<•» MESSRS PERYMAN AT O'CALLAGHAN AT BROADEIELD. On Wednesday last Mr Perynian addressed a meeting of tho electors at Broadfield, and received a vote of thanks and confidence. Last night Mr O'Callaghan spoke at the same place, and was awarded a vote of thanks. Mr McGuinneaa occupied the chair on both occasions. THE NOMINATIONS. SELWYN. The nomination of candidates for the doctoral district of Selwyn iook plaoo at tho Road Board ofiice, Lsoston, yesterday. The Beturning-Oflicer, Mr W. G. Lunn, presiding. Mr Bluett stated that ho had great pleasure in nominating the hon John Hall to represent Selwyn. He had always held the reins of Governmont with a credit to himself and his constituency. Mr Cunningham seconded tho motion. Mr Forsyth nominated Mr Loehhead, and Btated that although Mr Loehhead might not know much about land charts and schemes, he wou'd be a good man to represent them. Mr Osborne seconded the motion. Mr Bluett stated that he had a telegram from Mr Hall explaining his absence, bnt had he known that he would have been opposed he would havo endeavoured to be present. Mr Loehhead then addressed the meeting, after which the Returning- Officer demanded a show of hands, with the result as follows : — J. Hall 18 R Loehhead 11 A vote of thanks to tho Returning-Ofncer terminated the meeting. [By Tblbgbaph.J HAMILTON, Dec. 3. Sir George Grey addressed a orowded meeting here, and received a vote of confidence. WAIPAWA, Dec. 3. The nominations were Messrs Ormond and W. C. Smith. Mr Bydney Johnston retired. HAWKE'S BAY, Due. 3. Messrs Russell and Sutton have been nominated. WELLINGTON, Dko. 3. The nominations for South Wellington were Paul Coffey, W. B. Edwards, Wm. Hutohison, Oharles Hendrey, and O. J. Foxward. The latter found no seconder. The show of hands waß, Oo.f ey, 56 ; Hutchison, 43 ; Edwards, 18 ; Hendrey, 9. DUNEDIN, Die. 3. Mr Barron has been re-elected for Caversham, without opposition. For Roslyn, Messrs John Bathgate, Capt. Soott, Edmund Hodgkinson, and David Miller were nominated. Tho show of hands was — Hodgkinson, 20 ; Scott, 14 ; Bathgate, 11 ; Millar, 1. For the Peninsula, Messrs James Seaton, W. H. Cutten, M. Donnelly, and Jameß Lewis were nominated. The show of hands was — Cutten, 14; Donnelly, 14; Seaton, 10; Lewis, 1. LAWRENCE, Dec. 3. Messrs J. C. Brown and G. F. O. Browne were nominated. The show of hands was — Brown, 51 ; Browne, 29. (PBOE OTTE OWN COBBBSPOND ENt). ABHBURTON, Dee. 4. The nomination for Ashburton took place to-day, Mr Walter Martin being tho Returning Offiner. Mr E. G. Wright was returned unopposed, Mr John Orr was his proposer and Dr Trevor his seconder.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 4249, 3 December 1881, Page 3
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