Provincial Council.
Wednesday, Maboh 23. The Speaker took the chair at five o'clock. The following members were present : — Messrs Wynn Williams, Hornbrook, Lee, Inglis, Studholme, Buchanan, Moore, Willcox, Kennaway, Matson, J. S. Williams, Westenra, Webb, Maskell, Jollie, Hawkes, Wilson, A. Duncan, Brown, Sheath, and Peacock. BAKAIA BRIDGE. Mr Maskell said he had seen a notice about the Rakaia Bridge in that morning's paper. He therefore wished to ask the Government, without notice, whether they intended so to strengthen tbe bridge that it might answer for the purposes of a railway, or whether any proposals to that effect had been made to them. Mr Jollie replied that no direct offers had been made, but indirectly there had been. The advisability of the matter was under the consideration of the Government, but as yet no decision had been come to. MALVERN HILLS. Mr Wilson asked the Provincial Secretary if it is the intention of the Government to take steps at an early date to open up communication with the valuable coalfield known to exist at tbe Malvern Hills, by means of a tramway or light railway to Rolleston Station, or some other desirable point on the Southern line of railway. Mr Jollie replied that two or three days since specimens of the coal had been submitted to the Government, and the Government and several hon. members had seen it tested. i He thought there was no doubt tbat it was a very valuable coal, and quite equal, if not superior, to the coal imported to the province. The subject had been brought before tbe Government so recently, and the Government had been ao busily engaged in other matters, tbat they bad not had time to consider the advisability of making a tramway. He thought that when the matter was considered, want of means would preclude the Government from doing anything before the next sitting of the Council. | THB DISSOLUTION. Mr Lee, in the absence of Mr Hall, moved " That thia Council concurs in the recommendation addressed by his Honor the Superintendent to the Colonial Government, that this Council should be dissolved immediately after tl.e termination of the present session." The motion was agreed to. THE GENERAL ELECTIONS. Mr Kennaway moved "That in the opinion of tbis House tbe General Election of the Provincial Council should not extend over a longer period than three weeks, and the Executive are requested to convey this opinion to the proper quarter." The motion waß agreed to. PBOROGATION. His Honor the Superintendent prorogued the Council with tbe following address*.— " Mr Speakhr and Gentlemen,— " On behalf of bis Excellency the Governor, I have assented to the following Bills:— " The Diversion of Roads Special Ordinance, 1870. " The Christchurch Municipal Corporation Reserves Ordinance, 1870. " Tbe Educational Reserves Leasing Ordinance, 1870. " The Cemetery Reserves Management Ordinance, 1870. ..'...-. " It now only remains for me to express my thanks to you for tbe attention you have given to the business that has been brought before you in this, as well as in previous sessions, during the term of my offlce, and my hopes that the same cordial relations which have hitherto subsisted between the Executive Government and the Council of the province may be maintained in the future. " It is only thus that we shall continue to derive benefit from our existing institutions, and to sustain the high character we have hitherto had among the provinces of New Zealand. " I now declare tbis Council prorogued."
Provincial Council.
Star (Christchurch), Issue 575, 24 March 1870, Page 2
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