! P?KB PbESS ASSOCIATION.] I NEW PLYMOUTH, Nov. 23. ! Mr James Bellringer was re-elected Mayor of New Plymouth to-day, there being no other candidate nominated. WELLINGTON, Nov. 22. Mr George Fisher, one of the candi- ■ dates for the Mayoralty, addressed a large i meeting of ratepayers to-night. He re- , ferred at length to the drainage scheme, and took strong objection to the appoint- ; ment of consulting engineers, contending j that the. City Council had handed itself ; over body and soul to the two gentlemen i appointed, and that the ratepayers should i have been consulted before Buch an arrange* 1 ment was entered into. Begarding the estimated cost of the scheme he declared there waa no guarantee that it could be carried out for £165,000, the | amount sanctioned, and no one could conj tradict him if he asserted that the cost I would be £265,000. He pointed out that | when he last held the chief Magistrate's chair, the rates were 2s 6d in the £, while now they were 3s Id, and, as the I drainage loan would be raised at 5 per i cent, it meant a further increase of Bdin I the £i so that the citizens would soon find themselves rated at 4a in the £. Discussing the question of his ability to see the work carried out, he referred to the success attending the Wainuiomata waterworks and reclamation works, both of which were carried out during his term of office; and he also drew attention to the fact that the Municipal debt had increased by £34,000 since he left the civic chair. Mr Fisher attacked the local Presß for its alleged hostility towards him. He received a vote of confidence. On Tuesday the nominations for the position of Mayor of Kaiapoi closed at noon. As Mr William Doubleday waa the only nominee, he will in due time be declared duly elected. The nominations for the office of Mayor of Christ church closed at noon to-day. MeBBrB Eden George, J. T. Smith and W. Thomson were the candidates nominated. The poll will take place at the City Council Chambers on Nov. 30. Mr James Tait was the only person nominated as .Mayor of Sumner, and he was accordingly declared duly elected. . A meeting of Mr W. Thomson's supporters was held in the Oddfellows' Chambers last night. About fifty ratepayers were present, and passed a resolution pledging themselves to support Mr Thomson's return. Committees were appointed to work in each ward.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 7427, 23 November 1892, Page 3
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