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A number of matters of local interest have occurred since our last, though nnoo of them are sensational in their character.
Tho most important, perhaps, was the election of a member to serve in the County Council in the room of the Hon. J. A. Bonar. The latter gentleman resigned his seat on the election of Mr Richard Reeves, and it was thought for some time that the seat would go begging, and that no one suitable would offer to fill the vacancy. Contrary to all expectation, however, the very reverse proved to be the case, for there were uo less than twelvo nominated, a large number of whom were in every way fitted to fill the position. The contest, however, eventually resolved itself into one between Mr C. E. Buttru, one of our leading legal gentlemen,, and recently elected Mayor, and Mr John White, for some years representative of the Panama Company, resident in Hokitika. Bolh gentlemen are well known and highly respected, and the district was fortunate in having such citizens come forward. The election was conducted in the most straightforward ami honorable way, and resulted in Mr Button heading the poll by a considerable majority. Even tho opponents of Mr White, however, cordially bear testimony to bis worth, and should he offer himself on a futuiv occasion, we have no doubt he will be successful. The County Council is now complete again, two members having been elected since last sessi m, viz., — Mr' Richard Reeves, in tho place of Mr G. S. Sale; and Mr Button, in lieu of the Hon. J. A Bonar. They will be called together early next month. The late Mayor, M> E. Proper, who was for many years one of the leading public men of Hokitika, has left the town, having purchased an interest in a wholesale business in Dunedin. On the occasion of hu resignation, the Borough Council paid him a welldeserved compliment in the shape of an address and valedictory dinner. He was an able and conscientious public servant, and his loss is a serious one. Mr Button, above referred to, was unanimously elected to fill the chair for the remainder of the municipal year. Mr Button, has had considerable experience in public- business, and his legal experience will also prove of material service to the Borough Council. The vacancy occasioned by MrProsser's secession has not yet been filled, but two candidates have boen nominated to the office, viz., — Mr G. F. Hawkins, Notary Public, and Mr W. Jack, builder. Both have many friends, and are prosecuting an activo canvass. In connection with } the struggle some rather hard words have boen bandied about botweeii Mr Hawkins and Mr Frew, the Town Surveyor. The latter plainly accused Mr Hawkins of having offered him a bribe of twenty pounds, aud Mr Hawkins has flatly and unreservedly denied tthe satement. In additios to this, ho j has commenced an action against Mr j Frew, and what will be tho result. ' has yet to by aeon. The poll will be I taken on Monday next, tho 14t,h iust. j The Hospital matter that was in dispute, or in abeyance rather, has been recently amicably settled, aud the public have undertaken to take over the management, and collect all needful subscriptions, &c. Some rather acrid correspondence on this subject has taken place between the Chairman of tho County Council aud the Borough Council, and latterly between the Provisional Committee and the Chairman. This is, however, happily at an end, and tho" Committee have set vigorously to work. A committee-meeting will be held to-morrow, and on Tuesday next, a public meeting will be hold when a Permanent Committee will be elected by the subscribers. Aproposofthe Hospital", the SurgeonSuperintendent has published a report o/ a very valuable nature, from which we learn that true yellow fever, of a tropical type 'ias occurred on the Coast. Much more valuable information was also «iv(?n, which uo doubt will prove useful to our sanitary reformers. The increase of lunacy here has attracted great atteution, and we regret to state that very great neglect has been manifested in providing- proper accommodation for the insane. Dr Ryley, the medical officer, drew attention to many disgraceful facts in connection with this subject. He pointed out the utterly inadequate accommodation, the absence of ventilation, and other circumstances which it is hoped will meet with atteution in the proper quarter. Since.the publication of the letter in question two of the lunatics have died, though k was shown that the overcrowding, &c, did not occasion death, but that it occurred from natural causes in both cases. The water-supply question forms, as usual, a standing dish to talk over, and it appears a* though talk is all that is likely to come of it, The Borough Council have been going to make all sorts of provision ;uiy time this last two year?, but they have only reached the conversational stage yet. There is a distant probability -that some day or other they will test the artesian-well principle, and ascertain whether water can be procured by this means. Whether the expectation will be roj alised remains to be seen, but we shall be surprised if somo day we have uot sad news of disaster from fire to send to our home readers. There is not. the slightest provision for water, with the single exception of one
