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The polling for the election of Mayor of Ohristchuroh for the year 1882, whioh took place to-day, was productive of more excitement than has been witnessed in connection with the municipal contests for a considerable period. This was mainly due to the fact that Mr Ruddenklau and his opponent, Mr Taylor, had each a strong following amongst the burgeises, and that therefore the struggle was likely to be a close one. The supporters of each candidate were evidently determined that if their man was not returned at the top of the poll it would not be their fault, and so worked with a will to secure his eleotion. Both parties "billed " the town ; the posters issued by Mr Buddcnklau being of a pink colour, while Mr Taylor'B invitations 'to vote were " true blue." From an early period of the morning, cabs, bearing the placards of the respective candidates, were to be seen in all parts of the city conveying electors towards the polling booth. Mr Taylor had established a Committee-room at Carew's stables, next to the Clarendon Hotel, while Mr Ruddenklau's head-quarters were in a marquee from which floated a couple of Union Jacks, erected on a vacant section near tho palling place. The scene in front of the City Council Chambers, where the voting waa being held, was a most animated one. The roadway was occupied by numerous cabs and other vehicles, while the footpath waß crowded by a mixed assemblage of voters and others. The two candidates were prominent among the gathering. A little goodhumoured chaff was indulged in now and then, as, for instance, when a couple of vehicles loaded with lady voters drove up. On thoir arrival the remarks made at the recent public meeting re the advantage supposed to bo possessed by one candidate on account of his imposing personal appearance werejlaughingly alluded to by his opponents. The election throughout the day was con< ducted with a spirit of good humour. The poll will close at 6 o'clock this evening.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4246, 30 November 1881, Page 3

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THE MAYORAL ELECTION. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4246, 30 November 1881, Page 3

THE MAYORAL ELECTION. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4246, 30 November 1881, Page 3