Government Notifications. PROVINCIAL GAZETTE. mHE 'west ooas;t times -*- HAS BBEK APPOINTED BY HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR The Newspaper in which all Public Notifi * cations which have hitherto appeared in the WESTLAND PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Shall henceforth be published. Notice. — The Provincial Government Gazette will no longer be issued. IN pursuance of "The Regulation of Elections Act, 1870," I, GERARD GEORGE FITZGERALD, Returning Officer, for the Electoral District of Totara, do hereby give notice that by virtue of a Writ, bearing date the twentyninth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, under the Seal of the Clerk of the Writs, an ELECTION will be held for the RETURN of ONE qualified person to serve as a Member of the House of Representatives for the Electoral District, and that the ; NOMINATION of, Candidates will take ; place at the Resident Magistrate's Courthouse, Ross, at Noon, on MONDAY, the sixteenth day of April, 1877, and that the POLL (if necessary) will be taken on r MONDAY, the thirtieth day of April, ( 1877. G. G. FITZGERALD, Beturning Officer. The following are the Polling Places for the Electoral District of lotafa :— The Resident Magistrate's Court1 house, Ross. Stall's store, Woodstock. Ryan's store, Donogbue's. s Clacher's store, Bowen. s Daddo'a Hut, M'Kenzie's Creek. s The Resident Magistrate's Court1 house, Okarito. 8 House near Adanmon's Hotel, Saltwater. Booth near Mathieaon's store, Gilletpies. Booth near Canavan's store, Five Mile Beach. Eemper'a House, Hunt's Beach. The store at Forks of Okarito River. The Government store, Arawata Township. Principal Polling Place for Totara t Electoral District, Resident Magistrate's Court-house, Ross. I G. G. FITZGERALD, Returning Officer. h Public Works Office, h Hokitika, March 28, 1877. TPENDERS will be received at this I office up to NOON on WEDNESDAY, 18th April, 1877, for WARDEN'S RESIDENCE at KUMARA, including ' clearing, fencing, and occupation road. Plans and Specifications may be seen at this office, and at the Court House, Kumara. Tenders must be addressed to the Hon. the Minister for Ihablic Works, and labelled outside, " Tender for Warden's Residence, &c, Kumara." ~ Telegraphic tenders similarly addressed and marked will be received up to noon on same day, provided written tenders in dae f form are lodged st a General Government _ Public Woiks Office by the same honr. 1 The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. By order, C. Y. O'CONNOR, District Engineer. t 8 '\ ■ =S 3 Gazette in Bankruptcy. t , . r— IN BANKRUPTCY. "VTOTICE.--The West Coast Times J3| is duly appointed GAZETTE for all notices under the Debtors and Creditors Act. S » IN BANKRUPTCY. I- In the matter of " The Debtors and • Creditors Act, 1876," and of the bankruptcy of WILLIAM m SHAW, of Kumara, Hotelkeeper, a Debtor. a "VTOTICEiB hereby given that a general _ x\ meeting of creditors in the estate of the said William Shaw will be held at the Supreme Court House, Hokitika, on TUESDAY, the seventeenth day of April, instant, at 2.30 p.m., for the purpose of closing the proceedings in the above111 mentioned bankruptcy, r a Dated tbis thirteenth day of April, 1 877. L L HENRY CORNFOOT, * Trustee. Button anj> Reid, al Solicitors. IN BANKRUPTCY. t In the matter of "The Debtors and _ Creditors Act, ,1876," and of the bankruptcy of WILLIAM SHAW,. of Kumara, hotelkeeper, N • a Debtor. "VTOTICE is hereby given that under the JLA provisions of the above- mentioned Act, I Save this diy filed with tbe Clerk of ara the District Court, at Hokitika, a Report, k af < Balance Sheet, and Statement in the riu matter of the snid bankruptcy. ,-.„ Dated at Hukitika this 13th day of ' g a ! April, 1877. ' .J HENRY CORNFOOT, j.g_ Trustee. ter . Buttoh amd Reid, Solicitorp. ' CIRCULARS, Cards, and Printina of V^ every description, done at r . . The West Coast Times Office.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 7
West Coast Times, Issue 2509, 16 April 1877, Page 1
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