The Star. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1882.
Profc'for FrasiT will lcr-lure (his evening in the Congregational schoolroom on "Tkrift: How to got rich." _ Tho Now Houth Wales Football ittM arrived at ButtoH ut O.!i0 last evening, per the s.s. Rotomahnna.
Ohristchuroh i'b now in tho proud position of having » uredifc balance at the bank of no less than £6374 3s Bd. Elsewhere appears a report of the meeting of the City Council held last night, at which a considerable amount of business was done. Ihe Auckland surgeons have extracted the bullet from Moore's skull. He remains in pretty much the some state as when he first attempted suicide. Mr 0. B. Stone haß been eleoted Direotor of the Auckland Mutual Insurance Company. Between 70,000 and 80,000 shares have been taken up. Mr William Brioe was yesterday nominated as a candidate for the NorthEast Ward. OouDoillor flulbert, representative of the South-Hast Ward, put in hia resignation last evening. Messrs A. Ivory, White, 8. Stephens, and G. Conp were nominated at noon to-day, to fill the three vacancies in the Bangiora Borough Council. The master of the Armagh street Depot bags to acknowledge, with thanks, tlie receipt of a quantity of buns, pastry, &0., from tho Freethought Hall for the usu of tho inmates. A considerable number of names have already been obtained to tho petition in favour of the formation of Knightstown and the surrounding suburbs into u Town District, under tho designation of Linwood. During the squabble at the Theatre Boval on Baturday evening, the doorkeeper at the pit entranco got rathur roughly used, his Bands being considerably cut about . It is stated that Mr B. J. 8. Harman has resigned his seat on the Licensing Committees of Ohristohurch. It will have been observed that he did not appear at the meeting of the Committee yesterday. There were in the Ashburton Hospital, on' August I, 6 patientß ; admitted during the month, 10 ; diaohurged, 5 ; died, 1 ; remaining on August 31, 10. A report of the business tramaoted at the ordinary forfcnig'ntly meeting of tbr> 8t Albans Borough Council, held last evening, will be found in another column. An explanation relative to the transfer of the Borough Hotel li.-ense was made by Mr Westenra at to-day's mooting of the East Cbriatchurch Licensing Committee A man named Charleß Mollwo, who was working on Mr George Bovin's station at jfaituca, was bitten on Sunday by a sow, whioh inflicted on him a very severe flesh wound. He was brought .to the Hospital yesterday. A man named John Murray, wbo^ has been for some months past living in a tent in the neighbourhood of Kniapoi, and has refused work when offered to him on more than one occasion, was yesterday arrested by Sergeant M'Donald on a charge of ragiancy. • The quarterly meeting of the 8t Albaro licensing Committee will be held at noon on Thursday next. The only business at present notified is an application for the transfer of the license of the Caledonian Hotel from Samual Freeman to John Noill. At the meeting of the Direotors of the Linseed Oil and Fibre Company hold yesterday afternoon, a remarkably floe sample of Unseed was laid on the table. It w»b grown by Mr James Torrens at his farm on the Linooln Toad, and was pronounced by competent judges to be equal to the best Home-grown eeed, being bright, plump and oily. At the inqueet on Sarah 4nne Cressey, whioh was held yesterday in the Luna'ic Asylum, a verdict of " death from natural causes" was returned. The medioal evidence ■howed that deceased had died from bronohitis. She was in. a weak condition when admitted on June 3 last. Deceased was 46 years of age. Mr Superintendent Harris has received the following letter from Mr 0. P. Hulberfc, coveriag a donation of five guiueos : — " Dear Sir, —Kindly accept enoloaed chequo for your library, and my sincere thanks to yourself and the members of your brigade for thoir suoceasful efforts to suve my promises from fire. —I remain, &0., 0. P. Bttibebt." After the oonolueion of the ordinary fcusinosß of the fiity Council last evening, an unofficial gathering was held, for the purpose of bidding farewell to those members of the Council who are retiring this year from their positions. Tho heall h of the Councillors in question was drunk in