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Supreme Court.— Owiug to indisposition, his Honor Mr Justioo Johnston did not sit in Ohambors yoßterday. Ho will probably do bo to-day. Officiating Mihisthrs.— -Tho following names are gazetted under the " Marriage Act, 1854 : " — Rev Samuel Qarliok, Roy John A. Luxford, Roy Goorgo W. Rubboll. Mr T. Batkin.— This gontloman, who oooupiofl tho position of Soorotary to tho Troaaury, passod through Ohristohuroh yosterday on his way to Wellington from Melbourne. Ho has boon absent on leave during tho past few wooks. THE SUPERINTENDENT OV CANTERBURY.— Wo are in a position to stato that thoro is not tho slightest truth in tho roport published by tho Pross Agenoy that Mr HoUeston is to reooive an appointment na Undor-Soorotary for Eduoation aftor noxt Session. Tub San Franoisoo Mail.— This mail arrived yesterday, por s.s. Tarariaki, at 1.15 p.m. It consisted of forty eight bags—thirtyeight for Ohriatohuroh, four for Lyttolton, four for Timaru, and two for Oamaru. Tho Ohristohuroh portion waa forwardod through by tho 3.20 p.m. ordinary train. Hals wkm Quarries . — Theso quarries havo just booomo tho proporty of Mr W. Wilson, who haa purohasod Mr Ward's intorest in them for £8500. At tho prosont time thero aro about fifty horses and twenty mon employed, carting stone into Ohristohuroh, mainly ior tho Oity Oounoil, Tho atono broaking maohino is turning out material at tho rate of noarly sixty yards per day. ATPOINTMENT 01? POSTAIASTEHS. ~- Jj)ho following porsons havo boon appointod post* maetorfi at tho sovoral plaoos montioncd.— - Goorgo Gaynor, Amborloyj ID. S. Lattor, Barry's Bay } M. Woodflold, Burnhara j O. G. Bradley, Hilton ; P. Greaves, Longboaoh? John May, Orari; B. Pilkington, Pleasant Point j 0. A. Wells, Southbridgo j Caroline Terry, Sumnor ,- John Hook, Wainuij J. J. Molhuish, Waitohi Flat j W. P.M'Noil, Washdykoj John Nowton, Wost Eyroton j G. 0. Joifory, White Cliffs Junotion. Hkrbpoiu) street (Baptist) Sunday School.— Tho annivorsary tea mooting was hold last ovoning, whon noarly 200 sat down to a tea, whioh had boon liberally supplied by tho ladios of tho Ohuroh, Tho usual publio raeetinK was hold, afterwards, prosidod over by tho Rev R. Morton. Tho roport stated that thoro was an inoroaso ovor tho mombors of tho former year, and that four of tho Boholars had joinod tho Ohuroh sinoo tho last anniversary. Tho Treasurer reports a deficit of „6 aftor all pro°ont liabilities woro disohargod, and stated that funds would be urgently nooded for the futuro oontinuanoo of the school. During tho evening a number of rooitations and pieces of musio wero given by tho children very oroditably. After short addrosscs from Messrs Watt, Thompson, Simmons, Ohidgory, Cass, Sfcaplos, &c, tho meeting closod with tho Benediction. Provincial Government Ax>pointmkntß. — Mv W. M. Maskoll has reeignod his posts of Provinoial Soorotary and Treasuror, and his seat in tho Excoutive Oounoil, to take the Rogistrarship of tho University of New Zoa^ land. Aooording to report, tho Hxooutivo took stops to fill up tho vacancy, and informed his Honor tho Suporintondont that Mr Oharles Harpor, M.P.0., had acooptod tho office. Mr Rolloston, after somo ooniiidera. tion, rofuecd to sanction tho appointment on tho ground of Mr Harper's inoxporionoo in tho routino of tho work. Sir Craoroft Wilson declined to suggost anyono olse, and in ordor not to delay tho . payments to offloials and othors, his Honor appointed Mr W. Jameson to tho offioo of Provinoial Treasurer. His namo was duly gazottod yesterday, along with Mr ftbukolTi resignation,
Thb Ootwabd San Fbancmoo Mail.— The departuro of the s.s. Oolima has been postponed till noon on Friday. Abohbby. — A matoh has been arranged to ooino off at an oarly date between tho Ohristohuroh and Wellington Clubs. Last year the Wellington Olub proved victorious by a considerable number of marks. Auckland Agbiodxtubai, Rbtubnb.— The Auokland agricultural statistics ior the past season aro publiehod in the New Zealand Gazette. Thoy show — number of holdings, 4002 ; extent of land broken up but not under orop, 13,89H aores j estimated gross produoe (in bushels) of wheat, 45,626fc of 0at5,65,599{ (in tons) of hay, 14,083 j of potatoes, 13,212^; total ft umber ot acres under orops, 356,9885. Cricket.