RETURN OF M < BROWN FOR ASHLEY. The official declaration of the poll was made at the Leithfield Court-house, on Saturday, by the Hesuning officer, Mr G 1... Mellish. The total number for each candidate was as follows . Brown ... 171 Gray 82 Maskell 67 The declaration was received with cheers. Mr Brown: Mr Returning Officer and Gentlemen electors, — I cannot but feel exceedingly gratified at the very proud position in which >ou have placed me, «nd beg to thank most heartily those supporters by whone votes I have secured that position. I sincerely trust that if any personal feeliug may have been excised, aa is naturally tlie case in any contest, it may at once be dismissed from the minds of every one of us. I can only say that it wiil always be my endeavour to do my best for tbe district, and if auy incentive were wanting fir my so doing, it would ba su, plied in the fact of my having the confidence of so large a majority of the electors. — (• 'heera). Mr Grat : I can't, say, with Mr Brown, that lam exceedingly gratiti d at the result of the election. 1 certainly thought I should have come a little nsarer to Mr Brown ; perhaps it may be the fact, as has been urged, that Mr Brown has more experience than myself, and will be the best man to serve the ditsrict. If 1 express my disappointment at the result of the election, I am more sorry on I account of the electors than on my own. 1 beg to thank those who have been my supI porters during the contest, and can only say that if, on any future occasion, should anything happen lo Mr Brown, or other circumstances render my services requisite, I shall be happy to come forward and accept your trust, should you then think fit to confide in me. — (Loud cheers). Mr Maskkxl : If I were to say I am not disappointed at the result of tbe election in the first place, it would not be true ; and in the second, you would not believe me. As a defeated candidate I am naturally disappointed, but at tbe same time perfectly convinced that the electors have been misled hs to my charucter and opinions. ( ries of no ! no 1) When I say misled, I do not mean wilfully misled, but I am quite sure th t tlu views now held by the electors as to my conduct are erroneous, and that in the course of a year or two, the electors will be quite as disappointed as I am now, for I am perfectly envinced that Mr Brown is not the right man for tbe distriot. However, it will be my
study to watch Mr. Brown's action in the General Assembly, and at the same time, as I have done hitherto, watch carefully the interests of this district, and ba as ready to -erve those interests as I have always been. A vote of thanks to the Returning Officer was proposed by Mr Brown, seconded by Mr Gray. The meeting dispersed with three cheers for Mr Brown.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 852, 20 February 1871, Page 3
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