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The half-yearly meeting of tbo mombors of this club was held yesterday afternoon, at Sadoliffe's Hotel. Tho following gentlomen were present: — Messrs H. P. Lance (Chairman), G. G. Stead, H. H. Hennah, Wynn Williams, W. Eoeves, W. Cobb, F. Brittan, 0. F. Barker, E. D. Thomas, E. W. Millett, and Dr Frankish. Messrs H. W. Leo, J. T. Mataorj, and 0. H. Williamß were elected to membership. The hon treasurer, Mr G. G. Stead, then j laid an abstract of receipto and expenditure before the meeting, showing that the total amount received from all sources was £4313 13a sd, and that the expenditure had amounted to £3810 6s 3d since the last annual goneral meeting. He said that at the last annual goneral meeting of the Club the acoounts showed a cash defioit of £39 63 6d, in addition to which there wore two bills, current to the Union Bank, amounting to £700 ; and, further, tho Club held in trust, on account of Derbies, St Leger, and Champagne Stakes, £310, making a total deficit of £1049 63 6d. This deficienoy, as members were no doubt aware, was caused by an expenditure of over £1100 on tho ereotion of stand No. 2, and also of some £500 which had been spent on tho alteration and improvement of the Course during tho previous two years. The statement of accounts to day showed a credit balance of 2s sd, but there was still a bill, ourrent to tho Union Bauk, for £350, and thoy held in trust £238 on account of Derbies, Legers, and Champagne Stakes, thus leaving a total deficit of £537 17s 9d. From this it would be seen that their position had improved to tho extent of £511 8s 9i, notwithstanding which they had paid away, during the year, the large sum of £3455 19j for stokes. On looking through the accounts it would be seen that a profit of £834 4a 3d was made on the Spring Meeting, while a loss of £330 178 Id was inourred upon tho Autumn meeting. On the whole, he thought that tho position of the Club whs very satisfactory. The charges, which amounted to upwards of £450, were heavy, and he thought could be curtailed ; but advertising, printing, clerical labour, men at tho gates, and some other itoins wero unavoidable expenses. Next year, however, it would not, ho hoped, be necessary to spend much upon repairs to tho course, and, consequently, tho charges account should be lighter. Tho Btute of their aocounts, perhaps, scarcely warranted his recommending an increase in the etakes during the next racing year, but if they wero to keep pace with the limes and retain their position as tho premier Club in New Zealand, thoy rnuet do so. In Otago they gavo 600 soys to their Cup, and it was now tho most popular raco in Now Zealand ; while the Wellington Jockey Club proposed to add 500sovs to their Cup, so that unless increased liberality was shown by this Olub they would find their raoes ranking as only second raters. During a recent visit to Dunedin, he found that tho Dunedin [Jookey Club had erected a very commodious stand, and that they had also provided most conveniently arranged [enclosures. He would point out that it bohovod the members of this Olub, if they dcoired to hold their own with the clubs existing in other provinces, to take aotive steps immediately, and to arrango an aotivo canvass for subscriptions, that they might be enabled to make further improvements. It was desirable that they (should increase tho amount of tho stakes, and also effect considerable improvements in tho enclosures and grand stand upon the raoe course. Ho considered that it was very desirable that a Collecting Committee should bo appointed, as, from his experienoe of the liberality of the Obristchuroh oommuniity, no difficulty would bo found in obtaining increased subscriptions, if only the efforts they might make wero well directed. He might point out to them that it had already been suggested that a railway siding Bhould bo arranged for, to lead from the main line on to tho racecourse; and this, if carried out, would doubtless tend to swell the publio attondance at the various raoeß, as the facility of access would be so greatly increased. He might further suggest that endeavours Bhould be made to havo the telegraph extended to the racecourse, and indicated the advantages that would be thereby obtained. A leDgthy discuesion ensued relative to the proposed siding from tho railway to tho racecourse, tho general opinion being ' that it would be a great convenience to thoae who 1 patronised the races, would materially in-
