3 ♦ Great excitement was caused in turf circles on July 3 by the circulation of a roporfc that ' Bend Or, the winner of the Derby, was > likely to bo objecfcod to on the grounds of > wrong description. It is alleged thafc the I horse which won tho Derby is not roally 3 Bend Or, a chestnut colt by Doucaeter — ' Jiougo Bose, but is Tadeaster, by Doncaster — J Clemence, the descriptions of the two colta ; having been applied to the wrong animala. 1 It ia stated that there was a white blaze on 3 Tadcasler's head, and nofc on Bend Or's, nnd 9 that the description of Bend Or, published after the Derby, led a groom, who had once - been in the servico of his breeder, to mako tho 1 above statement;. The supposed mistake i is attributed to the two horses having been " confounded " when sent to tlie c Park Paddocks, Newmarket, for chango a of air alter illness as yearlings. Beforo I the racing commenced afc Newmarket c on Wednesday tho Stewards of the r Jockey Club— Lord Falmouth, Sir George Chotywnd, and Mr Craven — took the caso a into considerylion. The Duke of Westminster, Mr C. Brewer, and Mr'Blanton b were present. The owner of Bend Or prod duced the Eaton Hall stud-book, but a numeroua errors in ifc, relating to other animals besides the winner and Tadeaster, il were pointed out, aud the steward* arrived at .- no definite conclusion, but expressed their y intention of informing the joint ownors of g Bobert the Devil that they could not ndviso d them how to proceed until they had person■r ally heard^ the evidence of the stud groom, c The ownors of Robert tho Devil have, ifc is d Btated, expressed thoir willingness to accept the decision of tho Btoword9 of the Jockey i- Club. The Jockey Club have, howevor, ifc » il said, declined to advise them. Aftor tho ■fl meeting of the stewards odds of 50 to 1 were laid thafc the judge's verdict in fcho Derby [- would remain unaltered, c The Home Ntios adds : — Ifc is now stated c that Mcbbm Brewer and Blanton will in all likelihood give notioe to Meeßrs Weatherby if not to pay ovor the Derby Stakes to the Dulo I, of Westminster; end i<i view of further pror ejeding* — the stewards of the Jockey Club, owing tj the great cor.iliot of evidence, having
MM— — — — — B^— — — i^b^^ expressed themßtlves unable how to art vise in Mo matter— Arnold (the Eaton stud-groom), his son, md thrae assistants, have taken affidavits in the case. Bell's Life Bt>ys the Rewards of the Jockey Club havo come to the decision that they could nofc advi.-e the joint owners of Bobert the Devil as to tho course they ehould take, and this was subsequent to the examination of Arnold, tho stud-groom at Eaton, his son, and two other employees of the Duke of Westminster. Theso men, it is assorted, sworo as confidently j that Bend Or was Tadcaster as Colonel Barlow and Robert Peck have spoken the other way, and Mr Brewer and Oharles Blanton must now formally claim the stakes for tho Derby if they intend to proceed further. I' rom this time, in fact, the burden of proof will be on their shoulders. In the studgroom's book, which was produced by tho Duko of Westminster, the markings of Bend Or are certainly not givon against hie entry as a foal. On the other hand, wo are told that • the book cor. tains numberless errors. It is also asserted that the question has been submitted to eminent counsel by the owners of Bobert the Devil, bufc no other action is contemplated until counsel's opinion in the matter has been obtained.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 3862, 2 September 1880, Page 3
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