ohampagne, and much regret was expressed at the loss of so many hard- working and valuable Members of the Counoil. The last relio of the Exhibition, in the shape of sundry piles of iron drain pipes and timber, are now being romoved from the ground lately occupied by the building. It is evident that in a ven Bhort time all traces of the Ohristchurca International Exhibition will have vanished, and its silo will once| more be available lor the purposes of a cricket field. The last sign remaining of the preaenoe of the exhibits is a large boat, whioh still kesps its position among the debrit. An inquest on tho body of Mr E. H. Tate was held at Stone's Hotel, Timoru, yesterday. After hewing evidonco, including that of Dr Hammond, medical attendant to deceased for the last eleven years, and of Dr Lovegrove, who mado the post mortem examination, tho jury without retiring returned the following vardicfc: — "That the deceased, Edward Henry Tate, died from a fit of Berous apoplexy." The funeral of deceased took place immediately after tho inquest, and was largely attended. The Pipneer Bioyole Club's opening run of tho season, whioh was this year to Eaiapoi, took place on Saturday. About twelvo m-inbarß left tho Post-office at 3 p.m., but owiug to head winds and bad roads, Kaiapoi was not readied till 4.30. After tea the return journey was commenood at 7 p.m., and although very dark, all wont well to the Styx, where, Mr Paxton broke the backbone of his bicycle, which necessitated his walking the remainder of the way home. The other 'oyolists arrived in town at 9 o'clock, having enjoyed the run immensely. One of the " runners " who has been connected with tho d.-livory of thiß journal for a considerable period is W. Wakefield, a man who is no* sixty-four years of age. Wakefield is in possebdion of a double roun<?.— that is to nay, ho delivers tho Lyttelton Timss in tho morning and the Star in the evening, through tho Waltbam *nd Opawa districts. Bix dayt iu every vet-V, winter or summer, wet or fine, Wakefield walks no less than thirty-four milos. Walking at the rate of upwards of ton thousand miles a year ia not bad work for an old man of sixty-four ; and at the present moment WakefioM is vigorous enough to giro many a young man long odds. About twenty sportsmen, who were bent on enjoying themselves, mot at Mr Piper's Whurf, Ferry road, on Saturday, when a couplo of drags wore run. Tho first wuh started in a paddock close by tho Canal reserve, and after running a rig over four fences, back into tho Canal reserve, along the road, und over four moro fences, was finished at the Steam wharf, aftor a very nice run of a mile and a half. Tho next run started on the opposite sido of tho Ferry load, and travelled ovor some nice timber country, killing in Moasra Liflhtband, Allan, and Co.'b paddock Vory few followed the runs throughout, und very fow spills occurred. In the ordinary course of his remarks at tho Ashburton Licensing sitting, held jestordiiy, Hergnant Fvlton, in opposing tho granting of 12 o'clock liconaeß, gave the following statiflticd: — Iu 1878, 392 personß wero brought up in thn local K.M. Court for drunkenness ; in 1879, 212 oxprossed their ponitenco for " looking upou tho wine whon it wus red ;" in 1880 th» number of woak ones had fallen to 185 ; 1881 showed an excbbs of alcohol and 2HO came to tho dock ; and up to «ept. 3, of 1882, 251 drunks had contributed ponitential coin or labour to tho publio puno— in all, for tho period, 1300 pooplo who had ullowotl their zeal in tho worship of Bacchus to outrun thoir discretion. At tho usual half-yearly mooting of delegate from tho rurioiw Odife'lows' !odp?e in tho Ashley district, h**ld in dauber, 1831, it was decided to institute a district anniversary demonstration, to be held annually in tho lust week of Octobor, and that the dolcgatos then present should form the Committee to curry out all tho arrangements connected thorewith. In accordance) with this resolution, a mooting of those ropieaentativcs was to have beon hold yeaterday at tho Oddfellows' Hall, Bangiora, but only four put in an appoaranco, and they decided not to movo in the matter, thinking that it would bo advißablo to allow it to stand over until the next district meeting, ihn to bo farther considered.