crease the attendance, and would yield good returns. The Chairman reminded members that the point first to be decided was whether or not the value of the atakeß at the Spring Meeting should be inoreaßed. Mr Stead said the question wbb whether two raceß of £250 each, the Cup and 0.J.0. Handicap, should be increased to£sooeaoh. This meant an additional expenditure of £500, and it was for the members to consider if this oould be done. The Chairman said he thoughb if they could raise £200 more from subscriptions, they would bo justified in incurring the additional ex\ rnditure, and if the SpriDg Meeting did not prove bo 6uooesßful as might under thsßecircumstanoes be expected, they must take somethiDg off the Btakes for the Autumn Meeting. Mr Stead eaid there was a profit of over £800 on the last Spring Meeting, but they Imd to pay off a debt of £350 from this, and also to make up a loss on the Autumn Meeting. A member remarked that a sinking fund was required to provide for the Autumn Meeting. Mr Stead Eaid there was a much better attendance 'at the Autumn MeetiDg of 1876 thnn at the last one. Mr Barker : Yen ; but it was held on a public holiday. The Chairman was of opinion that if the Autumn Meeting was hold a month earlier than it waß this year, there would be a much better attendance. Mr Williams said if the meeting was hold on Easter Monday and Tuesday, no doubt they would do much better. A member inquired if such an alteration ac that indicatod could not be made in the date of the Autumn Meeting. The Chairman said the Autumn Meeting had always been placed between two Dunedin meetings. A member inquired if it was really neoossary to increase tho stakes at the Spring Meeting. Mr Keeyeß eaid they were forced into it. If moro money was not offered they had better give Bmall stakeß and drop the title of Metropolitan Meeting at once. He would like to know if the Chairman reoollected what amount was raised by subscriptions in the palmy days when £1000 stakes were given. Ho believed it was from £700 to £800. The Chairman said he could not recollect, but at tho meeting prior to tho one at whioh the first £1000 Btafces was given, a collection was made in the Grand Stand, when subscriptions to the amount of £450 were obtained. Mr Stead thought if it waß dooided to increase tho stakes, an effort should oertainly bo m' le to obtain moro money from the public. Mr Barker thought they might easily obtain more members. The Chairman suggested that a subscription list should bo opened in tho room. This was at once agreed to, and a number of subscriptions, ranging from fire to ton guineas each were promisod. It was then deoided that the added money for the Canterbury Cup, and 0.J.0. Handicap Races, should, in each instance, be raised to 500 soys. Messrs Stead, Thomas, Hooves, Millett, Lance, and Barker, with power to add to their numbor, were appointed an a Committee to collect subscriptions for meeting thh extra expenditure. Mr Stead said he desired to point out that Beveral members were, in arrears with thoir ordinary subscriptions, and he would like to know whether the rule referring thereto should be enforced. It was decided that the Seoretary should write to all members in arrears, oalling their attention to the rule in question. Mr Stead suggested that the Club should endeavour to got a branch telegraph carried from tho railway station to the grand stand. Dr If rankish saw no reason why this should not be un fait accompli before the neit meeting. It would very soon pay itself. Mr Williams remarked that the authorities had refused to allow the telegraph from tho Course to the railway station to conncot at Wellington. Tho following gentlemen were elected on tho Committee for the ensuing twelve months: —Sir Cracroft Wilson, Hon E. W. Stafford, Captain Clogstoun, Dra.Prinß and Frankhh, and Messrs Wjnn Williams, Delamain, John Studholme, W. Reevea, F. Brittan, and L. Walker. Mr H. P. Lanco waß unanimously elected Handicapper, and Mr Stead, hon Treasurer; Clerk of tho Course, Mr E. W. Millett; Judge, Hon E. W. Stafford. Stewards — Sir Cracroft WiUon, and Messrs J. Brabazon, L. Walker, W. Reeves, M. Studholme, L. Harper, and P. Cunningham. Mr 3. Gurforth was ro-appointed Clerk of the Scales. The moeting then adjourned.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 2848, 19 May 1877, Page 3
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1,529CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2848, 19 May 1877, Page 3
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CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2848, 19 May 1877, Page 3
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