I firm, Pizzcy and Co., who havo tanks contsun ing 3000 gallons always ready,, and a steam engine to pump water from a well to supply the deficiency in tho tanks as the water is used. The Borough Council business during tho last month has been dull to a degree, with tho single exception of the lively episode between Mr Hawkins and Mr Frew, referred to above. The Queen's Birthday was worthily kept in Hokitika, but the weather was most unfavorable for out-door celebration. The volunteers, foot and mounted, however, turned out despite the drenching 1 rain, and were reviewed on the recreation ground. The Volunteers have been busy shooting several matches of late, and some very excellent practice has beeu made. G-. G. FitzG-erald, Esq., tho Kesidcnt Magistrate, gave a Challenge Cup to the corps, which was won by Ensign Fisher with a score of 62 points, Sergeant Forsyth taking second place with 61 points. Since then, in a handienp match, Sergeant Forsyth has exceeded the vic'or's score. " Some time ago the Borough Council resolved to build a Town Hall in conjunction with the Literary Society, and tenders were received for the sum of £1550. The work has rapidly progressed, and will be completed within a short time. Tho Fire Brigade Hall has been moved bodily, Literary Society, books and nil to Hamilton-street, and it is now fixed in its. permanent place. It was shifted all standing by the aid of ways and screw-jacks, and is tho largest work of the kind that h:is been clone in Hokitika. We may- add that, it was done by Mr Hogg, the contractor, and was most creditably performed. The Greenstone has acquired an unenviable notoriety for rowdyism, find disturbances of different kinds. The latest occasion was on the 25th of May, when two men, who ai % e well known, brutally assaulted a woman named Boyle. They have not yet been arrested, and in their ease the usual intelligence that is characteristic of our police appears to be at fault. Cheap meat is now the order of the day in Hokitika, at least so far as mutton is concerned, whole carcases being procurable at 7s, and sides at 4s, and legs of mutton Being in some shops sold as low as lOd each. This is, however, too good to last, we fear, and next month we expect prices will be as high as ever.' The Presbyterian congregation of Hokitika held their annual meeting on the 3rd inst., under the presidency of tho Ilev. J, Gow. A long and very' encouraging report of the condition of the Church and schools was read. It appeared from the statement made that the committee had cleared oft" £183 2s 6d debt during the past year. Many other interesting particulars were also given, proving beyoud doubt the flourishing condition of this denomination in Hokitika. During the last few days we have recoi ved a visit from Can! ninTroughton, tho representative of the Australian Steam Navigation Company, who is i now on a visit to New Zealand for the j purpose of niakiug arrangements for a : j Hue of stoaint'rs to connect ISew South i I Wales and Queensland with this Colony. This company have some of 1 the best boats in the Colonies, and their enterprise bids fair to be liberally rewarded, for without doubt a first-class trade will readily be opened up, and at the same time confer benefit on tho. : trading community, and be a source of material profit to the shareholders. We believe that operation.* will not be delayed should Captain Troughton's report be favorable, and of this there ig little doubt. The first boats of this line may, we hear, be looked for in about a montk or five weeks. In the amusement way we have nothing- to report — if we except a very interesting lecture given on ' Tuesday evening hist by the Venerable Archdeacon Harper on behalf of the Literary Institute. The lack of rational amusement is greatly felt here. We hope to have a more favorable report in our next summary. Several entertainments are promised, which will be given by that time if they come-off at all.
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West Coast Times, Issue 1160, 11 June 1869, Page 1 (Supplement)
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1,596SOCIAL AND DOMESTIC West Coast Times, Issue 1160, 11 June 1869, Page 1 (Supplement)
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SOCIAL AND DOMESTIC West Coast Times, Issue 1160, 11 June 1869, Page 1 (Supplement)
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