— The following resolution was oarriod unanimously at a recent meeting of orickotora in Duuedin :— " That Mr John Eva bo roquosted to communioate with the Secretaries of tho Ohristohuroh and Auokland Cricket Clubs to ascertain what arrangements thoy are making re the proposed visit of the tho English professional toara, and also to ask Mr Bonnott, tho Englioh team's agont in Melbourne, upon what terms the team will visit Now Zealand." Commissiokeb ov Ocstoms. — His Excellenoy the Governor has been pleased to delegate to tho Hon. H. A. Atkinson, tho Commissioner of Customs, " the power to appoint and remove ofllcors and persons subordinate to tho Commissioner, to collect, and manage the Customs revenue, and to perform tho several duties incident to and conneoted with tbo collection and management thereof, to bo hold and exercised by him from time to timo as ho shall think fit. so long as ho shall hold tho said offloo of Commissioner of Customs." City Assessments.— The assessment of ratoablo proporty in Ohristohuroh for the present year gives a total of £147,104, as against £150,626 in 1875, thus showing a doorcase of £3522. Proporly speaking, howovor, it ia only in the Southern part of tho City whoro tho valuation falls short of last year. In tho South-east quarter there is a deorease of £2991, and in the South-west quarter of £809, while iv the North-east there l is an inorense of £38, and in tho North-west of £210. Tho valuator, Mr 0. Cuff, attributes tho deorease in the assessment to the exoessive valuation of all tbe small oottage properties last year, caused no doubt by the groat demand for bhom. It is but fair to say that the valuation is altogether on a more reasonable basis than last yoar, as must be ovidont when it is romborod what a large number of new buildings, some of whioh are very expensive, havo gone up in all parts of the oity during tho p'jst twelve months. While on this sub- < jeot, wo may remind ratepayers that Thursday noxt is the last day on whioh objections to tho now assessment can be sent in. Up to tho present timo vory fow have beon received. The Kaiapoi Case.- The troubles of this unfortunate parish, says the New Zealand Churoh News, are far from boing at an ond. Tho inoumbent has no intention of resigning, and, at the annual meeting of parishioners rebently hold, has succeeded in obtaining a vestry and churchwardens oomposod entirely of his own supporters. We aro informed, however, and that on tbe very best authority, that the majority was made up, to a considerable extent, of persons registered for the occasion, who not only wore unknown as resident Churchmen, but in some oasos wore only too well known as porsons of disreputable character. I The groat majority of tho former communicants and attendants at the Parish churoh hold aloof from tho sorvices which aro hold there, suoh as are able to do so, going on Sundays to ono or othor of tho churches of the neighbouring parishes. On Easter Day no less than twonty-flve of the old communicants of the parish sought at tho ohuroh at Wcodend, whoro tho Most Reverend the Primate that day officiated, tho blessing they felt themselves unablo to partake of at their Parish churoh. Somo of them aro also oarrying on a ooparalo Sunday Sohool in the parish, It is right to mention at the same timo that the number of the communicants at tho Parish ohuroh on Easter Day, in spite of tho large secession, was greater, we believe, than has ovor boen known in former years, and that the ordinary sorvicos, as regards numbers, are well attended, many going to churoh who nevor wont before. Lyttemon Bobotjgh Ootjnoiii. — The Oounoil hold thoir usuol mooting ou Monday. Prosont— His Worship the Mayor,*end Oounoillors Allwright, F. Graham, W. Graham, Maodonald, and Buiet. The Town Olerk stated that he had rcoeivod £102 Os 9d during tho wook. After some correspondence of minor importanoo had boen disposed of, a letter was read from Mr H. J. V. Rogers, Town Clerk, requesting that tho namo ot Mr A. L. Joseph of Malvern should bo substituted in plaoe of that of Mr E. Giraud, in the bond given the Oounoil. The Oounoil granted this request. The roport of tho Foreman of Works was then road, as follows:— "It will bo necessary to got aU tho metal, that