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Ltttblton Rbgatt-T.— The yacht Spray arrived in the t.9. Hawea today from Dunedin, to compete at the forthcoming Regatta. Forbstbbs' Fbtb.— There can be no doubt but that this fete on Boxing Day will prove a most unequivocal success. The attention of Lyttelton Brethren is called to an advertisement whioh appears in our columns. SonooNßß Maidbjt Citt.— lt is gratifying to state that tbis vessel arrived in harbour this morning, in tow of the s.s. Mullogh. With the exception of the loes of the mainmast, little damage to the vessel has been sustained. Dubhasi Stbbbt Wbsustab Chttbch. — On Sunday next the Bev P. P. Agnew, on Episcopal clergyman from Sydney, N.S.W., will preach in the above church in the morning, and the Bev James Builer, who has jast returned from Otago, will preaoh in the evening, and make a speoial appeal on behalf of the siok ond needy. Chbistmas Ohbbb.— The City tradesmen made their usnal display of Christmas cheer last night, and in many cases great pains had been bestowed on the preparations. The shops were profusely, and in many instances, very artistically decorated with evergreens and flowers. The meats and confectionery were very good, the former being especially noticeable, both for quantity and quality. V Acoidbnt.— A boy named Weir, Jiving in the Heathcote Valley, ws . injured to-day by /* powder explosion. It appears that when on completion of the tunnel works, the powder magazine at the tunnel mouth was removed, some powder was spilt about the site. Won* and some other boys were playing about on the site when the powder became ignited and We ; r was injured. He is likely to recover. Mb Fbane Wbbtok.— Those who remember the. exceedingly enjoyable entertainments at the Canterbury Musio Hall, about four years ago, will be delighted to hear tbat Mr Frank Weston, the Wiiard Oil Prince, has I arrived in Ohristohuroh. It knot improbable j that Mr Weston will deliver one or two of his I inimitable lectures in this oity. In the event j of his doing so, there will doubtless be the same rush for places as ooourred when he first introduced his oil to Canterbury, and " dug down ">— not to vary the monotony, but to inorease the general merriment. Suddbh Dbath.— Mr Felix Wakefield dropped down defcd, between the Gave Bock and Sumner Hotel yesterday evening. He had been residing at the hotel for about two years, and left tbere about 2 p.m. to go to his garden where be was in the habit of spending a great portion of bis time. He was then apparently quite well, and though between sixty and seventy years of age, had not been ailing, but enjoyed very good health. He was returning from the garden, about 6.89 p.m., when Miss Marshman and a boy named Hassal saw him suddenly fall to the ground. Mr Joseph Dav at once ran to tne spot, but found Mr Wakefield quito dead. An inquest will be held in due course. Oity GuABPS.—On Friday lost the members of this Corps fired for tbe album presented by Lieut. Wolfe. They were divided into two teams, one of which was under the command of Lieut. Wolfe, and the other of ] Sub-Lieut. Malcolm. Tbe matoh resulted in | a tie between the two teams, wbioh rendered it necessary for them to fire again. Tbis was done yesterday, when the victory -declared, itself for Sub* Lieut. Malcolm's team, who made 16 points more than their opponents. The individual ownership of tbe prize still remains to be deoided, and tho members of the winning team will flro for it to-day. A quantity of wine given by Mr A. B. Preston will also be fired for at the same time; A.O.F.— At a meeting of the JF ate Com* mittee, held lost evening at the Foresters' Hall, the Treasurer reported that the publican's and confectioners booths wero sold for the sum of £66 to Mr Maples, of the Garriok Hotel} and that the Engineers' Band had arranged to meet the Lyttelton brethren, with the Christohurch members, at the Bailway Station, brethren to appear in regalia, and that P.D.O.R. Hobbs marshal tbem to the grounds. The Committee reported that the Richardson's Show was being ereoted, and the members of the same were in fall rehearsal. Extra prizes had been given j amongst the number, a very handsomely, carved meerschaum pipe, by Bro M' Williams. It was resolved—'* That no horaes or vehicles be allowed on the grounds, with a view to the prevention of accidents." It may be mentioned that the prises for the fßte are on view at Bro Raven's, Colombo street. Rbwabd 07 Mbbit.