[jbf electric tblegrapb—copybigrt.2 [Eeuteb'b Telbgbamb.] LONDON, Jult 29. The following is the result o£ THE GOODWOOD CUP, of 300 soys, added to a subscription of 20 sots. Weight for age. Two miles and a half. Mr B. Peck's eh c The Bard, by Petrarch— Mag. dalene, Syrs ... ... i [The Bard's two-year-old career was a most sensational one, as he won no less than sixteen races of the total value of 9188 soys, and was never beaten. His first appearance was at the Lincoln Spring Meeting, where he won the Brocklesby Stakes, beating fifteen others. At the Liverpool Spring Meeting he was successful in the Molyneux Stakes, and at the Northampton and Pytchley Hunt Meeting secured the Althorp Park Stakeß and Ascot Plate. At the Epsom Spring Meeting he won the Westminster Stakes and Hyde Park Plate, and at the Sandown Park Second Spring Meeting appropriated the Two-year-old Stakes. He also won the Spring Two-year-old Stakes at the Newmarket Second Spring Meeting, and placed the St George's Plate to his credit at the Windsor Spring Meeting. At the Manchester Spring Meeting the Hartington Plate and John o' Gaunt Plate fell to his lot, and at the Ascot Meeting he won the Twenty-Third Biennial Stakes. He walked over for the Mersey Stakes at the Liverpool July Meeting, and wop the July Plate at the Manchester July Meeting. At Sandown Park Second Summer Meeting he pulled off the Great Kingston two-year-old race, and brought his two-year-old career to a close by winning the TattersalTs Sales Stakes at the Doncaster September Meeting. In the Derby this year he was beaten easily by the Duke of Westminster's Ormonde by a length and a half.]
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Bibliographic details
Star (Christchurch), Issue 5685, 31 July 1886, Page 3
Word Count
Star (Christchurch), Issue 5685, 31 July 1886, Page 3
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