tho Counoil have on hand, broken in readiness to put on tho stroets, as thoro are several places whioh requiro patohing, and Dampier's Bay will requiro a pood coat of metal for about oight ohaim whoro tho road was made up last year. I should rooomraond that the stone bo broken by contract." After discussion, it waa rosolvod, that tho matter, as roportod on by tho Foreman, should bo left in his hands. Tho Foreman also reported that a part of St David's street required filling up, as the storm wator had peroolated through tho briokwork of tho now culvert, theroby seriously endangering its future safety. It was resolved — "That his Worship tho Mayor and Councillor Parsons should be appointed a Committoe to inspect the culvert montionod, with tho Foreman of Works, and roport on the best moans of doing tho work at tho next meeting." Aooounts amounting to £225 12a 4d wore passed for payment. Councillor Allwright asked if thoro was any likolihood of tho Govornmont taking any further stops at prosont towards ercoting the nocessary buildings for tho water supply. It was a matter, ho said, that must uot bo overlooked j tho plant wa» ready, and he thought tbat the Government should have gone on with the work without delay. He would move— "That a loiter bo writton to the Government, urging upon tbe nocos3ity of progrosoing with the Lyttelton water supply as speedily as possible.' Tho motion was socondod by Councillor Buist, and oarriod. Tho Town Olerk was instructed to writo to tho Timaru Borough Oounoil, asking them for a copy of thoir Building Regulations. Tho Oounoil then resolved itself into a looal Board of Health. Dr M'Donald reported two oases of soarlatina and one of typhoid fever under hie notice. Dr Rouse reported two cases of typhoid fever under hie care. Oounoillor Buist oalled attention to the bad stato of the backyard of the premises adjoining his, and tho Inspector of Nuisances wae instructed to see to tbe matter ot once. The Counoil then adjourned*
N»w Post-offices. — New Post-offices have been opened at Hilton, Waitohi Fiat, Washdyke (re-opened), and West Eyreton, Christchurch boing the circulating office for all. Tboxtiko Match. — A trotting race for £100 a side came off on the Racecourse yesterday, between two horsee owned by Messrs Gatherer and Kirkwood, the former giving ono mile start in five. A capital start vrai effected, but Mr Gatherer's bono went very unkindly on tbe turf and ultimately broke, and Mr Kirkwood won easy. Both horses were ridden. A match afterwards took place for £10 a side, between Mr J. Goodger's bay hone and Mr W. Simmonde' mare. The horse won by about firo lengths. Mr Simmonds not being satisfied with this, another matoh was made for £10 a side, tho distance being as in the previous race, one mile, Mr Goodger's horso won by about three lengths. Bank Rbtcbns.— The following general statement of the liabilities and assets of tho under-mentioned Banks in tho Colony of New Zealand, for the quarter ended March 31, 1876, is published in the New Zealand Gazette of April 27 :— Bank of New Zealand— liabilities, £3,901,069 18s 3d ; assets, £5,085,974 12s 2d. Union Bank of Australia — liabilities, £1,172,470 13s Id ; assets, £1,665,860 10s 7d. Bank of New South Wales— liabilities, £703,571 18 i lld j assets, £1,618,062 Is. Bank of Australasia— liabilities, £336,908 13s lld ; assets, £867,490 Is Id, National Bank of New Healand (Limited)— liabilities,£7sß.764l2s2d} assets, £1,645,924 14s Bd. Colonial Bank of New Zealand— liabilities, £383,422 la lOd j assets, £677,835 16s Id. Fire at Raitgioba.— The ' flax-mill oceu* pied by Mr Obinnery, at Bangiora, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday morning. The fire ocourred while work was going on, and is supposed to have originated from one of the journals of tho scutching machine becoming boated . A man in the employ of Mr Chin* nery waa in the mill scutching, when tho tow suddenly caught fire, aud being unable to extinguish the flames he stopped the waterwheel, and ran to Mr^Chinnery'e house to inform him of the acolaent. When the lat> ter come he started the water-wheel and thus prevented its destruction, but tho fire had got suoh a complete hold of tbe building that neither it nor the machinery in it could be saved. Efforts were then made to save the storeroom, whioh is situated olose to the mill, and, aided by a large quantity of green fl*x which was stacked at the end of the latter building, they wore successful. The store, room, whioh at the time contained about two tons of dressed flax, and was insured, was not burnt, and the damage woe confined to the mill. The loss from the burning of the latter building will amount to about £80 or £90. It is the property of Mr G. Booth, Ohristehuroh, and was not insured. Mr Chinne-y'e loss from tho burning of tho maohinery will amount to about £80, as it was not covered by insurance. Fi-axton School Co intiTTBB.