— Mr Joseph Dav, of Sumner, has received the following letter fromhis Honor the Superintendent :— " Superintendent's Office, Obristohuroh, Canterbury, N.Z., Deo. 23, 1876. Sir,— l bave muoh pleasure in informing you that you have been awarded a testimonial on vellum by the Royal Humane Sooiety, for your courage and activity in saving from drowning Charles Morton, whose boat was upset in the Sumner Estuary on Jan. 20, 1875. I am commissioned to present this testimonial to you, and shall have much plea* sure in doing so at such time as may suit yonr oonvenienoe. It is the wish of this Sooiety that tbis presentation should take place as publioly as possible, and I shall bo glad to meet you at Sumner or in Christ* ohuroh, as you may tbink best for the purSose. I have the honour, Ac, W. Rolibstox, uperintendent." Those who remember tbe brave conduct of Mr Day on the occasion of tbe sad aocident referred to in tbe letter, will be glad to see it acknowledged by the Royal Humane Society in this manner. Thbatbb Royal— Mr Hoskins, on tho oocasion of his benefit last evening, had a muoh better house than oould h ivo been expeoted, considering that the " Messiah " was being performed at tbe Oddfellows' Hall, and that people were busily engaged in the usual seasonable preparations. The curtain rose to " The Handsome Husband," whioh was made irresistible by the capital acting of Miss Colville and Messrs Hoskins and Douglas. This was followed by a piece entitled " M.P. for a Rotten Borough," in tbe course of whioh Mr Hoskins deUvered a stump oration, whioh was principally noticeable for its attempted humour and the rather f ulsomo glorification of a candidate wbo attained a prominent position on the poll at the Ohristchurch eleotion, on Tuesday last. The "Conjugal Lesson," however, mode up for what coijld have been omitted with advantage, and Miss Colville and Mr Hoskins obtained unanimous applause for the exoellent and spirited manner in wbich the piece was sustained,
Bsuanrenu.— Tho Lynch Family of Bell, ringers, who ore now doing a capital biisinssß in Otago, will appear in Ohriatohuroh at ki early date. Pbbsbii tatioh. — A handsome pen asd ink stand were presented to Mr Fidler by Miss Maggie Blyth, on behalf of tho girls of tho Bingsland school, for the great kindness and trouble he had displayed to the girls of the first-class, whilst instructing them in Latin. Ms Johu Ahbbbsoh.— The portrait of Mr John Anderson, whieh was painted in England, haa arrived in Christchureh, and will bo stored in Mr W. Wilson's building until Mr Anderson arrives, wben it will be poblkly presented on behalf of the subscribers. Thb Hoir Mb BmcoLDS.— We lean from the Otago Daily Timet that a requisition bearing ninety signatures was presented to the hon Mr Reynolds from tho Port Chalmers electors, asking him to oome forward as a candidate for the District. His reply, tho same authority continues, was favourable. Thb Avoir.— Boating men and others oomplain greatly of the unsatisfactory way in which the duty of keeping tho river dear of weeds is being earned out. From the boatshed down to New Brighton the river is full of weeds, either growing, or loose aad floating in patches, ft is veiy desirable that the proper authorities should direct thei* attention to this matter. Cbioxbt. — The return match between the Central 0.0. and the Sunnyside eleven, will take place on Deo. 27 (Boxing Day). The following will represent the Centrals. Flint (Captain), Hawthorn, Watts, P. Selig , Kggott, Sprayson, A. A. Selig, Searie, Phillips, Harris, and Scott ; Oaoey (umpire), and V. W. Parsons, scorer. The match will be played oo the Asylum ground, and oommenoe at 11 oan. sharp. Accidbkt.— A man named Philip Parker met with a serious aocident at the Christchurch Station yesterday. While riding on a wool truck be slipped, and fell down between tho horse and the truck, the wheals of wbioh passed over his right arra, jast above ths wrist. The arm was fearfully crushed, tod both bones were broken into splinters. He was at ones removed to the Hospital, where, after a consultation hod been hud, his arm was amputated near the elbow. PoptrxAß Amubhmbbts Association.— A special meeting of the Committee was held yesterday afternoon, st the City' Council Ohambers. Present— Messrs J. Ollivier, W. R. Mitohell, 0. Walkden, Wynn Williams j(Eoa. Treasurer), and B. P. Orosbie (Hoo. Seoretary). Tbe business of the meeting was to adjust and pass the account* for the Sports held on Latimer square oo Anniversary Jay. Sundry items were approved, bnt as all the accounts hod not been sent in, it was decided to adjourn for a fortnight. Pbbsbhtatioh.