Owing to the preisnre on our space, our leaders, and some other items, are unavoidably held over. Bergeant-Major Pardy has returned from Cambridge, where be investigated the circumstances connected with the late poisoning case at Auokland. Mr William Walters, the well-known sportsman and horae breeder, died at Auckland last night at the age of 64. A fine sample of cork grown in New Zealand has been forwarded to the Wellington Museum by Judge Gillies. Further evidence was taken in the Wellington Hospital enquiry yesterday. An adjournment was made until to-day, when it was expected it would terminate. The following are additional insurances on the Auokland fire :— B. Murphy, fruiterer, stook and furniture damaged, £200 Norwich Union; Ambrose and English's dairy, damage, £50. The Colonial had £175 reinsured. The Wellington theatre was crowded all 1 list week to witness the performance of the "World." Owing to its great sucoess the run of the piece has been extended three nights, " New Babylon " succeeding it on Thursday. The City Counoil last evening determined to grant the two tank reserves at the ends of the Cathedral Bite to the Cathedral Chapter, in exchange for a site for a depdt for material. One of the conditions is that the city shall be allowed the use of the existing tank. Leading members of the legal profession io Dunedin who have been consultad on the aubjeot, have, in opposition to the opinion just given by the Solicitor-General, advised that the lioense fees under the Licensing Aot and Dog Begistration Act are payable to County Councils and not to Town Boards. An entertainment, in aid of the St Ambrose Churoh funds, was held in the Malvern district sohoolroom on Friday evening. There was a large attendance, and, as a whole, the rather long programme submitted was quite successful. An enjoyable dance concluded the evening's proceedings. Mr B. Beetham, the Resident Magistrate for Christohuroh, has obtained a further leave of absence from hia duties till November 1 next, his medical advisers being of opinion that an immediate resumption of work would only fc j I followed by a relapse. Mr Beetham is at present in Chris tohurch, and will probably pay a visit to the South before long. During last week nearly 40ft of solid conorete work on the Timaru breakwater was completed, and work is progressing very rapidly. An additional 220ft of wooden wharf will be finished in about a fortnight The solid concrete work now extends about 1200ft seawards, with 24ft of water at dead low spring tides at the outer end. It is progressing at the rate of about 60ft per month. At the Dunedin South licensing meeting yee ■ terday, the police brought the case of Scott, of the Newmarket Hotel, under notice. It will be remembered that judgment was given against him in the B.M. Court on a " lambing down " case. The Committee decided that they oonld nob tike cognisance of the matter, at any rate until a renewal was applied for. The difficulty about the payment for the gas consumed at the Drill Shed is now in a fair way to be amicably eettled, so that in a short time the volunteers will be relieved from the inconvenience (to whioh they have been subjected for several weeks) of having to perform their evolutions by the not very brilliant light of candles. Ihe Invercargill Chamber of Commeroe, at a meeting held yesterday, considered the proposal of the Dunedin Chamber re direct steam service subsidy, and resolved on an amendment — " That thiß Chamber is of opinion that a subsidy of £30,000 should be offered for an effioioot service" ; as againßt a motion to the effect " That the Chamber is of opinion that the present and prospective trade offers sufficient inducement to steamship owners without Bubsidy." Once more the Press is compelled to condemn, in unmeasured terms, its friends the Ministry. Those in office are deliberately " holding back much of the most important and most debateable business of the year," and "do not intend to submit their measures to any real discussion." The Press goes on to describe the proceedings of the Government as unußual and unfair, and as nothing less than an outrage of the rights of the people. It is at least some consolation to find that the Preis is at last reoogoising that its strict propriety trick of keeping its eyes sedulously closed may be carried too far. At the usual weekly meeting of the Christchurch Wesleyan Mutual Improvement Association, held on Monday evening, Mr 0. M. Gray read a short paper on " Shakespeare." This was followed by a recitation from Mr H. Bennetts, "Hamlet's soliloquy;" Messrs B. Cass, H. Black, and H. J. Boss rendered the grave-yard Bcene from " Hamlet'-" Mr Allison read the ode to " Meroy," from " The Merchant of Venice;" Mr Allen, Mark Antony's oration from " Julius Coosar ;" and Mr OaBB "Fhttery and Friendship," from one of Shakespeare's minor pieces. A criticism of the paper and the readings was then indulged in by a number of the members, and the meeting was closed in the usual way, after the announcement waa made that next week Mr B. Cass, jun,, would read a paper on the " History of the Jews." The Bnnual meeting of the Hororata Bacing Club for eleoting a Bace Committee for the ensuing year was held in the school, Hororata, on Friday. There