding on a run at Halcombo collided with a ppst and broke his leg at the thigh. The Taieri Ad mat* understands that an endeavour is to be made to effect a combination of the licensed victuallers of the colony. Ice is being supplied in Cliristchurch at l|d per lb, or 3s per i-vvt, and proves a great boon to householders in the hot weather. The "Dead Murcli in Saul" was played at St. Matthew's Church, Maslertcm, in memory of Mrs Wm, Butemcnt. Constable Thompson left Masterton on Saturday, Inking two prisoners to Wellington. He does not return as Constable Lawlor lias noiv resumed duty. At Nelson last Wednesday, Mi«s Harriet A. Frnnklyn, of that district, was married to Mr Walter J. Baigcnt, of Hamua. fourth son of Mr Arthur lkigent, of Pigeon Valley. Mr Jones, of the tlrm of Ycrcx and Jones, Wellington, general importers and agents, is now in Masterton in connection with the firm's business. The firm are large impoilci's of bicycles nnd typewriters. Mr ]!, Brown acknowledges the following further subscriptions to the Bush Fire livlief Fund:-Salvation Arm; 1 ;pcr Captain Itaisliaw), £5 ss; W.

Ankeloll, £1; AY. (roodall, *2s Od; E. Johnson, 10s; Kraliagen and Harford, ss; l'inliey Bros., 10s; ]i. and F. Alaiiuscll, £5; &. Haskell, os; A. It. Bunny, £1 Is; llonnslow ami Hoar (value), ,C 3. Lord Glasgow stays in Clirislclmrcli ten days and then leaves for England, going from Sydney by way of China, on February loth. L».iiy Glasgow is much improved in health. His Excellency speaks in the highest terms of the new sleamcr Tutanekiii. At (lie inquest on (he body of Miss Annie Taplin, found intheliuamahuuga lliver on Friday morning, no new evidence was adduced, the jury reluming a verdict of accidental death. The unfor-tunate-young woman was interred yesterday, very many friends and sympathisers being present at (hp funeral. • Thcliov. Mr Hoggins, li. A., preached at St. Mutthew's Clrarch, Mnstcrton, yesterday, and created a most favorable impression. In the evening the preacher dealt pointedly with Christian social life. The cycling sports to he held on the Maslertou Park Oval on 22nd January (Anniversary Day) will be the largest of the kind ye: held in Masterton. There are upwards of one hundred nominations already in the hands of the Secretary. A number of nominations are from Wellington, Pahiatua and other townships, Messrs Lowes and loms hold their fortnightly stock sale at the Mauriceyille yards to-morrow where they offer, 500 first-nlass two-tooth ewes, 200 fourand six-tooth ewes, 150 mixed two-tooth, twenty yearling cattle, ten young cattle, dairy cows and heifers, hack horses, horse, trap and harness.

Another service on tlie Masterlon Weslcyan I'arsouugs lawn is to bo held on Thursday, January '2Blli, when several more children lire to bo baptised. The gatherings seem to he highly appreciated, for at the two previous meetingsnoless than twenty children received baptism.

The final firing for the North Wairarapa Jiille Club trophy, presented by Messrs C. A. l'ownail and J, Matidel, took place on Saturday last, when Mr W. Smith secured lirst place with the score of seventy-seven and is therefore the winner of the trophy. The fourth firing for the Bronze Medal also took place, when Mr D. J. MeHattic secured a leg in with the score of eighty-five. The Advoralc, the organ of the Weslcyan Church, speaks of a triple wedding recently conducted by tlieliev G. Frost, Wealeyan Minister, Coromandel, as a record performance, but the licv. J. S. Smalley of this town can go one better, for a few years ago when stationed in Napier, he had the honour of a quadruple wedding, by uniting four couples in the holy bonds at the same service. Mr W. C. Buchanan M.H.E., was suiliciently recovered last Saturday to introduce a deputation headed by Mr G. W. Duller, Mayor of Carterton, to tho General Manager of liailways in connection with railway matters affecting the residents in the Carterton district. Among other things, the deputation urged the necessity for a verandah at the Cartertou llailway Station. Mr lionayue said the matter had been under consideration, aud it was found that the cost would be greater than had been expected, owing to it being necessary to raise the building in case of the verandah being added. He promised, however, to lay this aud other matters raised before the Minister.

An American paper says: " Tho amateur piano teacher nuisance is rather ripe at present in this country. Persons that are engaged the greater part of the day in their usual calling, for which they are more or less qualified, pass their evenings and spare hours away by instructing or mis-instructing the infantile mile in the rudiments of piano playing at reduced prices. The latest combination of professions is to he found I on an advertising hoard in a small town m one of tho northern counties. The legend runs thus:" Laundry work done here; shirts, 4d"each; collars,, etc.; piano lessons, (id each; apply within." The remains found' in the Manawatu Eiver have been fully identified as those of Mr J, I, Lawson, who was killed by falling off 'a railway carriage on the Pohangina railway bridge, on the 2nd July, 1896.

