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Sports 12. Boys' Race Handicap 15s, 10s, 6s Nomination, Is 13. Steeplechase, about fin hp 80b, 30s, 15s Nomination 1b 6d, acceptance 2s 6d 14. Girls Race 7s 6d, 2a 6i omination, free 15. Walking Race, 1 mile, hp 60s, 20s, 10» Nomination Is, acn^ptance 2s 16. C isolation, 220 Yardß (hp) 50a, 20s, — Nomination Is, acceptance Is 61 From 100 to 200 prizes for Children. Points Prizes - A prize of j£3 will bo given to the highest aggregate scorer in the handi cap races, Noe. 3, 5, 7, 8, 11, and 13, and £1 for the second, highest. Points to count 3, 2, and 1 for Ist, 2nd, and 3rd places re* spectively. Nominations for Handicaps, and entries for MMaimd m Race to be made to tho Secretary on or before Saturday, the 11th Deombcr, at 9 p.m., at Mr H. E. Brown's, tobacconist, Victoria Avenue The p&Bt two years' performances to accompany nominations. Handicaps to bo declared on the 15th inst. Entries for remaining events will be re» ceived at the Secretary's office on the ground on the dfiy of the sports. The races are open to all, »nd will be run under the rules of the Wanganui Caledonian tiociety. Acceptances must be made with 3?creta"y at l-»aßt half a<> hour before the time of starting. The time for receiving entries avd acceptances will bo strictly adhered to. No nominations or entries will be received unless accompanied -with the proper fees. Commetitors must appear in proper costume. The deo aion of the S^ewirds, or whoever they may appoint, shall in all cases be final. Pour competitors to start or n> third prize, three or no 2nd, two or no Ist. S wings will be erected on different parts of the ground Booths, refreshment stalls, &c , will be provided. Sports to commence at 11 o'clock sharp. The Girriaon Band will be in attendance. Admission to the ground — Adults, Is ; children undir 10 years of age, Fre>. J. KATTERNS MANNING, Hon. Secretary. FRIENDLY " SOCIETIES r ~~ANNUAL FETE. JANUARY Ist, 1887. Haudicappers— Messr* B)yle, Noill, and Remington. Starter— Mr J. C Morey. Judge— Mr T. B. W'lliama. THE Combined Friendly Societies have much pleasure in announcing to the public of Wanganui that they will hold their Sixth Annual Picnic and Sports on New Year's Day, at Matamwa, in 'he paddocks kindly lent for the occasion by Wm. Burr, l Esq. PROGRAMME. I— Maidbn Riob, 150 yards ; for those who have never won an advertised raoe ; Ist prize £I, 2nd 10s. Entrance, 2s. 2— Nbw Ybab's Day Handicap, three diatances— loo, 200, and 30 J yards ; the competitor who scores most poinfs to be the winner ; points to cmnt — First 3, seoond 2, third 1 ; tie** tj be run off at 300 yards. Ist prize £5, 2nd £2, 3rd £1. Nomination 2s, acceptance 3s. 3— Rt/nning High Jump (handicap). Ist prize £1 2ud s'. Entrance Is. 4— Novel R».ob, 200 Yards; to be run as follows -first 50yds in sacks, second 50yds walking backwards, third 50yds hopping, and fourth 50yds all fours. 1«t priz 3 £l, 2nd 10a. Entrance Is. / s— Nbw Ybab's Day Handicap (second heat) 200 yarde. 6— Hop Step and Jump (bandioap). Ist priz'? 158, 2nd 6s. Eatr*oce Is. I 7 — PbibndXiT Socibtib3 Raoe (handicap), to be run in regalia ; no athletic costume allowed. Ist prizo £1 10 a, 2nd 10a. ' Nomination is, acceptance Is. B— Nhw Ybab's Day Handicap (final beat) 300 yards. 9 — Boys' Raow, 221 yards ; for boys under 15 years oi age. Ist prixe 7s 64, 2nd 2s ' 6d. Entrance 6d. 10— Marbibd WoatßN'd Raoe Ist prize bag of sugar, 2nd 5s Entrance Is. 11 — Consolation Rvok, 150 yards, lat prize £1, 2nd sa. Entrance Is. "TILHCTION NOTICE. WESTERN MAOEI DISTBIOT. In pursuance of the Maori Representation Act 1867, and the Amendments thereof, I, George Thomas Wilkinson, Veturnin? Officer for the Western Maori Electoral Di^tric', do hereby gire notice that by virt-io uf a Writ bearing date the sixteenth day of November, 1886, under the Public Ae&\ of the Ooloay, an Election will be held for the return of One qualified person to serve as a Member of th<> House of Representatives for the said Electoral District, and that the Nomination of (Jandida'es will take plape at the Courthouse, Wanganiji, $ noon oq THURSDAY, the second day of December, and that the Poll (if ne^ cessary) will be taken on THO BSD \.? f the twenty -third day of December, 1886. ttE >RGB TIIO-MUS WiLECNiIOHr, Returning Officer. The following are the Polling places for the Western Maori Electoral Disfrict: — ) Co* jmandel-rOonrfchousa Manaia (Sauraki) — Sunan^a House Mercury Bay— Police Station Wairoa (Hauraki)— ffori teWhetuki'a House Waiheke Island — Ropata te Rou's House ShortJand— Old Courthouse Miranda —Soho Chouse Te Hoe asTainui (Piako)— Te Whare Runanga Aikutai (Hauraki) Te Whare a Te Kota (Mr William G-reer Scott) Ohinemuri — Public flail. Pae/Qa, le Aroha-^^ouvthouse Waterford (Katikati) —Courthouse Tauranga — Courthouse Bangiwaea (Tauranga) — lkuhata Tv» paea'a House Te Puna (rauranga)— Te Pupls House Waihi ( Tokaano Taupo) —Runanga House Waipapa (Taupo)— Hiriti Paewta's House Patea ( Paupo) — Hen are's House Qtukou Kotoaira (raupo)--Matuahu's House Tapapa — Hoera's ffouee Waotu — Irekatera's House Cambridge — Courthouse Horohoro — Te Eipihana Whiua's House Aoeteroaroa C^hirepuhuu^a) — Whiti Pulao'u Itu.iaogo House Tc Miro»a-Huho (Opyer Makau) — Kunanga House Otorohanga (Waipa)— Ciurthouao ihingawhitikau (Te Kuili)— Te Kirca uia'aHouߧ' A :exandra— rOoui'fchouse K-ihikihi — ; choolhoudu Otewa (Waipa) -Te Kooti Rikirangis' House Whatawhata— Schoolhouse Mauugaiti^wa ( Vaikato) — Buuanga Bouse Takauwhata (Waikare Lake) —To Whsrepu's House Blercer — Courthouse Huntly — Schoolhouse Tupekurunga (Churchill) — Schoolho uue Kohanga — Sohoolhouso Putatapa (Waikitto Jleidt) Mr Charles Torr's Store Werdroa (Raghri) --Tauiihana Tuuui's House Raglan - Courthoupe KuwhU —Armed. Constabulary Barracks Takat-.hi (Kuwaia South) -Mr Ferrnll's Sioie Waiuku - CourLhouae Mangj're Mr Robert Barlow's House ]^)!okiiu Heuds iiorth — vlr Roardon's Te Koum (Tubua) — To lliihi's House Waif.arsi —rffhoolnouse New Plymouth — Cour(k<mdo
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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 11413, 1 December 1886, Page 4
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963Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 11413, 1 December 1886, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 11413, 1 December 1886, Page 4
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