County Council Gazette. COUNTY OF WESTLAND, County Chairman's Office, Hokitika, January 16, 1878. rTIAKE notice the VALUATION LISTS JL frr the Arahura, Kanieri, Okarito, and Totara Districts of the County of Westland for the year 1878-9. are now open fo* inspection, respectively at The Warden's Office, Goldsborough >» ,3 >, Kanieri i „ „ Okarito >» „ „ Eo»s. And at the office of the County Council, Sewell-street, Hokitika. All objections thereto must be left at the Apsessment Courts, as follows : — Arahura district — Assessment Court, Goldsborough Kanieri district — Assessment Court, Kanieri Okarito district — Assessment Court, Okarito Totara district — Asqe^w'-t Oourt, Ross On or before the 15th I-'K-BRUARY addressed to the Assessment Court, and a copy,of every such objection mast be left at the office of the County Council, Hokitika, not less than seven days before the next sitting of the said Court. H. RICHARDSON RAE, Clerk to the County Council of Westland. Gazette in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP WESTLAND, HOLDEN AT HOKITIKA. In the matter of " The Debtors and Creditors Act, 1876," and of the Bankruptcy of (JERUD GEORGE FITZGKRALD, of Hokitika, in the County of Westland, in the Colony of New Zealand, Gentleman. TVTOTICE io hereby given that Gerard _Ll Geoige FitzGerald, of Hokitik*, in the County of Westland, in the Colony of New Zealnnd, Gentleuan, has this dj^ , filed ast em-nt that he i- unable to me"t his engagements with hi- creditors, and that ibe first raee^ng ot erech'ors will be held at the Supreme Court House, Hoki • tika, on THURSDAY, the twenty-first day of February 1878, at clever o'clock i in the forenoon. Dated this 15th day of Februa.y, 18; 8. W. MORTON PURKIbS, Solicitor for the Debtor. 1 Notices. £20,000 - L E N D - ■ i The undersigned is prepared to advance * on Mortgage on Freehold Properties and improved Agricultural Leases, in sums of not less than £200. Rates of Interest, &c, can be ascertained on application. RICH. REEVES and CO., Afeaura and Reef ton. October 11 1877. IMPORTANT TO TOURISTS. NOW READY 1 riIHE SOUTHERN GUIDE ! ■*- TO THE HOT LAKE DISTRICT OF THE I NORTH ISLAND OF NEW I ZEALAND, BY J. CHANTEEY HARRIS. Under the auspices of the Union Steam Company of New Zealand (Limited). l ■■— — ■ Auckland ... Edward Wayte, Queen-street Wellington... Lyon & Blair, Lambton Quay Cbristchurch ... Whitcombe & Temperton . Dunedi- ... H. Wise & Co. Sold by all the principal Booksellers of the Colonies. Price, Is. MARK SPROT AND CO STOCK AGENTS, 1 AND 1 AUCTIONEEE c Revell-street, Hokitika. ' Shipments and Consignments of every description of Stt ck and Produce advanced upon, and Sales undertaken at ordinary rates. Storage of the best des^ : ption, and Tards, Pens, and every requ'-.-ement for the » Sale of HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, PIGS &c. Under cover, if required. ' "rpUROPEA-N INDENTS. A London JQi Firm (English) of good standing and , long experience in the Australian trade, '» wishing to ext-ud the Indent branch of its business, is willing to execute DIRECT ORDERS from the Colonies on moderate terms, and with the utmost care and promptitude. SHIPMENT and INSURANCE of the Goods will be most carefully attended to. Commission, 2£ per cent. Orders can only be received (in the first h instance) through one of the New Zealasd Backs ; and" must be accompanied either by Bank Remittance," or Bank Credit (to draw for full Invoice amount, without recourse), available against delivery of usual I Shipping Documents. All Manufacturer's Discounts allowed and the original Invoices sent, i t desired. Apply (through Bankers ouly) to Messrs s > James J. B. Black and Co., Public Accountants, 36, King William Street, London, E.C., who will give all necessary , t information iv regard to their clients. m , NOTICE THE West Coast Times will be delivered daily, and the Leai>eb every t ' g THURSDAY, to Subscriber a the Kumaia Rush, at Town Prices. ROBERT WRIGHT, Agent.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 7
West Coast Times, Issue 2770, 16 February 1878, Page 1
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