was a large attendance. The Chairman (Mr J. E. Fountaine) read the report and balance-sheet of the out-going Committee, from whioh it appeared that the sum of £234 16s 4d had been recoived during the year ; and £221 18s 6d expended, leaving a balance, after expending over £30 on the improvement of the course, of £12 17a lOd. ft was decided to extend the district, so as to include the following Hoad Districts : — East and South Malvern, North Bakaia, LaVo Coleridge, and that parb of the Courtenay district lying between the fielwyn and Hororata rivers. The next race meeting was fixed for Jan. 3. The programme of last year waß adopted, except that all races will be confined to the districts named. All money received for acceptances and sweepstakes will go to second horses. A new Com i ittoo waa then elected, and tho meeting adjourned. A specially summoned mooting of shareholders in tho Ghristchurch, Sydenham, and Suburban Building Society was held last night in tho offices of Messrs M'Connol and Douglas, for tho purpose of considering what means should be taken to compel the Directors to pay the shareholders' olaims in full. There was a very limitod attendance. Mr M'Connel waa in the chair, and referred to soction 13 of " The Building Sooiotios Act, 1830." On June 10, 1881, the Bocioty had exceeded their borrowing powers by £2550. By Bection 52, it wqb provided that the Directoro should be personally liable for suoh oxcess. Ho contendod that tho Directors wero liable for th« amount named, which ho might montion would just square off tho defalcations of Charters. Tho meeting, had it beon numerous enough, would have been asked to namo an independent solicitor, whoso advice should be takeu. The excoss began in September, 1880, and continued for olose on six months. On account of tho sparse attendance, this was all Ihe business done The ordinary monthly meeting of the Bangiora Domain Board was held intheMandeville and Rangiora Road Board office yostorday afternoon ; present — Messrs A. Parsons, (Chairman), Mulcock, Ivory, Lilly, and Luxton. Mr Lilly reported that half a chain had beon ploughed round tho 25-aore portion of tho Domain which was not connocted with tho racecourse, and that tkis would be. ready for planting next season. A resolution was unanimously adopted to tho offect that tho Domain Board will allow tho North Canterbury Jockey Club to uso tho Domain on Oct. 26 next, and that they be pormitted to charge admittance to the courao on that occasion, the Domain Board to receive five per cent on all takings on the ground, less expensoß of collection. A further resolution was also adopted that tbo Board will give the said Club entiru control ovor tho racing track ; and that, in future, all meetings of whatover nature held on tho Domain shall bo charged as circumstnncea pormit; and that all damages shall be immediately repaired by tho parties using tho ground. On tho motion of Mr Mulcock, seconded by Mr Luxton, it was further decided that tho North Cantorbury Jockoy Club should have the full control of the racing traok as long as tho Bill just passed is in force. A lotter from Mr Ohinnery was read, and the Chairman stated that he had replied to it. The Board thtn adjourned.
It is stated that Mr Daniel Beeße is a probable candidate for the S.W. Ward. The Fire Insurance Association (Limited) has notified its retirement from the tariff association. The members of the Loyal Bangiora Lodge, 1.0.0.F., M.U., are requested to join in the Fire Brigade procession on Thursday evening next. It is the intention of the Tramway Company to further extend the Ferry road line. The work will be commenced shortly. The Cochrina, which left Lyttelton on May 27, and the Melpomene, leaving on Aptil 2b, had arrived in London on Sept. 4. The fiangiora Linseed Company, at a meeting held last evening, decisively rejected a proposal for amalgamation with the Christchurch Company. The report of the Collector of Customs on the stranding of vessels at Kaiapoi will be found embodied in the report of the Waimakariri Harbour Board's meeting, held last evening. This morning a man named Thomas Lawson was arrested at the City Hotel by Constable Bree, charged with the larceny of a qutrt pot, a pint pot, and a glass, value 10s, the property of Mr Cookson. In response to the request made by a deputation, Mr F. Jenkinß has consented to be nominated for the vacant seat for the southeast ward, caused by the resignation of Coun- ' oillor Hulbert. At to-day's sitting of the East Ohristchurch Licensing Committee, all the applications for midnight licenses were granted excepting in the case of the Garriok Hotel. The liceme of the Palace Hotel was transferred to Mr Beatty. The instincts of an old salmon poaoher are not easily obliterated ; and it would appear, from the graphic sketch published in another column, that one of the Canterbury rivers has proved an irresistible attraction.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4482, 5 September 1882, Page 2
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3,198The Star. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1882. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4482, 5 September 1882, Page 2
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