To-morrow (Wednesday) the nomination*) for the Heathcote election have to be formally made, and on the following Tuesday the electors will be called upon to decide which of the candidates shall represent them during the final session of the present parliament. It matters very little whether the nominations include either Mr Morgan. or Mr Williams, since neither of thete would be likely to make any appreciable difference in the voting. For all practical purposes, the issue is narrowed down to Messrs Ayers and Jones. The views of these candidates hvve been so folly ventilated at public meetings held in the various centres throughout the electorate, that it may be taken for granted they are generally known. A. specially prominent point is that each has declared himself a supporter of the existing Ministerial party, and for the same general reason. Each holds that the present Government can lay claim to able administration under circumstances of peouliar difficulty. Each holds that the element of fair play has been pleasantly conspicuous. Of course this recognition of fairness means that the Canterbury district, which had been systematically plundered as to its revenue, and systematically snubbed as to its requirements, got its olaims enforced by the shoulder to shoulder attitude of its representatives, who steadfastly helped aGovernment which was manifestly deßiroue of helping them. The Canterbury party had become a power : it is a power still, which no Ministry and no party can ignore. Messrs Ayers and Jones are alike emphatic in their determination if elected to uphold this party. We have, then, the broad fact* as applying to eaoh of these two candidates, that no matter which is elected,, the Ministry will have a firm supporter, nnd the Canterbury party a staunch adherent. It need scarcely be pointed out that in the exigencies of party politics there must at times bo points upon, which individual members feel it desirable and necessary to give way, even though personal opinion thereon may be particularly strong. In such a position either Mr Ayers or Mr Jones may find himself; yet it docs not follow that some seeming inconsistency in the House will not subsequently be capable of clear and satisfactory explanation. We notice that the candidates are profuse in promises. This is not more their fault than the fault of the electors, who seem to have got into the habit of exacting pledges about the most trivial details, instead of? confining themselves to fairly broad principles, and to the more prominent issues likely to come before the country. We are not going to advise the Heathcote people which man they should choose, for the sufficient reason that the question of choice becomes a personal one. There is the relative fitness to be considered. Income of the many branches of Local Government, both men have had considerable experience ; to Parliamentary work both are new. Which man bids fair, by reason of his special knowledge, his manner, hie appearance, and so on, to carry most weight in the House? Which man, judged by what is known of his local career, and by what has been Been and heard of him during the election campaign, seems best adapted for giving intelligent consideration to the many matters which may come before him, and, if need be, of giving his opinions intelligent expression P These are questions the eleotors have to ask themselves, and answer at the ballot box.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 5840, 1 February 1887, Page 2
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