(From the "Post") A request was made last night to Mr ¥. M. B. Fisher, son of the late Mr Geo. Fisher, that be shouldi contest the seat rendered vacant by ihis fathei''s death. Mr. Fisher aislced for time to •consider the matter, .pointing out that., ib would be impossibSe to ignore any understanding that might exist between himself and CQmstcb-ua-ch lelectors. ; . =-. Jt is the intention of Mr. F. Pirani, •foiTOerfy xaeimb-eii for PalnieSrstop -N'ortih, an.3 now of Petoj^^io; contest th-s vacancy proyided M€Bsirs. A. E. Atkinson or ;J.^: Hxitdheson do not stand. ~ ;
During ,the irastffe'W days, 1445 persons have »eiit;iax ekiiima for enrolment, w^Jc^^jn^.tK^oiuihbet: entitled; to vote at the ;coniing by-election up / to^: 18,237. :ofclier;§ ,'wbo desire to ex-v erois'e the franchiso should,send in their' claims without: delay,! as 'the rolls -will close as soon as the writ is issued, and that will probably be done in. "a few diays. It is cuiTently rumoured! 'in town today that Mr!' J. Hutdieeon will contest the Welington seat, Mr. Atkinson reserving himself for a future occasion. Mr. Hultoheson and Mr. Atkinson, both observe reticence on the subject.
The Liberal and Labour Federation hag not yet selected a oandidiato to contest the seat (in the GovernanenS interest. Several names have, however, been under' ■oonside.riatio'n, and the selection will 'btt mad« very. •Partly.
Mr Still© 'Ilia's bee-n. a-ppearinig throughout Australia land] in New Zealand in
"Mamma's New Husband," aiid "Brown's In Town," delighting. Thousanids of p&o----ple. Wilien; asked hoiw it was he kept in such fine condition physically he nn-itoesi-tatingiy eaid ifc was (because he always made it <a practice to take, two or three of Dr Morse's Indian, Root Pills •when he felt he was»beginning to get out of sorts. He "went on the principle that an ounce of ppevenition was worth a pound of cure. Mr Stine, in bis Lettea*, says: "For months past- I liave been troubled with my Liver. My mother-in-law 'in America. —long before I came to Australia—pecoimmend'ed. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, which I tried, and I tell you honestly that.'after using them I felt like 'a different man. They '.aid digestion, 'cleans© the ; sto'mach, laiiid Give tone to the entire' system. I ia.lways ihiave a ibottla with me, and find them to be all that yoai claim them to be. A pill or two takeai once or twice a week regulates my system perfectly, producing sound sleep and elasticity of spirits. You imay make whatever use of -this yon think'fit.—Yours ven-y truly, Chas. J. Stine, Paliace Theatre." M-anv people think if same prominenib man rerecommien.ds ia 4.nediici,nia it must be all right, but blood is the same in King and. Raiser, Prince and Peasant, Senator and Tramp. The 'medicine that will regulate the siystenfof somebody, will regulate the system i&f everyibody. Dr. Morse's Indian. Root Pills assist in. the digestion land' aSsimikition of food, cleansing the stomach and driving poi-60no-us humours out of the ibjood, making it rich and red. They are a positive and permanent cure 'for ail complaints <arifiing 'from stomach, liver and kidney ■troubles, and are >a pea-feet blood purifier.
Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XLIX, Issue 12458, 21 March 1905, Page 7