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Late Advertisements, j WANTED at once, Apprentices to Mantlemaking. Apply D.I.C. 4218 WANTED, a Girl, aged about 14. Apply at once to No. 80, Kilmore street cist. 4215 I WANTED, cle»n, tidy Girl, about 16. to assist in general housework. 17, Kilmore street east. 4202 WANTED, a young Girl to assist iv the house J and act as Nurse. Apply to 21, Victoria ! street. 4208 \ WANTED, the Lady who answered advertise- j ment, Papanni, " Star," to call, as r*ply | is waiting. 4193 ( WANTED, a Girl about 12 years old, to mind J a child during day ; sleep at hom-t. 285, ; Cashel street. 42 i 2 < ANTED, first-class Man Cook ; middlo-apied I Woman as nurse. Jameß M'Donald, Man- I Chester street. 4199 j WANTED, good General Servant for country i hotel. Mrs MorrißOn, tfegistry office, 197, ) Gloucester street. 4204 ■ WANTED, a Young Man, who can mould, to j assist in Bakehouse and drive Baker's Cart. 89, East belt. 41G9 I WANTED, well-recommended General Servant for gentleman's family. Mrs Davies, Post-office Store, St Albans. 4201 WANTED immediately, General Servants for town and country. Mrs M'Donnld, Registry office, 12.', Armagh street. 4216 ANTED Known— Six GaUons of Milk per day for sale, price lid per gallon. H. Hampton, Selwyn Btreet, Addington. 4186 WANTED, situation by middle-aged person aa working housekeeper or general servant, j town or country. Address M.C., " Star " office. 05 J WANTED, a Emart Lad for the Drapery ; one j accustomed to serve preferred. Apply j A. F., office of this paper. State age and previous : experience. 4214 WANTED, Dressmaking Machinist for No. 8 i Singer's machine, one with knowledge of ' dressmaking, and Apprentices. 79, Lichfield atreet. 4207 WANTED to Lease or Purchase, nenr Sydenham, a good Grass Paddock, of about one and a half acres. Apply, stating terms, to y.U.0., " Star " office. 4210 WANTED, Fifty Men and Twenty La-tfeß (handsome) for "The Snnny South." Apply at Btage door, Theatre Royal, To-morrow morning, 10 o'clock. Joe Brown, Manager. 4196 WANTED, five good Butchers to slaughter sheep at Totara Estate, Oanwru, for freezing ship Dunedin. Apply till noon on Thurs- I day at office of National Mortgage Company, Hereford Btreet. 4197 j AGENCIES.— Required, an Energetio Business ! Man, to take a Valuable Agency for Christchurch. State full particulars as to offlces.'timo at ' disposal, Ao„ to American, office of this paper. 4181 COMFORTABLE home for two or three gentlemen, £1 per week. 196, Oxford terrace east. 420* FOR SALE,— Buggy and Harnesß. F. Ma*on, 83, Cashel street. 4192 FOR SALE, thoroughbred, bright bay Mare, 15} hands, fast trotter, quiet in saddle or harness. Further particulars, Gherkin, first brick house, left-hand side, Gordon street, East belt. 4217 AROLD BWETE, Bertie SiUar, EMM. desires to communicate with these frienda.B9 MRS IZETT, Triangle, requires Cooks, Generals (town and country). Young Girls, Nur6o r Ac. Arrived — "PoUoe Gaieties," "Judge," "Puck,'' Sydney and Melbourne papers, "Christohurch Echo," " Vanity Fair," " Auckland Titbits." 4194 PARTNERSHIP.— An exceptional opportunity to obtain a Bhare in a weU-established Business in Wellington, on very ensy terms and small capital. State present occupation and full particulars, in first instance, to Mr North, " Lyttelton Times " office. 4182 SPRING Carta, Pleasure Traps, Horses, Harness, to Let on Hire. PeppereU, Montreal street, Sydenham. 3734 TO Arrive To-morrow— Stewart Island Oysters, 5d per dozen at Crawford's, Canterbury street, Lyttelton. TENDERS wanted for Sinking Two-inch Artesian in Sydenham, near Scotch '"'•hurch, Colombo street. Apply Q.U.0., " Star " office.42o9 p_*"VINCH Bicycle for Sale, nearly new, baU Om bearings ; price, £12. Apply J.C.D., 37, Walker street, Christchurch. 4206 bl A -INCH Bioycle for Sale, baU bearings ; price, •J _ £8. Apply at Langdown's Factory, St Asaph Btreet, between 12 and 1. 4200 ___„„ _. I HAVE REMOVED from Hereford street to Offices on the First Floor of The Australian Mutual Provident Society's New Building, 144, WORCESTER STREET, nearly opposite the Post-office, T. W STRINGER, 5775 Barrister and Solicitor. LOWER HEATHCOTE RACES. ALL Tickets in Saddle Trot not presented by 9 o'clock p.m. TO-MORROW (WEDNESDAY) WILL NOT BE RECOGNISED. By order, HOBBS A GOODWIN, 4211 Cathedral squ tre. H. lie B O W K B B, 258, COLOMBO STREET, MARKET PLACE, Sydenham— Johnson street, Section, 33ft fnntare, House, 4 rooms, iron roof, all in good repair, £125 Taylor's lane, off Manchester street— Section 122 ft frontage, cheap Windsor— Blooks of 1 to 5 acres, low price, easy terms Norman's road— s Sections, about \ acre, £30 each Sydenham— Capital Building Sections in Gordon street, Burlington street, and Albemarle street, £40 each, cash or easy terms Sydenham— Gordon street, \ acre and House of 3 rooms, £120 Linwood— Parish street, Section 82ft x 132 ft, new House S rooms and 2-stalled stable ; just the place for a carrier or cabman, £180— £40 oash, balonoe can remain St Albans— High street, i acre and House 4 rooms, £110 Sydenham— Huxley street, } acre and good House, 4 rooms, £200— £50 cash Sydenham— Andrew Btreet, \ acre Section and House of 4 rooms, plastered, £150, easy terms. List of other properties for sale now ready. Money to Lend on Mortgage. PUBLIC NOTICE. nHHE WELL-KNOWN FIRM OP GEORGE A WALTON, PHOTOGRAPHIES, CHBISTCHOECH, Is now carried on under the Style of " EDEN GEORGE," i Mr Walton, a Sleeping Partner, having retired i | from the Firm. AU letters to be addressed, and all cheques to be made payable to the undersigned. j EDEN GEORGE, j APPOINTMENTS should be mode if convenient. Telephone No. 220. 4180 i I COMPTON HOUSE. AUTUMN SEASON. Just Received— NEW DRESS MATERIALS NEW CURL STRIPES NEW ASTRACHAN STRIPES NOVELTIES IN MILLINERY NEW STYLES IN LADIES' JACKETS NOVELTIEB VS MANTLES, PALETOTS, Ac. LADIES' ULSTERS IN NEW TWEEDS NEW LACE COLLARS AND FICHUS CHINA AND OTHER SILK SQUARES AND HANDKERCHIEFS LADIES' CANVAS AND OTHER FANCY APRONS NEW HOSIERY, GLOVES AND MITTS NBW DRESS TRIMMINGS, GIMPS, BUTTONS, Ac. Every article marked at lowest poßßible price, and comparison invited. One Shilling off every £ for Cash. BELL AND SHARLAND, Direct Importers, COLOMBO STREET.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 5562, 9 March 1886, Page 2
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985Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5562, 9 March 1886, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 5562, 9 March 1886, Page 2
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