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At a meeting of the Provisional Committee of the Arahura District Hospital, held on Thursday, 12th inst., at the Road Board Office Stafford (Mr Hannan in the chair), the reports of finance and building committees were read and received. Tt was resolved to build the Hospitn! on a piece of ground adjoing M'Lean'a store, botweeu Stafford and Goldsboro', and between the old and new roads. It was also resolved that whereas it was the opiuion of the committee that there was money enough available for the buildingfund, that the Finance Committee proceed to collect subscriptions for the maintenance fund, and issue receipt cards to subscribers of £1 and upwards, who would be entitled to vote for and hold office in the Committee of Management. It was also resolved that subscription lists be returned not later than the 10th June. Meeting then adjourned, when sub-committees remained to transact the necessary business to give effect to the resolutions of the meeting.
We would draw the attention of the authorities to the present state of Sewell-street j both as regards sludge and want of light. Since the culvert has been put down the lamp opposite the Supreme Court has no!. been replaced, and persons going that way ai night can scarcely escape getting up to their knees in mud. With plenty of gravel to he got, surely the Corporation should render the street passable, or at least place a lamp to warn people of their danger,
We have been shown a telegram from Chriatchurch, whereby it appears that the racehorse Backbiter won the Lincoln Plate of 50 boys., yesterday. A good offer was made but refused by Ids owner.
After the famine prices of meat that have for years prevailed, it is a change, indeed, to find so tremendous a fall in that necessmy article. Mr Hinchcliffe, butcher, of ilevellstreet, is selling sides of mutton at from 3s 6d to 4s, or about 66 per cent less than recent prices. The meat is really good, as itß appearance testifies, and, indeed, equal to any in the market. This reduction will, indeed, be a boon to many familes, and the only fear is that the good time for the public, if not for the butchers, will not last loug.
As will be seen by the report of the Borough Council proceedings last evening C. E. Button, Esq., has been elected without opposition, Mayor of Hokitika for the remainder of the official year, in the room of E. Prosser, Esq., who is leaving Hokitiku. The usual pretty speeches were made on the occasion, aud the new dignitary was duly iugt&Ued. After which the councillors entertained the ex-Mayor at Osborne's Empire Hotel at dinner, or supper, as it may be rariously styled. It was 6trictly a, Council matter, and only member*, of that body were present. The formal presentation of an address from the Council to the late Mayoi will take place next Monday^ at seven o'clock; a special meeting having been convened for that purpose at that time.
We understand that the poor woman who was committeil to the Lunatic Assyum yesterday still remains in the Camp, in a most deplorable state. This is owing to the intulilctency of th» am>msodation nt tb*
' there another patient will have to be removed. [ i A vote was passed on the estimates for j ; additional accommodation for patients, and j | now that the place is crowded to excess, j , 'tis high time that the work should lie coin- j I menced. It would appear that civil servants enjoy a privilege, in regard to foul chimnies, not , given to other portions of tlic community. i During the hearing of a charge for allowing :i chimney to ignite, brought against Mr • Thomson, Harbor Pilot, at the ! Magistrate's Conrl, yesterday, defendant I stated that his chimney was not allowed lo ■ be cleaned umil the Cierk of Work*; thought proper to order it. In faci.he said he was not in the least responsible. This is the most glaring piece of '• red-tapeism " Are have seen I on the Coast for a long time. Should the i inhabitants follow suit, and wait until the J ! police ordered them to clean their ehimnlc*., | i we anticipate some real practice for the j ' members of the Fire Brigade. j
The HawM* Bail Eoald has the following incident that occurred at the late attack on Mohaka :—": — " Two lads, brothers, one of (hem nine years of age, and the other fifteen) were hotly pursued by a Hau Hau , af fer pah Iluke had been taken. The eldest brother lold the younger to take shelter behind a
small tuft, from whence he took aim at the Hail Hau and killed him. The elder brother was pursued into the river, where he turned, iired, brought another ITaullau to the ground, nndtookhis gun from him. The weapon used by the little fellow was a J'owling-picce. jJoth ladß are very intelligent looking- young fellow.s."
" One of the native insolvents before the Commissioner iv lusoveney at Calcutta lately," says the Indian Daily News , " incurred the severity of the Insolvent Act by the strauge but undoubtedly dishonest' account he gave of his indebtedness to the Oriental Bank. The bauk was an opposing creditor, but the insolvent said that the loan or loans had been obtained by .some individual personating him, aud that a hystem of fraudulent personation had been carried on for some time, to which he was as much a victim as the bank. The bank officers, however, recognised the mtm, and his audacious attempt to defraud the bank and deceive the court met with its desert?."
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West Coast Times, Issue 1137, 15 May 1869, Page 2
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944West Coast Times. AND WESTLAND OBSERVES. SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1869. West Coast Times, Issue 1137, 15 May 1869, Page 2
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West Coast Times. AND WESTLAND OBSERVES. SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1869. West Coast Times, Issue 1137, 15 May 1869, Page 2
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