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Yesterday at noon, a meeting of the Borough Council in accordance with the Act, was held for the purpose of electing the Mayor for the ensuing municipal year. The whole ot the Councillors were present, with the exception of Cr Jack, who has leave of absence, and is away from Hokitika. The first business done was the formal information, on the part of the Mayor and Town Clerk, that Mr Tait had been duly elected a Councillor, and that gentleman took his seat. The retiring Mayor, S. -Boj'le, Esq., than rose, and thanked the Councillors present for the support he had received from them whilst presiding over them, and lie further thanked the officers of the Corporation, Mr Lazar, the Town Clerk, more esp cially, for the able and energetic manner in which they had, during his term of office, carried out hi* instructions. After a slight pause, Cr Cosgrave got np and said it would be in the remembrance of the Council that when Cr Boyle was elected Mayor for the term to serve, Cr Macfarlane, who proposed him, expressed himself in effect that if he (Mr Boyle) behaved himself (laughter), they ought to re-elect him on the expiry of office. Every one knew that Mr Boyle had not lost their confidence, and he (the speaker) did not see why they should not elect him again. lie thought that the present Mayor had filled the position most impartially, and should he be again elected, wculd no doubt discharge the duties for the succeeding year as satisfactorily as he had done during his term of probation. He then referred to the question of salary or bonus to the Mayor, and decidedly opposed any grant of the kind. He considered that if the aspirant to the office of Mayor was not in a position to fulfil the obligations consequent on it he should let it alone, and that the Mayor should not be insulted by being offered a bonus or salary, or whatever it might be termed. Under any circumstances, the Corporation were not iv a position to be generous in this respect, as their iucome was very limited ; and he thought they would be stultifying themselvesL i£ they ofiered any bonus whatever. With those remarks, be had great pleasure in proposing Councillor Samuel Boyle as Mayor of Hokitika for the ensuing year. Cr. Macfarlane had much pleabure iv seconding the nomination, being per.--fcctly satisfied with the Mayor's and the manner iv which he • had. presided over the Council. He did not, however, exactly agree with the remarks of Cr. Cosgrave in reference to reimbursing the Mayor for outlay aud responsibilities that he might have to undertake. If the town wore in a better position in financial matters, he would be in" favor of allowing the Mayor a certain sum of money, to be expended by him in the discharge of his duties, or in meeting claims th.afc, in couseauencQ of his pa«iticp, ffl'gto be mse oh Ym Tm& tsfttw* wW it amor!! k mm mMmlim>
In old-established towns, this was customary. He had much pleasure in seconding the proposition. After some conversation on the subject, there being no other candidate proposed, the Town Cierk put the motion to the meeting, and Mr Boyle was elected unanimously. The Mayor, in returning thanks acknowledged the honor that the Council had paidhim by a unanimous vote, and expressed his pleasure that during bis two months' term of office he had given satisfaction to the councillors present. lie trusted that the same good feeling that had existed since they first honored him with their confidence would be maintained during his term of office. At one time, the municipal horizon was greatly clouded and storms were threatened ; but he was glad to say that these had now passed away, as he heped, to return no more. He again referred to the pleasure be felt at being honored by election, and promised that he would do all in his power to justify the confidence that had been reposed in him by doing his duty conscientiously and uprightly. Cr Clarke congratulated the Mayor on his re-election, and trusted that he might long enjoy the privileges of the office that he had so honorably attained. He thought that all would pull together with the view of bringing the municipal vesssl into deep water, and was sure that every councillor .would, to the utmost of his power, assist the newly-elected Mayor. He remarked, in conclusion, that he took a different view of the matter of bonus to the Mayor to what had been expressed by other speakers, but as the subject was not then before the Council, he did not consider it necessary to refer to it further.
The Council on the motion of Cr Hk'gin, seconded by Cr White, adjourned till Friday evening next
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West Coast Times, Issue 1321, 16 December 1869, Page 2
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809ELECTION OF MAYOR. West Coast Times, Issue 1321, 16 December 1869, Page 2
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ELECTION OF MAYOR. West Coast Times, Issue 1321, 16 December 1869, Page 2
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