— Yesterday afternoon, Mr Longhrey, head master of East Christchureh Main Bchool, at the request of tbe donors, presented with a few appropriate remarks, to Mrs Haugbtoa, late beea mistress of 8. John's sohool, a handsome album, Chnrch Servico, inkstand, and pen, the contribution of the senior girls, lately under her tuition. A silver butter dish hod previously been pre* sented to her by tbe teachers of the some school. Each presentation was aooompanied by a note, expressive of the good wishes of the pupils and teoohsrs. Thb Latb Mb Flbuby.— The 2>_w**i» Evening Star says: — No one was better known, or more generally liked in Dnnedin musical circles than Achilla Floury ; and it is with feelings of deep regret, which we feel sure will be largely shared in, that we reoeived tbe intelligence of his death, which occurred at Caloutta on Oct. 3L A member of Mr | Allen's Opera Company, writing to a lady friend in Dunedin, who kindly plaeed the letter at our disposal, says : — " Poor old Tleury is dead. He played a few nights before he died. He bad a very severe attack of gout for over two months, and had just got over it, and commenoed playing again, when he hod on attack of dysentery, whieh killed, him." From the suae source , we leant that though there were two other opon oompanies performing in Oalootta at the same time, Mr Allen's troupe did better than the other two put together j and tliat oo the whole they have been very well received in India. Chbistchttboh East Bchool Oomarxn. The Committee met at seven o'olock task evening. Present — Messrs Jameson (inthe ohair), Mitchell, Kirk, Yeel, and Bray. A letter was read from the Rev W. J. Habeas (Chairman), asking for leave of absence forthe evening, and enclosing letters from the Minister for Education. Leave of absence was granted also to Mr H. Thomson, a member of the School Committee. A letter was read from the Minister fbr Education, sanctioning the appointment of MrJ. B. E. Taylor as third master of the Gloucester street sohool, also stating that be would sanction the retention of Messrs Sopp and Woodford at their present salaries. Oo the motion of Mr Bray, seoonded by Mr TeeL Mr Sopp waa appointed to the Bingsland School at bis present salary. Mr Woodford was appointed fourth master at the central school at his E resent salary. It was resolved that Mr oughrey should undertake the general super* rision of the District schools. A letter was read from the caretaker of the Glouoester street school, asking for an allowance of 10b per week for bis wife. The application was declined. After the disposal of eome routine business, the meeting adjourned. AQBICV IOTBAIi AHD PASTORAL ASSOCIATION.—A meeting of tbe Committee was held at 2.30 p.m., yesterday. Present— Messrs Wilkin (in the chair), Garforth, M'Beth, Bruce, Murray- Aynsley, Ford, Barker, Henderson, Duncan, Freestone, Ferguson, and Strange. Several accounts wen passed lex payment. A letter was read from the Harper Street Wesleyan Sunday Sohool, aaking for the use of the grounds for a school treat on Boxing Day. Tiie Secretory was instruoted to reply, that the Committee regretted tiie grounda were let for that day. An application was received from the United Methodist Free Church, St. Asaph street, 8 onday sohool, for the use of the grounds on New Year's Day. The request was granted, subject to tbe care-taker's expenses being paid, and any damage made good. It was resolved— "That 200 certificates be obtained of a design similar to that issued by the Provincial Gorernment for the Vienna Exhibition} the President and Secretary to make arrangements for the same." Some dis* cussion ensued as to tbe recommendation of the Committee as to tho officers for next year. Mr Wilkin moved — " Tbat a sub- Committee, consisting of the President, Secretaiy, and Messrs Henderson, Dunoon, said the mover, be appointed to revise the rales, and bring up a report to the Committee meeting preceding the annual meeting." Mr Freestone seconded the motion, wbioh was agreed to. On the motion of Mr Wilkin, seoonded by Mr M'Beth, Thursday and Fridav, March 2 and 3, were fixed for the ram and ewe fair. The meeting then adjourned,
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Star (Christchurch), Issue 2422, 24 December 1875, Page 2
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2,264LOOAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2422, 24 December 1875, Page 2
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LOOAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 2422, 24 December 1875, Page 2
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