+ Yeaterday tho new church of St Saviour at West Lyttelton waa consecrated, and opened for divine service by the Right Rev the Primate, Biahop Harper. A few particulars with regard to the church may be interesting. The new church owes its existence to the beneficence of the Yen Archdeacon Dudley, of Rangiora, who come years ago presented tho west portion of the parish of Lyttelton with an endow- 1 ment in land, which at the present time yields an income of about £IGS. The church itself was built out of the funds raised as follows : — Tho sum of ,£2OO by syndicate grant, a grant of .£3O from the Socioty for the Promotion of Christian knowledge, and the major portion of the balance by the gift of friends and residents of the diocese. West Lyttelton was recently made a parochial district, and is a perpetual curacy in charge of the Rev E. Eliot Chambers. The building itself io of wood, and, when completed in its entirety, -will 6eat about 350 persons. The work was executed from plans prepared by Mr Cyril Mountfort, who also supervised the erection of the building. The style of the .architecture is of the composite order, and in his efforts the architect has been very successful, the general effect of the building, and especially of the exterior, being most pleasing. The portion at present completed comprises the chancel and transepts, leaving three more bays, of a total length of 30ft, to be added when funds permit. The interior of the building is very lofty for its size, iB well ventilated, and excellently lighted by a number of lance-shaped windows filled with stained glass. Of the acoustic properties of the building, the Rev W. H. Elton, Precentor of the Cathedral, who intoned tho service yesterday, speaks highly. Of the interior of the church, it may be remarked that there is an absence of that sombre character which is usually associate with ecclesiastical buildings. The walls are of plaster, the lower portion being dadoed in stained woodwork, alternately rimu and kauri. It is also intended at a future date to erect a bell-tower and steeple. The church is situated in Dampier's Bay, on a triangular-shaped Church Reserve, at the corner of Voelas and Governor's Bay roads. The contract for the building was let to Messrs Sutton and Weastall, at the price of £071 133. The same firm also have the contract for the furnishing. The wholo work appears to be well and faithfully carried out. The consecration service was performed by the Right Rev the Primate, after which matins "were conducted chorally by the Rev W. H. Elton, Precentor of the Cathedral, assisted by the Cathedral choir. The servico was that of Garrett in D, and was beautifully sung, though the American organ used was hardly adequate to the powor of the choir. The special Psalms were Nos. 84 and 121. The anthem was Elvey's " I was glad when they said unto Me we will go into the House of the Lord." The hymns were from Ancient and Modern Nos. 239, 395, 322, 324. The sermon was preaohed by the Right Rev the Primate, and was on the subject of church building, and the extension of church. work, and was of a most impressive nature. It must be mentioned that the church is free : that is to say, there is to be no charge for sittings, or pew rents, in accordance with the condition of the endower, " that it should be free for ever." Service was ionducted last evening at 7.30 p.m., when the sermon was preached by the Yen Archdeacon Dudley. The church was presented by the Right Rev the Primate and Archdeacon Lingard with a handsome silver communion service, and by tho Rev W. H. Elton with a handsome wooden cross for the communion table. The thanks of the parishioners are due to the Rev W. H. Elton, precentor of the Cathedral, and to the choir of the Cathedral, for the rendering of the musical portion of the service, and to Mr G. F. Tendall, who presided at the organ. There were a large number of the clergy present, including the Very Rev Dean Jacobs, Yens Archdeacon Dudley and Lingard. Ser. . vices will be held in tho church, as advertised, during the week.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 5454, 30 October 1885, Page 4
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