(Peu Pbess Association.) Auckland, Wovomber 20. For the Marsden election Mr R. Thompson was elected by a majority of 990. TbeWaitaki complete returns are: — Steward, 1819; Patterson, 716: maioritv, 1073. Nii'iEß, November 29. Ihe Paten returns increase Captain Russell's majority to 70. AVellinoton, November 21). Mr T. K. MiicdonaM, in an address thanking the electors for the support extended to him yesterday, goes on to say : — " The Liberal Patty in this city has shown its utter weakness. Enemies without and traitors within its walls have torn it to pieces. Workers will not combine together to support three candidates and three only, and as it result they are impotent against the powerful combinations brought against them. It is hopeless to continue the struggle in this city for their beuefit until they learn wisdom in this respect. Recognising these facts it is not my intention to take any further part in the political life of the community." A uiiKLAND, November 29. Eden— Mitchelson, 1511 ; Niccol, 1187 ; Dargaville, 81 i. These aro according to returns published, but Mr Mitchelson states that his true majority is 350. Marsdon — Thompson, 1925 ; Harrison, 1032. Wnipa— Lang, 1889 ; Peacock, 954. The following are the complete returns for the Patea electorate :— Hutchison. Cowern. Fltham 129 148 Te Eoti 22 13 Normanby 116 01 Itawera 121 2*B Meremere 20 4 Whakatuara ... 12 1 Manutahi 40 20 Alton 41 21 Hurleyville G 35 Kakaramea G'i 35 Jfalea 181 133 Whenuaknra ... 68 5 Kohi 3!) 8 Waverley 229 54 Momohaki 24 17 Waitotara HI 68 Upper Waitotara ... 12 34 Maxwelltown ... 49 34 Brunswick ... 33 30 Westmore ... 02 10 1643 982 Majority for Hutchison ... 661 Latest Kctiirns. The only other rohirns in for the Wangnuui oloction are : — Carscn Parsons Wilho Turnkina Valley 34 0 4 Aberfeldio ... 19 1 19 Boetihi 1 o 48 Karioi 9 0 9 Making totals 1437 360 1627 Majority for Willis ... 190
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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11896, 30 November 1893, Page 2
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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXVII, Issue 11896, 30 November 1893, Page 2
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