Government Notices. ELECTION NOTICE. ELECTOEAL DISTRICT OF THE TOWN OF HOKITIKA. TN Pursuance of tho provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Eegulation of Elections Act, 1858." and in pursuance of the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Provincial Elections Act, 1858," and in pursuance of the provisions ef an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled "The County of Westland Act, 1867," I, Gerard George FitzGerald, Eeturniug Officer for the electoral district of the town of Hokitika, do hereby give notice that by virtue of a writ bearing date j the twentieth day of Janunary, 1868, issued under the hand of his Excellency the Governor of New Zealand, an election will be held for the return of two qualified persons to serve as members of the Council of tho County of Westland for tho said electoral district, and that the nomination of candidates will take place at the Warden's Court, Hokitika, at halfpast twelve o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday, the first day of February, 1868, and that the poll, if necessary, will be taken on Monday, the third day of February, 1868. Dated this 27th day of January, 1868. Gebabd Geobge FitzGebald, Ecturning Officer. The following is the polling place for electoral district of the town of Hokitika :—: — The Warden's Court, Hokitika. Datod this 27th day of January, 1868. Geeabd Geobge FitzGbald, 439 Eeturning Officer. ELECTION NOTICE. ELECTOEAL DISTEICT OF WESTLAND. TN Pursuance of the provisions of an -■- Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand, intituled " The Regulation of Elections Act, 1858," and in pursuance of the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The Provincial Elections Act, 1858," and in pursuance of the provisions of an .Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled " The County of Westland Act, 1867," I, Gerard George FitzGerald, Eeturning Officer for the electoral district of Westland, do hereby give notice that, by virtue of a writ bearing date the twentieth day of January, 1868, issued under the hand of his Excellency the Governor of New Zealand, an election will be held for' the return of four qualified persons to serve as members of • the Council of the County of Wostland for the said electoral district, and that the nomination of candidates will take placs at tho Warden's Court, Hokitika, at noon, on Saturday, the first day of February, 1868, and that the poll, if necessary, will be taken on Tuesday, the fourth day of February, 1868. Dated this 27th day of January, 1868. Gekabd Geobge FizGebald, Eeturning Officer. Tho following ar,e polling places for the electoral district of Westland :—: — Warden's Court, Hokitika Warden's Court, Greymouth Hamilton's store, Euthcrglen Warden's Court, Waimea Police-buildings Stafford Town Police-buildings, Chesterfield Mandell's store, Big Paddock Warden's Court, Kanieri ! Warden's Court, Eoss Gardener's Store, Donoghue's Warden's Court, Okarita. Dated this 27th day of January, 1868. Gebabd Geobge FitzGebald, 440 Eetturning Officer. NO T I C.E. pOPIES of the ELECTOEAL EOLL for the Districts of Wcstand and Hokitika, can bo obtained on application to G. G. FitzGebald, 437 Returning Officer. CENSUS OF 1867. PEESONS who have not been supplied with Household Forms, or whose forms have been omitted to be called for are particularly requested to inform the Enumerator by communicating with Mr Tcnnant, Hokitika. N.B. — Letters thus addressed, marked " On Census Business only," are post free. Thomas B. Maude, 426 Enumerator.
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West Coast Times, Issue 731, 27 January 1868, Page 3
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