Government Notification*. IT is notified for public information that until further notice His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint the West Coast Times as die Gazette in which public notifications for the Provincial District of Westland will be published. ]0* All Notifications which appear in this Gazette with any official signature thereunto annexed are to be considered as Official Communications made to those persona to whom they may relate, and are to be obeyed accordingly. JAS. A. BONAK. Executive officer for the Provincial District of Westland. Government Offices, Hokitika, November 14,1876. Government Buildings, Hokitika, 23rd December, 1876. THE Government Offices, will b» CLOSED on TUESDAY, tfrt «th, and on MONDAY, the Ist January, JAS. A. BONAR, Executive Officer for tha Provincial District of W«U»4. Government Buildings. "i Hokitika, 22nd December, 1t76. fTVEND RS are hereby invited fat »■■ X ERECTION of WARDIN" BESIDENCE and OUT-BUILDINGS m Kumara. Plans And specifications may be wtn at the Provincial Engineer's Office, Hokitisa. and at the Police Quarters, Kumara. Written tenders, labelled on outside "Tender for Warden's JUesidenc*, &c, Kumara," to be forwarded to the Government Buildings, Hokitika, od or before 4 o'clock in the afternoon of FRIDAY, the 29th day of December, 1876. JAS. A. BONAR, Executive Officer for the Provincial District of Westlaod. TJIDING OPKABISiJ Return of Poll: H.L.Robinson 150 F. Dale 149 J. S. Lang... ... ... 148 A. P. F. BTHERIDGB, . Returning Officer. COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION. BIDING OF HOHONU.— COUNTY GREY. I JAMES M'ENNIS, Returning • Officer for the above named Riding, hereby notify that at the Election of Om Councillor for said Riding for County Council, held on Friday, the 22nd day of December, 1876, PATBICK FOLEY has been duly elected by a majority of votes. J. M'ENNIS, Returning Officer for Riding of Hohonu. Greeastone, December 23, 1876. COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION. OKARITO RIDING. I FRANK BIRD, Returning Officer • for the Riding of Okarito, in the County of Westland, hereby give notice that at the Nomination of Candidates f»r a teat in the County Council of Weitltnd, held this day, only One Candidate, James Coles, was nominated. I therefore declare the said MR JAMES COLES duly elected as Member of the County Council of Westland for the Riding ot Okarito. FRANK BIRD, Returning Officer. Okarito, 14th December, 1876. Public Works Office, (Colonial Architect's Branch,) Wellington, December 4, 1876. rpENDERS are invited for the Brectio* X of a Post and Telegraph Office a., Kumarn. General Conditions, Specifications, ana Drawings may be seen at the Offices o the Colonial Architect, Wellington ; tl District Engineers' Offices Hokitika au Greymouth ; and the Post Office, Kumar Tenders addressed to the Hon. tl Minister for Public Works, and mark* outside " Tenders for Post and Telegraj Office, Kumara," will be received at tl office of the undersigned up to noon THURSDAY, the 28th day of Deceit . 1876. Telegraphic Tenders will be rtcdved, provided the original Tender and epubit are lodged wi'h the nearest District Ku gineer at the time above specified. The lowest or any Tender not neces sarily accepted. W. H. CLAYTON, Colonial Architect. BRICKS! BRINKS!! TjlOR SALE at Stanton's Brick Fields, -*- Greenstone Road, near Loop-line, the best Bricks on the Coast. Price— £4 per 1000 on the ground. FOR SALE, ONE FOURTH SHARE in two claims worked together, with Races, Dana, | Tools, &c, on account of ill-health. Terms easy. For particulars apply to JOHN A. JEANES, Pretty Woman's Gully, Stafford.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 7
West Coast Times, Issue 2416, 26 December 1876, Page 1
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