CHARLES TURNER, Practical SEWING MACHINIST. Sewing Machines of every description repaired and adjusted. Lessons given. Tuam street west ; next to Williams' Foundry. 8389 TO THE ELECTORS OF THE HEATH - COTE DISTRICT. GENTLEMEN, — A vacancy having occurred in the representation of your district in the Provincial Council, by the resignation of Mr Andrew Duncan, I beg to offer myself as a candidate for your suffrages, believing that I have not forfeited the confidence which I formerly enjoyed as one of your members. I remain, Gentlemen, Yours faithfully, W. MONTGOMERY. Sept. 4, 1873. 8472 CHRISTCHURCH WEST EDUCATIONAL DISTRICT. THE following SCHOOLS WILL BE OPEN for the Education of Children under the Ordinance, ON MONDAY, Bth SEPTEMBER, At 9 a.m. : — St. Mary's Addington Free Methodists' ... Addington Oddfellows' Hall ... Montreal street south Wealeyan School ... Durham and Cheater streeta Teachera are requested to be in attendance at their respective schools at the above hour. ALEX. M'NIE, 8468 Secretary. E. HAINES, COOKHAM BOOT DEPOT, HIGH STREET, Coenee op City Hotel. MRS HAINES takes the present opportunity of thanking her friends and the public, for the liberal patronage accorded to her late husband during the past 12 years, and now solicits a continuance of their favours for herself ; having been unable to dispose of her business to advantage, she has determined to continue the same. E. H. would particularly call attention of Country Storekeeper, who can be supplied with a SUPERIOR ARTICLE AT LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES. Cheapest Houae in Town for MEN'S BALMORALS, ELASTICS, WATERTIGHTS, LACEUPS, AND BLUCHERS. 8225 SEVERE COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA AND INFLUENZA, ARE SPEEDILY CURED By the use of the PECTORAL OXYMEL or CARRAGEEN OR IRISH MOSS. THE Irish Moss is admirably adapted to promote expectoration, ease the breathing, loosen the phlegm, abate fever, allay the tickling sensation which occasions the cough, and for all temporary and local affections, such aa wheezing, irritation of the throat, palpitation of the heart, hoarseness of the voice, influenza, ke., it affords a speedy relief ; while in more chronic disorders, as periodical cougha or inveterate asthma, it ia equally valuable in its effects, though, of course, longer perseverance in the use of the medicine ia required. For the nureery it is invaluable, being agreeable to the palate, and useful in all cases of whooping-cough, or common cough, arising i from coldß, &c. G- BONNINGTON'S PREPARED SAGO FLOUR IS highly recommended as a Diet for Children and Invalids, being a most nutritious Farinaceous Food. This Sago Flour possesses a pleasant flavour, more agreeable than that of arrowroot or cornflour '; is light, wholesome, and easy of digestion j it is therefore particularly adapted as a FOOD FOR INFANTS. Prepared expressly for the Peopeietob — G. BONNINGTON, Chemist, Colombo street, Christchurch. Sold in Packets, Price ls. 7985 FREEHOLD "^UARTER~ACRE " SECTIONS, FRONTING and Adjoining the Lincoln Road, a short way past the Railway Gates. Deposits, 20 per cent, and the balance in 3 4, or 5 years, at 8 per cent. Apply to | MR ROBERT WILKIN, 1 8299 Hereford street.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 4
Star (Christchurch), Issue 1724, 5 September 1873, Page 1
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