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«. Jupiter Pluvius is having a good innings, Two days of it, and now Lores another. Umbrellas at a premium. Wanted — Canoos to navigate the Avenue and the Quay with. Hurrah, The vary latest ! Sir Jooloyus knuckles under at last, The Big E. and W. Coast Job referred to a select committee. In plniu language a good lickiug, and serve him right. Hullo there, Messrs Mayor, Couni ( cillors, Foreman of Works, or whoever's responsible. King Slush reigns supremo outside the railway station. Look to it at onco please. Wanganui'a evidently going to the ( — ahem — dogs. Not a single case at tbe K.M. Court yesterday — not even a drunk. Prices to suit the times. Tho nimblo Robert in future to bo the price of the price of admission to tho Wauganui Jockey Club's meetings. King Oko Jumbo (pretty name, isn't it) from tne West Coast of Africa is at present a London lion. Dissatisfied with his locul medicine men he came to Englund to consult the English dootors. handolph Churchill and Gorst are the latest big guns who have championed the King Country grievances. They protested lately against the payment of any salary to the Under-Secretary for tho colonies unless he could promise tbe Maoris protection. Their opposition was promptly snuffed out by Mr Gladstone, who supported the action of the N.Z. Government. Howard Vincent, who was round the colony on a fiyiug trip some months, rend a paper beforo the Colonial Insti* tute lately, the subject being, " The British Empire of to-day." He is a strong federationist. Cheese factories do not seem to make profit up in the Waikato. Waikato Gheese Factory has made a loss of £222 for the year. Clifford, the sculler, is said to have received such injuries that it is probable he will nevor row again. New South Wales evidently believes that an Anglo -Russian confliot is still possible, for the torpedoes are to be allowed to romain in 'the Sydney harbour for the present. The English bookmakers are said to have lost £450,000 by Melton winning the Derby. Mr ToJe says that to compensate jurymen on coroners' inquests would 'entail a cost of £1750, and he does not see his way to getting the money. Tbe reduction of telegraphic charges from Is to 6d for ten words in Victoria has been attended with great sucocss. Why cannot it be tried iv New Zealand. "Cauous leader to Her Majesty" is the latest appellation that has been bestowed on the facetious and versatile Mr Vinoent Pyke, Queensland has adopted payment of members, The maximum amount allowed to members of the Representative Chamber is £200 a-year. A statute of Charles Darwin, the eminent naturalist, has been erected in tbe British Museum. A rocent libel suit in Loudon revealed tbe faot oi very heavy gambling at the Cocoa Troe and other swoll London clubs. One gentleman, a budding barrister, dropped £1700 at " 100 " in four hours. Unlimited too, it must have been. Hit Peter Lumsden was the hero of tbe hour when tbe mail Jeft. Be and Mr H. M. Stanley were the most note* worthy guests at the annual dinner of the Royal Geographical Society. Tho Korth German Gnzette, a semiofficial organ, had an article in Jnue, tho pith of which ivas a strong protest agaiust New Zealand annexing Samoa. It is said tho New Zaaland colonists had enough to do to develop the resources of their own country before going 900 miles to Samoa. The Kussian Press " regard the overthrow of the Gladstone Cabinet as unfor« uato," of course it is — very unfortunate —for the .Uussians, The famous " Scrutiudo Liate," which overthrew Gaoibetta, and very nearly brought abont a revolution, has been at length passed by the French Senate. Vorily the French are a changeable nation. General Arthur, esuPresident of the United States, is to visit London shortly. Tbe usual freedom of a city ia a gold box farco is to be gone through. The groat iutorest taken In the colonies and matters have caused a reprint of Sir Charles Dilke's woll-known " Great Britain " to bo annnoanced. Extra chapters on the East and Australia will be added. Speaking of the Coercion Act, and its repeal, as advocatod by .Lord Jians dolpli, the English Times says : — " Are tho othor loaders of tbe party, English and Irish, prepared to let the act lapse,and face the prospeot of a renewed carnival of murder and outrage across the English Channel?" Major Atkinson is expected daily in New Plymouth for a brief holiday ; at least the Taranaki papers say so. Trust the major won't desert bis post when he is wanted. Football match— New Plymouth and Waitara v. Patea, Hawera, aud Manutahi — last Saturday resulted in a draw, neither Bide scoring. The Taranaki Mongolian is an inter" prising individual, Mr Chew Chong was one of the EUbnni committee which waited on Mr Hankey, re railway matters, Opunake people are getting up a petition to the Houss for £5000 and 5000 acres for a harbour endowment. Hawora Anglican Church people have adopted the weekly envelope affair instead of tbe usual bag, This avoids the mean man's " threepenny " or brass button. Awful effect of the Baldwins on the Hawera looal Parliament. No quorum ; house counted out by tho Speaker, aud adjourned, The Qabjupt had all gone to learn new (! cabinot tricka " from the theatricals. Fifteen jurors and witnesses in an Auoklaud fire inquiry have asked the Government to " bo recouped in some way for their loss of time." Don't they wish they may get it ! Paid football umpires are to b 3 done away with in Melbourne, "If we v/aut to gat st the genuine unadulterated primitive man," writes a scientist, " wo must go buck for two or three million years." But we don't want to get at tho primitive man. He doesn't owe us anything on our subscription account. A good many unemployed iv Auckland just now. Many public meetings are being held. It bos beeu suggested that the City Council should go iv for a .£50,000 loan to provide work. The Loudon newsboy iq bard to beat fcr cleverness. When the news of the tioatli oi Queeu Emuia> of the Saudwicb Islands, was printed in tho London papers a number of little fellows electrified the people by shrilly calling out, "Estree! Death of tho Ciueon." They were promptly arrested, but as they had broken no law they were leasedThe Wellington Parliamentary Li* brary has ii.'fjCGO volumes. Plenty oi chance for some of the uneducated members to improve their niuuls. ;'. : > As for (heir morals, they oan bo ; i i*ogr»c(lod as departed ior uVM — li iiiu ', ' !oi,o; Job £Qt£. ihi-oiigU.

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Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 10954, 30 July 1885, Page 2

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BRIEF MENTION. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 10954, 30 July 1885, Page 2

BRIEF MENTION. Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 10954, 30 July 1885, Page 2