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• An adjourned meeting of the Borough Council was held at noon yesterday to receive the resignation of the Mayor, and to elect his successor. Cr J. 13. Clarke was voted to the chair. The minuic3 of the previous meeting baring bgeu read ajid confirmed, tho letter of resignation of office from the Mayor was read. On the motion of Cr Hawkins, seconded by Cr Todd, "the resignation was accepted. Cr Todd moved — " That a cordial vote of thanks be tendered to the late Mayor for the very effective and impartial manner in which he discharged |he duties of his office." Cr Jack seconded the motion. Crs Jack, Hawkins, and Tait supported the motion. Cr Barrett did not wish to oppose the motion, but he could not refrain from adverting to the ungentlemanly attack m, upon him by the Mayor a,t the la.«t meeting. The Chairman trusted that in the absence of Air Higgin, all reference to the matter would be avoided. The motion was put, and passed without dissent. Cr Hawkins moved — " That the Coimc^l adjourn until the evening, p,t half-past seven, fyr tho ejection or Mayor to the Corporation. The motion was carried on the voices. EVENING SITTING. , The Council met at half-past seven,, when Cr Macfarlaqe wqs y«ted to the eh.air, : Cr Todd moved, and Cr F. L. Clarke 1 seconded,— "That Cr J. B. Clarke be 1 elected Mayor for the unexpired term of i Mayoralty." ! Cr Barrett moved and Cr Tait seconded , the election of Cr Mac far lane to the office. 1 Cr Macfarlane said that for reasons which were sufficient to himself h e niust > positively decline to stared, ag a caudj'iate . for the, office, He should therefore wish ; that Or Barrett would ask leave to with- ' draw his motion. Cr Barrett would in deference to the wish of Cr Macfarlane withd p a\v his motion 1 but he considered the present mode of eleci tion a grievance, and would take an early i opportunity of- moving that in the opinion , of the Council, the ftlayor should be elec- ! ted by the people. . The Chaiiman said that the Council '. could do nqthing in th,e ¥ matter, the Legislature alone could alter the present mode 1 of election. It was the ratepayers' fault • only if the person selected as Mayor was 1 not the one they would desire, as they i should only return such persons as mem- . bers of the Council as were each fit to occupy the position of Mayor; Cr Hawkins prqpqsed, th,at Or Tait shquld b.e elected Mayor. x Cr Tait declined the honor. Cr Barrett moved, and Cr Tait seconded — " That Cr Hawkins be elected Mayor. Cr Tait moved, an.d Cr Hawkins seconded — '« That Cr Todd be 'elected Mayor," Or Tadd depltned to acoept the honor proposed to be conferred upon him. Cr P. li. Clarke proposed the election of Cr Jack, but he also declined to become a candidate. Cr Tait moved—" That the names of the several Councillors who may be nominated for the office of Mayor be submitted to the burgesses, and that tbey be invited to record their- votes on behalf of the candidate who they desire to see Mayor, and that this Council hereby agree to ratify their choice." Cr Barrett seconded the motion. ' The Chairman said that the motion was in contravention of the Municipal Ao,t and independently Qf tb,at b,e did not think it wqujd' answer any good purpose. The idea had been acted upon in Otago and also by the French Emperor, but the result was not what might be considered a success. It was very doubtful whether, if the matter, were delegated to the ratepayers, many of them would be got to vote, Cr Hawkins said that he was aware that the course proposed -was not io accordance with the Act, but it was the only way he could see of getting out of a worse difficulty. The motion was put and negatived, the votes being three in its favor and four against it. Cr Hawkins moved the postponement of the election until the return of Jfr Alcorn from Melbourne. Cr T-ait seconded the motion pro forma, and after a brief discussion it was withdrawn. The motions for the election of Cr J. B. Clarke or Cr G . F. Hawkins were put respectively resulting in the election of Cr J. B, Clarke by five votes to three,
The newly elected M»yor 4 haVito been inducted into the chair, briefly ,' returned thanks for the honor that had been cc& ferred upon him; , The Council adjourned until Friday evening next, at half-past seven.
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West Coast Times, Issue 1864, 20 September 1871, Page 2
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771BOROUGH COUNCIL. West Coast Times, Issue 1864, 20 September 1871, Page 2
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BOROUGH COUNCIL. West Coast Times, Issue 1864, 20 September 1871, Page 2
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