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CHRISTCHURCH. The election for the Mayoralty of Christchurch took place yesterday, and a great deal of interest was displayed in. the contest. The number of votes recorded was 1188, which is a record for a Mayoral election in thia city, and of these Mr Gapes polled 820, which is the highest number ever polled by any candidate for thia office, whilst his majority of 455 has never been approached. Shortly after seven o'clock the return was posted out3ide the Council Chamber as follows :— Thomas Gapes 820 Eden George 365 Informal 3 Total 1188 Fully two hundred persons had assembled and the result was received with loud ebeering. The Mayor-elect, in thanking the citizens for the honour they had done him in returning him by such a splendid majority, said he was more especially pleased at the result, as it corn* pl6tely refuted the assertion made by his opponent that the public sympathised with him in the unfair treatment he alleged he nad received at the hands of the Council. Mr, George had asked the ratepayers to decide between him and the Councillors and they had given their answer in a most unmistakable manner. As he (Mr Gapes) had been elected to the honourable position he would use his best endeavours to perform his duties in a faithful manner, and would do all he could for the benefit of the city. He concluded by moving a vote of thanks to the Returning Officer, which was carried by acclamation. Three cheers were then given for the newly-eleoted Mayor, and there were a number of calls for " George," but these ■ met with no response. j | On the declaration, of the poll between i thirty and forty of the friends and supporters of Mr Gapes assembled in the library of the City Council. Light refreshments were provided, and Councillor Gray having taken the chair, proposed the health of the Mayor-elecjb, which was honoured with cheers. Mr W. I. Ballinger proposed the toast of the Councillors, which was drunk* with musical honours. Councillors Cooper, Thomson and Swarm responded. Cheers were given for the newly-elecfced Mayor and Mrs Gapeß and Mr Jamea Gapes (ex-Mayor), and the proceedings terminated.
LYTTELTON. The election of a person to occupy the position of Mayor for the Borough of Lyttelton for the ensuing year was held yesterday. The candidates were Councillors Thompson and Schumacher, and Captain H. M'Lellan, an ex-Councillor. There was but little interest taken in the contest, and Mr H. J. V. Rogers, the Returning Officer, declared the result at 6.50 p.m. as follows : — J. Thompson 181 N. O. Schumacher 120 H.'M'Lellan 106 He therefore declared Mr Thompson duly elected. Each candidate ( returned thanks to the ratepayers for the support accorded him.
KAIAPOI. Very little interest waß manifested in the contest. The result was announced shortly after six o'clock to be ! Feldwick 102 Eraser; l°o Both candidates briefly addressed the people who had gathered around the Council Chambers, thanking them for their votes, and the proceedings terminated. ;
{Per Pbbsb As*ocivriu«.l AUCKLAND, Nov. 29. Mm Tates was elected Mayor of Onehunga by a majority of thirteen votes over Mr Court, a well-known draper. WELLINGTON, Nov. 29. After yesterday's excitement, very little interest was taken in the Mayoral election to-day, the contest being carried on without any spirit. Mr A. de B. Brandon defeated Councillor Worth by a large majority, the number being Brandon 1194, Worth 595. The Mayoral election for the borough of Petone, rpsulted in the return of Mr R. C. Kirk. TIMAEU, Nov. 29. The Mayoral election resulted in the return of Mr Jacob Hill, an old Councillor, •with 160 votes ; Mr J. Jackson, formerly , Mayor for several terms, 137. DUNEDIN, Nov., 29. Great interest was taken in the city j Mayoral election. The prohibitionists and Women's Franchise League were against Mr Fish, Mr Chapman, the other candidate, being brought out by them, and they spared no effort in attempting to repeat the defeat of the previous day. The voting was heavy, Mr H. S. Pish polling 1067 and Mr C. R. Chapman 749. Mr Fish, who is seriously ill in bed, bad therefore a majority of 318. • ■ At Roslyn Mr A. Matheson defeated Mr L. Kemnitz. HOKITIKA, Nov. 29. Mr A. W. Wade was re-elected Mayor of Hokitika by a majority of 78. OAMARU, Nov. 29. In the Mayoral election to-day the polling was— Mr W. Waddell, 276} Mr J. Dunn, the present Mayor, 173. INVERCARGILL, Nov. 29. Mr A. Raeside wrs elected Mayor of Invercargill with 225 votes; Mr A. Blacke, 180; Mr M'Farlane, the retiring j Mayor, 126 ; Mr Storie, 40. Mi! Macara i was elected for Gore, beating Messrs Beattie and Simpson, former Mayors. . j
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4814, 30 November 1893, Page 2
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783MAYORAL ELECTIONS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4814, 30 November 1893, Page 2
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MAYORAL ELECTIONS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4814, 30 November 1893, Page 2
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