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The nomination of candidates, to represent the Arahura district in the Provincial Council, took place at noon yesterday. The folio wing candidates were proposed: — Messrs Houlahan, Barff, Byrne, Seddon, Hall, and Hannan. The show of hands was declared to be in favor of Messrs Houlahan and Barff. The several candidates addressed the electors, and a vote of thanks to the Returning Officer terminated' the proceedings. At Kanieri no less than eleven gentlemen were nominated, viz.:— Messrs T. Learmont, F. Dale, H. Brown, E. Robinson, A. M'Kinnon, S. Mitchell, P. Connelly, J. Dick, W. H. W. Dalrymple, and — Stanton. .
We are glad to know that in the New Zealand Gazette it is notified that his Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr Justin Aylmer, J.P., late of Ross, to be Resident Magistrate for the district of Alcaroa. His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to accept the resignation of Mr Walter Hippolyte Pilliet, J.1 J ., of his appointment as aßesident Magistrate. It is further notified that Mr Justin Aylmer has been appointed Registration and Returning Officej for the electoral district of Akaroa, for the election of members of the House of Representatives, vice Mr W. H. Pilliet, resigned. '
The Bank of New Zealand is complimented by a Wellington paper for introducing a number . of new pennies . into Wellington.
Bread is now being delivered within a radius of five miles' of Palmerston at sixteen the 41b loaf.
The building for the accomodation. of the female electricians shortly tp be attached to the staff of the telegraph office at Wellington is fast approaching completion, and the army of feminine cadets who have already offered their services will shortly be wiring into the rudiments of their new profession.
Thrre was no business transacted at the Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday.
"A meeting of the Wast Lands Board will be held at noon to-day. . '
It iB Notified by, advertisement ,that Mr Se'ddon, a candidate for the. Provincial Counoilj-wili address the electors of Fox'a (Waimea), at the Golden Age Hotel this evening, and at the ' Literary Institute, Callaghan's, to-morrow evening.
wapagood attendance at the Ext hibition throughout yesterday, and also at the concert in.the evening. . .W^e understand that on Wednesday .evening th;e Eoss Band will give their valuable services, and several lady and gentlemen amateurs who nave never yet appeared before a Hokitika public, have also promisedto appear.' ' We call attention' to 'the.fejjt that the Protection of ; Germain Act,-1873,,repeAls the Acts of 1867 ana. 1872." Acclimatisation Societies may register their rules and deposit them inthe office of :t,h& each Province. The property in animals turned out is to vest in the society. vyPower is giyen to' the Supftrintenaentto name particular animals Whichahailfe |prßte^ed%ytl/e : Apt, and he may al'sO^pe'clf^^^Sfmklß which ttap-. vmlobs pf %c Act. time ,wheri ii r 4t--stjaU
■be lawful to kill any game must be proclaimed in the Government Gazette of the Province. Imported birds not being game may not be killed within particular parts of the Province. Birds or game may not be trapped. The penalty for " taking or killing •£ame wiitibut a He'ence" is £20. The penalty tor exposing for sale or selling a dead hen pheasant is £20. The Superintendent may except districts over which the licence shall not extend-. The penalty for destroying the eggs of game birds is £6, but game kept in confinement or domesticated my be killed hy their, owners. The Superintendent may cause to be destroyed male birds in certain instances, as when they are likely to become injurious to the owners' of property. Trespassing in pursuit of game is visited with a penalty of £20. No vulture, hawk, fox, or venomoug reptile shall be introduced into the Colony. Persons # offending against this clause are liable to a penalty of £100, or six months' imprisonment. The appointment of rangers is with the Superintendent of Provineos. The penalties are recoverable by summary process before Justices of the Peace oi- Resident Magistrates. .
Apropos of the recent disfranchisement of the mining population of Westland, we may remark that the miners of a town in the North of England have made between 2000 and 3000 claims to be put on the register, and the revising barrister is said to have admitted them all with the exception of about 73, to the great satisfaction "of the miners^ who hope to carry a special representative of the mining interest by the help of these votes. They have fixed, it is said, on Mr Thomas Burt, whom they intend to nominate at the next election, and whom they think they c;n carry. A few such special members for working class constituencies would be very useful in the House of Commons, but it would be a misfortune if that kind of representation went too far— as it is quite conceivable it might do under household suffrage— till we had a hundred or upwerds of mem'uers of the House of Commons who tf ere rather the delegates of Trade Unions than members of an Imperial Parliament.
Christmas (says the Lyell Argus) was heralded in with welcome news for the residents of that sub-district of the Inangahua. 1125 ounces of retorted gold was obtained from 152 tyns of Break o'Day stone, and 1383 ounces from 308 tons from the Maruia Claim. The rate per ton may therefore be quotod as 4ozs 12dwts. The result is the more satisfactory as the 300 tons of stone crushed, included 50 tons of poor quartz taken from the prospecting tunnel. The legal manager has • kindly supplied the following information :— Since December 16th, 1872, there has been expended on the claim the sum of £2230. which is at the rate 6f £159, per full (14th share). The dividend will be about £379. The company will have 250 tons ready for the mill in about five w^eks, and the result will it is thought be much better. The operations of the party have been conducted with ability. Although/ the company has not yet been registered under the Act, great credit is due to those wno have had control for the success that has been achieved. A share was recently sold for £650, Mr Wilson, of Charleston, becoming the purchaser, exclusive of !"'the ; jdlviden'a amounting to about £370 i which : vwould thiß:brmg the value of the littterest to a little hv\r £1000,
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West Coast Times, Issue 2586, 6 January 1874, Page 2
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1,060West Coast Times. AND WESTLAND OBSERVER. TUESDAY 'JANUARY 6, 1874. West Coast Times, Issue 2586, 6 January 1874, Page 2
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West Coast Times. AND WESTLAND OBSERVER. TUESDAY 'JANUARY 6, 1874. West Coast Times, Issue 2586, 6 January 1874, Page 2
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