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Friday, October 15. The members of the Borough Council met last evening in the new Town Hall. There were present: — His Worship the Mayor (C. K. Button, Esq.), who presided, Crs Clarke, Cosgrave, Jack, Bojle, Higgin, Macfarlane, White and Hawkins. The Town Clerk, Mr J. Lazar read the minutes of the last meeting, which were confirmed. Copies of all correspondence issued since that meeting were also read. THE NEW TOWN HALL. The Mayor said that he felt great pleasure in meeting the Councillors in the new Hall. He trusted that it would be felt that the motives of each and all the Councillors were the same, that all had the good of the town at heart though there might be a great diversity of opinion as to how tbat was to be carried out. He trusted, therefore, that in the new hall that tho knowledge of what the motives of each Councillor were would lead to there being forbearance in debates. He hoped that they would feel the influence of the building, which was a noble and suitable one. In the old barn, barn-like feelings were perhaps somewhat excuseable, but he hoped that in the future the influence of the building would be felt, and the proceedin sof the Council be conducted calmly. He trusted that the support accorded to the chair whilst he had been its occupant would bw given to his mccwor.
CORRESPONDENCE. 1 The County Chairman wrote, stating 1 that the amount due to the Korougli on t account of land sales wns £68 2s. The letter was received In another letter, which was similarly dealt with, Mr Uoos stated that the Treasurer would shortly pay the amount due upon the Kiver Protection Works. The Counvy Chairman aNo wrote, calling the a tcntion of the Council to the dangerous state of the up>er portion of ihe wharf. The letter was referred to the Public Works Committee. A letter was received from Mr Rowland 1 Davis, Inspector of Weights and Measures, having reference to the^Dangerous Goods Act. * * « Mr Virtue wrote, 'asking for the use of the new Town Hall for two hours every Sunday, for the purpose of preaching the Gospel. lie expressed himself willing to pay a rental. Cr Clarke said he had spoken^to Mr Virture upon the matter, and the latter had expressed himself willing to pay £30 for lighting and use of the rocm for three month •". Cr Boyle moved that the letter bo received, and th it the use of the Hall be granted to Mr Virtue free of charge. Mr Clarke seconded the motion pro forma. Cr Cosgrave opposed it. lie ilid not think that the Hall should be turned into a preaching house. .Cr .Higgin m.oved — " That the matter shonld he considered in committee that ev< ning " The Mayor suggested that it should be so considered at the next meeting, and Cr 'liggfin nssented. Cr White^ i>ot understanding the alte>ation, seconded the amendment. He had a very strong opinio > on the matter, which was thftt the new Town Hall was not the place for any one person to be allowed to propagate any one particular view. Upon finding that the amen !ment was for the considcation of tlie matter at the next meeting, < r White withdrew his support from it. It was hen seconded by Cr Hawkins, and carried. Cr Whi'e moved, as a further amendment — " That the letter be considered ouly that day six months." He did not think it wai for the Council, supposed to lea<f public opinion, and to deal equally and fairly with all, to adopt and foster Mr Virtue-, or any o te's pasicukr views. Ile said this without the slightest feeling of disrespect to Mr Virtue, whose earnestness and siiceii y he admitted. Cr Cosgrave seconded the amendment. He thought hat it tbe use of the Hall was granted t-> Mr Virtue, it also o girt to be granted to his minister. Father Martin. The Mayor could not support the amendment, but lie thought that if there was no other suitable place, all denominations should have the use of 'he building in tv in, but that one should not be favored. Cr Higgins did not express an opinibn U'ion tbe point either way; but he thought that when a gentleman like Mr Virtue, who gave his time for the benefit of the community, addressed the Council, his letter deserved some consideration, and he would be very sorry to see a slight such as would be inferred by the amendment passed upon it. The Mayor concurred with Cr Higgin, and the amendment was negatived. The substan'ive motion was then put and carried. A letter was received, and referred to the Public Works Committee, from Mr Cassius, renewing his application tor a removal of tbe elevated tank in Hampdenstreet. A letter was received from Mr Wagner, having reference to a