* • » The election of a member of the House of Representatives for the City of Christchurch takes place on Thursday. The candidates are: — Richard Molesworth Taylor. Thomas Edward Taylor. CharliES Lewis. The polling hours are from 9 a.m. to 7 p,m., and the following are the polling places : — The Old Provincial Council Chambers, Durham Street (principal) The Opera House, Tuam Street St John's Schoolroom, Madras Street The Oddfellows' Hall, Montreal Street The Foresters' Hall, Yogel Street Hibernian Hall, Barbadoes Street Mission Hall, Colombo Road, Sydonham Public Library, Waltham Road The Methodist Schoolroom, Selwyn Street, Addington St Albans Borough Council Office, Papanui Road The Mutual Improvement Hall, . Knightstown. Mr R. M. Taylor addressed the electors at the, Oddfellows' Hall, Lincoln Road, Addington, last evening. There was a good and enthusiastic audience. Mr H. Clarke occupied the chair, and briefly introduced the speaker. Mr Taylor, who was very received, spoke on general political topics for an hour very effectively, and.was frequently applauded. At the conclusion of the -address he satisfactorily answered several questions. Mr R. Bell moVed — " That this meeting tenders Mr R. M v J Taylor a hearty vote of \thanks for his address, and seeing that he is in full aqcord with the present Government (in which we have perfect confidence), regards him as the most suitable of the three candidates to represent us in Parliament, and will endeavour to secure his return at the head of the poll on Thursday." This was seconded by Mrs Gunner, and carried almost unanimously, only a few hands being held up against it. A vote of thanks "to the Chairman and three cheers for Mr »R. M. Taylor concluded the meeting. Mr Charles Lewis addressed a meeting of the electors at Leinster Road school, Merivale, last night. There was a fair attendance, and Mr C. W. Turner occupied the chair and opened the meeting. Mr Lewis spoke for about an hour on the more important subjects to which he had referred to in his previous address. He was warmly applauded at the conclusion of hia speech, after which he answered a number of questions, and received a vote of thanks and confidence, which was carried on the voices. Mr T. E. Taylor addressed a meeting of electors in the Mission Hall, Sydenham, last evening, the building being full. Mr W. Miller presided. Mr Taylor's address was on lines similar to that delivered by him on Friday evening. He criticised the Premier's speech, and attacked the Government for interfering in the election. On the motion of Mr Lanyon, seconded by Mr W. Edmonds, a vote of thanks and confidence was unanimously passed, and a vote of thanks to the Chairman closed the proceedings. . A meeting of the women electors, under the auspices of the Canterbury Women's Institute and the Women's Christian Temperance Union, was held yesterday afternoon in ihe Oddfellows' Hall/ Lichfield Street. Mra Ballantyne (president of the Women's Christian Temperance Union) occupied the chair, and there was a large attendance. Mr T. E. Taylor delivered a lengthy address on the political subjects of tho day, and referred particularly to the questions which more immediately affect women. The speaker's remarks were frequently applauded. Miss Bain moved — "That this meeting of women electors recognising the determined advocacy of women's questions by Mr Taylor in the past, and his present independent political position, pledges itself to doits utmost to secure his return." Mrs Coles seconded tho motion, which was carried. A vote of thanks to the Chairwoman closed the proceedings.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 5486, 11 February 1896, Page 2
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