— A meeting of this Committee was held in the schoolroom on Monday evening last. Present — Messrs Batohelor, Muhock, Stevenson, Pearson, Mengo, Patchett and Leathordale. On tho motion of Mr Patchett, seconded by Mr Pear. eon, Mr R. Mulcock was elected Ohairman for the ensuing year. The Chairman said he had received the books and papers from the residence of the late Ohairman, but the accounts were rather unintelligible at present, and it would take some time to have them put straight. However, he would do his best to get over the diflloulty. Tenders were laid bafore the meeting for the erection of the new school, but as they had all been opened by the arohiteet some time previously, it was deoided to reject the wholo as it would other* wise be unfair to contractors who had tendered in good faith. It was decided that the Ohairman should .have a personal interview with the Minister for Education before calling for fresh tenders. It was resolved — "That the ordinary meetings of the Committee be held quarterly in the school at Flaxton } special meetings to bo called by the Ohairman when ncceasary." Pbesbytbbian Sinod.— The Synod met for the despatch of business at 11 a.m., in St Andrew's Ohuroh. The Synod was constituted by prayer. Seder unt — Rev J. W. Oree (Moderator), Roy 0. Fraser, Rev W. 8. M'Gowan, Rev W. M'Gregor, Rev W. Douglas, Rev W. R. Campbell, Rev James Wilson, Rev H. B. Burnett, and Messrs John Milne, W. Johnston, and J. G. Fyfe. An hour was occupied in devotional exercises, conducted by tho Moderator, the Rev W. 8. M'Gowan and tho Roy W. Douglas. It was agreed to add to the namo of the Rev Joshua Macintosh tho words, " now labouring within the bounds." The Synod went into Committee to arrange the order of business. On the Synod resuming, tbe Clerk reported tbat the following order of business had been agreed on :— lst. Business connected with S. John's, Lyttelton. 2nd. Report of Committee on Presbyterian Visitations. Brd. Overture from Timaru anent Ashburton. 4th. Business from the West Coast. sth. Report of Committee on St nodical Sustentatiou Fund. 6th. Report of Committee on title deeds of churoh property. 7th. Deputation from Church Extension* Association. Bth. Report of Oommitteo on Sabbath Schools; the last two matters to be taken up on Wednesday evening. Tho Synod then took up the subject of a protest, aud appeal from petitioners in Lyttelton against the decision of the Presbytory of Christchurch. The Roy W. M. M'Gregor, Clerk of tho Presbytery of Christohurch, was allowed to read extract minutes of Presbytery, and all the papers in his possession connected with tbe affairs of S. John's, Lyttelton. Mr John Grubb, Captain Hugh M'Lollan, and Mr W. Pitciithley were heard in support of the Presbytory. The Roy 0. Fraeer introduced the Rev Mr Allsworth. Mr M'Donald was hoird in support of the protest. The Rev W. S. M'Gowan, at bis request, was heard. The Rev C. Fraser moved—" That tho Synod should consider the whole case in Committee." The Rev J. Wilson seconded the motion, whioh wae agreed to. The matter was referred to the Presbytery of Christchurch, and the Synod adjourned until 7 p.m. On the Synod reassembling, the Rev O. Fraser gave notice— " That the thanks of the Synod be tendered'to the Roy W. S. M'Gowan, the retiring Moderator, for his excellont discourse, preached at tho opening of tho Synod." The reports on Presbytory and Presbytcrial Visitations were called for. The Clerk read the roport from the Presbytery of Timaru. Oa the motion of the Rev 0. Fraser, seconded by Mr Campbell, it was resolved— "That the Synod, having considered the oiroumstaicee of tbo Presbyterian Church in Westland, resolve to approve the aotion of the- Rev W. S. M'Gowan, as Moderator, in granting the authority of the Synod to ministers of this Ohurch residing in Westland to meet, constitute, and act as a Presbytery, and confirm the action generally which has been taken by the Presbytery after the date of the last minute on record, namely, March 5, 1876." On the motion of the Rev 1 0, fffaier, it wm tvgreed— "lh»t inotdwto