house- erected on the beach which had been deemed an obstruction. It was referred to the Public Works Committee for enquiry. The Inspector wrote, calling attention to the state of the- footpath opposite the site of the late fire. He recommended that the holders of unoccupud sections be compelled to fence them. After discussion it was resolved to give notice to the parties to fence in their sections', or it would be done at their expense by the Corporation. THE BBIGADE WATCHMAN. The Town Clerk stated that he had received an account for the salary of the \W<.'hman of the Fire Brigade. • There was a discus-ion with reference to the appointment, and the matter was referred to the Finance Committee. RESIGNATION OF THE MAYOR. A letter, fiom C. E. Button, Esq., was read, tendering his resignation of the office of Mayor, as he was about to leave the Coast. Cr Boyle said that it gave him great regret to move — " That the resignation of his Worship the Mayor be received ; and this Council, in accepting his resignation, take the opportunity of expressing their appreciation of his valuable services during the term his Mayoral y ; and that Cra Higgin, Macfarlane, and the mover, be a committee to prepare an address to be presented to Mr Button prior to his leaving the West Coast, and a copy of the same be placed as a record on tbe minutes of this Council." The Mayor asked tha f , wh'le he was in the chair, the last part of the resolution should be omitted, as it placed him in an iuvidi us position. Cr Boyle adopted the suggestion, and moved that the resignation of the Mayor be accepted, and the Council proceed to the election of a new Mayor. Cr Clarke objected to the election of a new Mayor at that meeting. He did not think the Act allowed it to be done. The office was an onerous one, and there should be no haste in the election of a Mayor. There was undoubtedly a great diversity of opinion as to whether or not the Mayor should be elected by tho people or by the Council, and it was necessary that no hasty decision should be arrive i at, so that the cloak of the present occupant of the chair should fall on a vorthy successor. Cr Clarke read the clause of the Act he had referred to, and again expressed his opinion that the new Mayor could not be elected until the next meeting after the resignation of the Mayor had been accepted. The Mayor read the clause differently. He held that he wj.s no longer Mayor when he gave his resignation to the Town < 'lerk, this was the meeting after he had done so. He had al-o thought that it was pre'ty well known thnt he was about to resign. Cr Higgin opposed the latter part of the motion. lie had known that tlie Mayor was about to resign, but not that night, and he thought that the important step of choosing a successor should not be taken without consideration. He should move an adjournment. Cr Cocgrave would support that. Or White opposed. It had beta very vrtll known thit the Mayor wa* about to
leave, and the Act required, in his opinion, that the election should be proceeded with at once. The Mayor suggested that. the resignation should be simply received. Cr Boyle adopted the suggestion, and agan airieuded his motion, which was carried. The Chairman then moved that the Council do now proceed with the election of a Mayor. ■ Cr White seconded 'he motion. Cr Higgin opposed it. There was a discussion, during which, in answer to a question, it was stated that the new Mayor would hold office until the 15th of Decemb r. It was then agreed to postpone '.he meeting atter the conclusion of the other business until Monday at noon, and then proceed to the election. DAT LABOtt. Cr Hawkins withdrew his motion^— "That inasmuch as this Council, on tlie Ist October instant, negatived the motion of Cr Hawkins ' That a statement should be laid upon the table of this Council showing the sums expended in day labor for the six months ending August 31, and showing the works executed by such d iy labor, where the same are situated, their respective total cost, the names of tbe parties employed on each work, the- rate of wages to each workman, upon what work, and the time each workman was occupied on each work, from whom the material^ for such works were purchased, the quantity purchased, and the prices in loads, lect, oV weight, paid for the same respectively ;' by reason of which • a disobedience of the Orders of th'S Council would be implied were the Town Surveyor to supply such information, so refused or n< gatived ; that this do give and grant liberty to the said Town Surveyor to furnish the same to any Councillor er ratepayer he may think proper, at the cost of *>uch Councillor or ratepayer." He stated that he did so because the Surveyor had kindly promised to furnish the return asked for. Report of the Finance Committee. hepoht no. 41. — finance committee. To the Members of the Borough Council. Gentxembn — Your Committee met on the 13th iastant, and have the honor to report— That the Town Clerk gave in his statement of the following amounts, paid into the Bank of New Zealand to the credit of the Corporation of Hokitika, during the month of September: — £ 9...d: Wharfage dues ;.