Auctions. pQLLOCK ANI) BEVAN (Successors to M. Cassius), AUCTIONEERS, BHAftEB£OKERB &c, Wharf-street. Agents for New Zealand Insurance Co. Agents for Australian Mutual provident Society Agents for New Zealand Accident Insurance Co. For insuring against accidents of all kinds. • v THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, At il o'clock. Ex Zephyr from Dupedin. POLLOCK AND BEVAN will sell on the Wharf, as above— 50 tons Provincial Flour 5 do Oatmeal 100 sacks Pollard 250 do Wheat SCO do Oats. TJV A. L E A R MON T H * • ■• AUCTIONEER, Vaiuatob, Shaeebhokbr, Commission Agent, and' Licensed Land Beokek, WHARF STREET, HQJJITIKA. Agent for South British Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Standard Fire and Marine Insurance Company^ Cdmmisssipner of Native Reserves, and jfubjic Trustee. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, At 12 o'clock. FA. L EAR MONTH • will sell at the Mart under instructions from Mr P. Minahan, without the SLIGHTEST BESEBVE— '■ One draght Horse— Punch, Terms Cash. THE Undersigned has Consignments of tbe following lines ON SALE in The Mart, Wharf Street, viz :— Flour, Victbrian, &c. Oatmeal Oats Wheat Bran Stiarps Chaff, Eastwood's and local Butter '"■-■■ Onions Apples Jams F: A. LEARMONTH, Auctioneer. MARK SPRQT AND CO. AUCTIONEERS AND , CATTLE SALESMEN AEAfiUBA/ MONDAY, DECEMBER 27. MARK SPROT & CO. will sell, by Public Auction at their yards— ARAHURA— 9A HEAD FAT CATTLE, O\J all grand quality heavy|Bullocks, being the tops of the last draft from Mr M'Farlane's, For Mr John Ferguson. K(\ HEAD FAT CATTLE, O\J comprising 35 Bullocks and 15 Heifers, all of excellent quality, ripe and quiet, For Mr S. Garforth. Afifi PRIIE CROSS-BRED *Vl7 WETHERS, heavy weights" and of rare quality, 0A F A T L A M B S, For Messrs Elder Bros. K(\ PRIME CROSS-BRED OV WETHERS, gQ F A T L A M B S, FAT CALVES, For M*eßsrs Diedrichs & Karnbach. Sale at 1 p.m. Notices. HOKITIKA REGATTA. A SPECIAL MEETING of the -^- GENERAL COMMITTEE will be held at the PIONEER HOTEL, on THURSDAY EVENING, the 22nd inst., at 8 o'clock. Business—lmportant. G. P. H. GALLOP, Hon. Secretary, BOROUGH OF HOKITIKA. EXTRAORDINARY VACANCY. •j^OTICE is Hereby Given that, in -^ pursuance of the provisions of the "Municipal Corporations Act, 1876, and Amendment Acts," the ANNUAL ELECTION of MAYOR for the Boroush of Hokitika will be held at the Town Hall on MONDAY, the 10th day of January, 1881. Candidates must be nominated in writing, signed by two electors and the candidate, and such writing, together with a deposit of £10, in pursuance of Section 52 of the above Act, must be delivered at the Towa Hall on or before NOON of THURSDAY, the 30fch day of December instant. A. F. F. ETHERIDGE, Acting for the Returning Officer. Town Hall, Hokitika, Decemher 21, 1880. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! J O H n"~C ROSS "OESPECTFULLY informs the Public JLI; of Westland that he has RE-COMMENCED BUSINESS AS A CABINET MANUFACTURER In the Premises adjoining his Hotel, WELD STREET, HOKITIKA, And has On Sale— A Telescope Dining Table, a Loo Table, Several Chests of Drawers, &c, &c. i Every Abticle Wabbawted Pebfect. N.B.— Prices to Suit the Times. TERMS CASH.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
West Coast Times, Issue 3656, 22 December 1880, Page 3
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