A meeting of this, body was held at the Court House last evening when Lhe following Councillors were preseut : — Crs Pharazyn, Brown, Chadwick, Duthie, Laird, Bamber, Watt, Nathan, and Beaven. Cr Watt proposed and Cr Nathan seconded that Cr Brown take the chair. The Clerk commenced to read the minutes of the last meeting. , Cr Watt moved and Cr Nathan seconded a resolution to th'<> effect that inasmuch as the last meeting had lapsed without confirmation of the niin u tea, there had therefore been no legal meeting under the Act. Cr Watt in speaking to- the motion said the principle was quite according to the rules usually observed on such occasions. He would call the attention of the Council to the 33rd Section of the 13th Section of the Act. The Chairman ruled that the business of the former meeting had not been Jegally completed, and put the resolution to the meeting, which was carried. The Clerk then read the minutes of the previous meeting. Councillor Pharazyn was then introduced and took his seat. The Chairman announced that the next business the election of the Mayor. The Clerk read Mr Hutchison's letter resigning the mayoralty. A letter was read from the Town Clerk to the Colonial Secretary, asking for an extension of time, for the election of Mayor, and a telegram from the Clerk on the same subject. Also a telegram in reply from the Colonial Secrettry, statiug that an order in Council would be made on Wednesday (to-day) granting the extension, but the Government did not understand why the Mayor should not have been elected in time considering that so many meetings had been held. After some-further discussion it was'proposed by Cr Nathan— "That Mr R. Pharazyn be elected Mayor." Cr Watt seconded the motion, he deprecated the delay which had occurred in the election of the Mayor, which he considered wholly unnecessary, He had been told on very good authority that had anyone else but Cr Watt been preposed as Mayor he would Jiave been elected, he trusted that all personal considerations would be left out of sight in the present occasion. He had much pleasure in seconding the motion (fclear hear.) Cr Duthie went into personalities in a long speech, but was called to order by the Chairman. He however went on to speak but was again called to order, and the Chairman read a resolution bearing upon the question. Cr Duthie however contiued his remarks, and the Chairman said if such statements were continued he would throw himself upon the protection ox the Council. Cr Duthie persisted in his remarks, and hoped the Chairman would desist from such interruptions. The Chairman called for a show of hands, when there were four for the resolution and two against it. He therefore declared Councillor Pharazyn duly elected. His Worship the Mayor elect thanked the Council for the honor they had conferred upon him. If he had consulted his own persona] convenience he would not have accepted the position of Mayor, He did not mean to imply that he was above the position. He would, as long as he held office, do his utmost to preserve the strictest impartiality, aud he would endeavour to do so in a judicious spirit. (Cheers.) The report of the Public Works Committee was then read. Cr Nathan moved the adoption of the report. Cr Beaven moved that the report be remitted to the Committee. Cr Brown seconded the motion. After some discussion Cr Beaven withdrew the report. The report of the Wharf Committe was read and adopted. The report of the Drainage Committee was real. Moved 'by Cr Chadwick, and seconded (pro forma) by Cr Watt, that the report be adepted. Councillor Watt objected to the granting of cement recommended in the report as being excessive. It was only necessary to point the outer bricks with cement ss shown in the Wellington breakwater, which had proved to be substantial. The correspondence in connection with the report was read. The report was adopted. The Finance report was read. The Clerk was about to r,ead the report of Mr Blackett on the proposed works in connection with the Wanganui river. The Mayor — That is the report we have already read in the ' Chronicle." The' Clerk-Yes. .The Mayor — Then we may take it as read. Financial Reports were theu read and discussed, and the meeting terminated.
Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XVII, Issue XVII, 11 March 1874, Page 2
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