prevent all misapprehension and uncertainty regardin* the constitution of the Presbytery of Westland, tbe Synod hereby appoint the Revs W. Hogg and A. F. Douglas, with such other ministers and elders a» may b* present, to constitute as a Presbytery of WceUand, and proceed to the despatch of business on ac early a day as possible } tho R*T W. Hogg to be Moderator.'* It was resolved—" That tbe Synod should adjourn, to meet to-morrow al 11 a.m." The Synod adjourned accordingly, and the sederunt closed with prayer. Lower HB.vr_coTßLrßß__T.— The annual meeting of tbe subscribers was held on Monday evening, May 1, in the reading-room of the Library, Mr Richard Davis in tie chair. The Chairman read the following report :— " Your Committee, on retiring from office, beg to congratulate the sub*<uibersonthe very successful termination of tbe first year of this institution, and trust that, by the hearty co-operation of the residents of Heatheote, this institution will grow in keeping with the advancement aad prosperity of this important Distriot. We have now upon our ■helves upwards of one thousand volumee of works of the best author* of the day, comprising a proportionate number of works on the arte and sciences, manufactures, history, biography, travels aad diecoveries, and a selection of the best works of fiction. The number of issues of books during the year ia 2237. Tbe number of subscribers is eighty-seven. This, we trust, will beat least doubled during the ensuing year*- in fact, it will be necessary for our progress. Your Committee therefore seriously desire to impress tbis necessity upon you, and trust that each member will feel if a duty he owee to this institution to obtain at least one subscriber, so as to enable the managing body to keep up _ regular supply of the latest works. Your Committee have to report a donation of fiftyseven books from Mr Wood, of Christchurch, saddler, and to request your thanks for the same. The following newspapers have been laid upon the reading-room table, viz. :— The Australasian, Illustrated London News, Penny lUuttrated Paper, Punch, Press, and Lyttelton Times. Our buildings are in very good order, and will no doubt be sufficient to suit all requirements for another twelve months. An insurance for £200 has been effected on them, and also £100 on the library and fittings." Mr Bamford, treasurer, read a statement of aeoounts, showing receipts to the amount of £177 16s 7d, aad expenditure to £148 10s 7d, leaving a balance to credit of £29 ss, against which there was an account due of about £1 10*. It was proposed by Mr J. W. Davis, and carried unanimously, that the report and accounts be received and adopted. The Chairman requested the subscribers, under role 2, to submit the names of five gentlemen to form a committee for the ensuing year. As more than the required number were proposed, a ballot was taken, which resulted in Messrs R. Davis, H. A. Bamford, J. W. Davis, H. EL Hopkins, and J. Richardson being elected. Mr Beaumont E reposed that a vote of thanks be recorded to [r Wood for his donation, which was carried unanimously. A vote of thanks was then passed to the Chairman and outgoing committee, and the meeting concluded. A Catttiok to PoiiCßMm.— A man at tbe Grey, who had been arrested by a police constable on a charge of stealing a pipe, aid who was afterwards charged with vagrancy, has recovered £35 damages, and £20 15s 6i costs from the policeman for false imprisonment.
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 2530, 3 May 1876, Page 2
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3,545LOCAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2530, 3 May 1876, Page 2
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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2530, 3 May 1876, Page 2
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