The text of tlie address given to Mr T. E, Prico, and referrnd to elsewhere, is as follows: To T. E. Pbice, Esq., J.P.On behalf of tlio Masterton Liberal Association, with which you have been actively identified since its inauguration, we desire to place on record our appreciation of tlio many aud valuable services you Imvo rendered in the Ejreat cause of political roform and industrial emancipation. During the. many years that you have, been a resident of this district you have been distinguished by an unwavering support of organisations and moyemonts designed to assist the struggling masses, In the battles that have been fought between human ijrecd and popular rights you lnvo inyariably and actively associated yourself with tlie people's champions, entirely disregarding porsohal consequencos or sacrifices in the vindication of the claims of humanity. As President of the Association you have displayed a fidelity, ability and j:cal worthy of emulation and which will not readily be forgotten by the members over whom you have presided. ■ We regrot your departure for another district, regarding it as a great loss to tlio community, but we hope tlie objeot that is inducing you to sever your connection with Masterton will be attained—that your amiable wife will enjoy improved healtli—and: that Mrs Price and -youvself will long -lire in the . possession of thoso great blessings,' which your - bcnclicieat labours 'aud aspirations deserye,

post office has been established; at Hultiinui, a setilemen t on the line eight miles north of Eketahuna, under the management oE Mr fcrodtschalk, store, keeper. .... \

It . has been decided sa;s the Wellington '(inie.l, that the petition regarding the Wellington suburbs election shall bo heard on February Bth, thatin reference to the Wellington election on February 11th, and that the Wairarapa petition shall bo heard immediately afterwards. | The presiding Judges will be Sir Pendergast (Chief Justice) and Judge , Conoily. It has been widely stated that Dr. Kansen received a payment of £IOOO for" his. telegram published in the Daily ■ Vhronkk, and that £.IOOO was paid for the article. The agreement under which Kanscn started set forth that in the event of his reaching a point within a teu-milo radius of the Pole he should be paid £IOOO for a telegram announcing the fact, and £4OOO for an article enlarging upon it. Failing his so nearly reaching his goal tlto coutributionß were to be sent, but the price was to be reduced by one-half. As Dr. iVausen did not get within ten miles of theiPole his fee for the article which appeared in the Chronicle was £2OOO, and his payment for the telegram was reduced in the same proportion. An eagle died at Vienna at the age of one hundred and three years. According to Bulfon, the life of the crow is one hundred and eight years, and no observation authorises ns to attribute to it, with Hcsiod, one thousand years. A paroquet, brought to Florence in 16C3 by the Princess Provere d'tlrbin, when she went there to espouse the Grand Duko Ferdinand, was then at twenty years old, nnd lived nearly one I huudrcd years more. A naturalist* whoso testimony cannot be doubted, Willoughby, had'certain proof that a goose lived a century; and Buffon did not hesitalo to conclude that the swan's life is longer yet; some authors give it two and even three centuries. Mallerton possessed the skeleton of a swaii that lived three hundred and soyen years.

The loading hospitals in England and th« Continont are enormous consumers of tigs, it bsing generally conceded by the principal lights of Iho medical profession that moro benefit is derived from a fig aperient than anything else. Woods' Vig Laxative is a fruit aperient of the greatest excellence, it has been proved in the most obatiunte cases of liver troubles and constipation, very suit ible lor both sexes and children, Is Cd and 2s (id.—i«VT. Five cases ot new summer dress materials arrived at the Bon Marcli6 this morning. These goods are ot the latcrt and newest fashions and designs, having only arrived iu the colony on Monday. Messrs Hooper and Co. have also opened another consignment of millinery, blouses, parasols, gentlemen's mercery, shirts, hats, 010. As a special inducement for cash the (inn aro giving ten percent, on prompt dash purchases.-AmT Mr J. Elliott, saddler, etc., announces , that he Ins now removed into his nowg premises, old Theatre ltoyal site, oppssitf Empire Hotel. The new premises ar!Q exceptionally conmwoious, in fact it is claimed that Mr Elliott's is the largest saddlery warehouse in New Zealand outside the four cities. Having secured the premises on exceptionally favorable terms and the method of building having reduced insurance and other charges to a minimum, Mr Elliott claims that i hese advantages enable him to give more favorable terms to customers than he had been able to give hitherto,— Advt. The Wellington Woollen Manufacturing Company, Limited, l'ctone and Wellington, The Manufactures of this Company aro sold by all leading drapers and clothiers. " Superior goods at moderute prices," Cricketing, Tennis, Cycling and Walking Suits, Boating Sweaters' " First-class quality " Flannels, Blankets, Tweeds, Bugs, Men's, Youths', and Boys' Clothing. 'Wellington Woollen Manufacturing Company, Limited. Trade Mark, " l'dono."—Anvx.

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Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5536, 18 January 1897, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5536, 18 January 1897, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5536, 18 January 1897, Page 2