>.. 226 lo 6 Town rates 127 8 6 Deposit on contracts 13 0 0 Cemetery fees 12 6 0 Tines from R. M. Court 7 11 3 Balance of petty cash 3 3 0 £390 4 3 Rent of coal depot 10 0 0 4400 4 3 The vouchers were examined by your Committee, arid proved correef; Cheques were pasqed for the following amounts, which were examined and found correct: —
Your Committee have to report that the overdraft at the Bank, at the end of September, was £683 6s 4d. S. Boyle, Chairman. 15th October, 1869. The report was received and adopted. Tbe Town Clerk reported that the payments since the last meeting were £^44 10s sd. RIGHT*OF-WA*. Cr White asked when it was likely that the forming and metalling of the right-of-way off Weld-street, wouid be begun. Cr Hawkins said that it was possib'e it would not be a right-of-way, as one person ' after agreeing to the terms had backed out, and wanted to be paid. The Surveyor said he could do nothing till the land was the property of the ' orporation, as one man refused to sign the luase. Cr White asked who that illustrious individual was. The Surveyor said it was Mr Ramsay the saddler. • Eventually it was resolved that the Public Works Committe should confer with Mr Ramsay, and if an anangement was made the work was to be proceeded with at once. THE REBEBVES. Cr Macfarlaue asked if anything had been di>ne with the reserves. He asked more particularly in reference to the Market Reserve, The Mayor said he could only speak positively with reference to the Railway Reserve, which the County Council resolved should be sold, subject to the approval of himself, and he had agreed to it. With refereuce to the other reserves, an Act affecting all reserves, and vesting them in certain bodies. This Act had only been received a week ago, and nothing , could be done in that time. The Reserve Committee would, no doubt, meet as soon as possible. Cr Macfarlane a«ked if the Mayor woui J -pare a short time before he left, and give that committee the benefit of his advice. The Mayor said he would make time somehow, and give an hour on Monday afternoon for the purpose ; and this offer was accepted. APPOINTMENT OF VAXTIATOE. It was resolved, after a very bug discussion, that applications for the office of valuator in the room of Mr Clayton, who was unable to discharge the duties since his appointment as Wharfinger, should be called for next Fiiday, at a salary of £30 per annum. APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE Or IKCOME. The following approximate estimate of . income, received during the last year by the Corporation, was read, «t the reqimt of Or Higgin.
The Council then adjourned until next Monday.
MISCKLL4.NKOUS. £ 8. d. R. O'lvlalley, labor, gravel, &c 716 0 W. Fisher, hire of winch ... 8 0 0 R. Renton, ironmongery 13 13 2 T. W. Hungerford, for coah- 115 0 E. Prosser, kerosene 4 2 0 J. Thacker, poll clerk 110 A. Shaw and Co., ironmongery 0 5 0 T. W. Hungerford, horse and dray hire, gravel, &c 7 6 8 £43 18 10 ■» Petty cash £16 0
& a. d. Daily News, advertising 1 19 4 G. W. Harvey, for preparing leases for Johnson's allotment and right-of-way from Weld-street to Hamil-ton-street 17 0 0 West Coast Times, advertising 2 14 0 . £21 13 4
£ s. d. Bale of Town Lands 7989 13 10 Town Rates 2349 2 0 Wharfage Dues 2050 19 6 Government Sub- • sidy..: 833 6 8 Literary Society 400 0 0 C-meteiv Fees ... 196 10 0 Rents ..: 141 4 6 Sub.M iy rorltight-of-wav 77 0 0 License 1 - 30 0 0 lin.s i om R. M. Court 15 O 0 Attaching Borough 5ea1.;.... 010 0 £14,083 6 6 LESS Return to Mr P. Solomon". 3 0 0 Return to Sinclair and Jack 0 15 0 Return to P . Heenitn 1 10 0 £5 5 0 £14,078 1 6
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West Coast Times, Issue 1269, 16 October 1869, Page 2
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2,431HOKITIKA BOROUGH COUNCIL. West Coast Times, Issue 1269, 16 October 1869, Page 2
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HOKITIKA BOROUGH COUNCIL. West Coast Times, Issue 1269, 16 October 1869, Page 2
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