West Coast Times. THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1884.
There are now three candidates announced who are seeking tbe soffrages of the Hokitika electorate, Mr James Clarke having decided to come forward. Mr Clarke has started for Okarito, at which place he will probably have arrived by the time these words meet the eyes of our readers. Mr Clarke is, we understand, a decided opponent of the present Ministry, but declines to pledge himself, if returned, to follow any particular leader, Sir George Grey, Sir Julius Yogel, or Mr Montgomery. He is, however, pledged to oppose the present Government, and in this respect he is at one with the large majority of the electors. It is of no use blinking the fact that the Atkinson Ministry, which has received an unwavering support from our late member, Mr FitzGerald, is in bad odour in this district. It is also unnecessary to recapitulate the Westland indictment against them. It is sufficient to say that miners and the mining industry have obtained no sympathy from the Ministry which Mr FitzGerald has supported and thus it is obvious that our sympathies and Mr FilzGerald's are directly opposed. Mr Clarke appeals to tbe electors as a prominent local man, and as one who has the courage of his opinions. He will not pretend that which he is not, and if returned, it may be safely predicted that he is not one to "go back "on his word or his pledges. It is evident that it is not bad by any means for a constituency like this to have a wide choice given them. We have always held, and hold now, that unless we get a non-resident gentleman of colonial fame to represent us, it is unwise to go ontside of the local candidates. Now, it cannot be contended, even by Mr FitzGerald's wildest supporter, that he is a man of colonial reputation. If he is anything at all he is a Wellington man. Under such circumstances we do not think that tbe constituency will pass over Messrs Clarke and Bevan for Mr FitzGerald. The two former are identified with this district. They must gain by its material progress, while to Mr FitzGerald it does not matter one pin what occurs in Westland so long as the Atkinson Ministry is in power and their policy which ia destroying the best interest*} of New Zealand is allowed to continue. We have attempted to show in previous articles that the Ministry are no friends to the miner. We merely ask how they have shown their friendship. Mining has not been supported. The miner has simply been taxed. If he asked for roads or railways, he has been treated by Major Atkinßou ac Oliver Twist was treated when be asked for more gruel. He has been told that the present depression is owing to mining swindles ; he has been called a nomad, a man who should be got rid of shortly, and this by. tbe Premier who bas been supported through thick and thin by our late representative. These are facts which cannot) be controverted, and they are facts which would render Mr FitzGerald's return as the representative of this district a direful calamity.
West Coast Times. THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1884.
West Coast Times, Issue 4658, 3 July 1884, Page 2
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