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PA2sirOiMBDE AT THAMES. " SUCCEBBFUIL PERIFOiRIMIAIAiiJ^Their© is piaaitoaiiinie <a.nd piantouiune and viuuideviie '.Mid vatudeiville, and Aviiieooj caiC'ii is of the besit. ondfeir, Ike public is dediiigjhitiMly ein'teirtamed. A lai"2!(3 Thames aiudieiniLie got iliotih. oia Saitjumdiaiy Jiigiht .ait. the King's theatre wihiani tih,ei S'bainiley ■Mlaofcay—iGm. Stephen sow p.a.ntoicidnie company its apipeaaiaiucia in. ''Mbbhca-.Goosei/'a* real fuai sifcuffiit ,all thmuiglu. With, a. senvbkaiicie of -ai plot to mienest, plenty wai'a the. oippoiittiunities to amuse. a.n,cl! giggles dciv eloping: iuit.O' twaviuilsiolns, followed tihid S'pLemidiid efforts of the joy reisivUeofei. Witih iwlell chosein. yrincipals erifcknvadi wiitb looks amid! vacal P'Olw'er; a. sinaipely ctorusi; exquiisitie. fnocildni"!, cibaranii-ng; soen&ry and aaifcciiy ■• ra,uisioal amd oatdieteibrial nitmibeins, it jis noi caius© fon* 'wioimdier tihflib t.he panlfco ciaMigihifc <yn, and 'syias aoknow•Mg:© dto 'ho one of tliei best yeifc seem oa' liciaaid! berie. <rMbitihclr Gioosei" is ai ..fiuimny 'Cionicioicitiioaii of soing i o»idd!y dioiriig^, .duairiminigi ballet danc--1 ing, lilting; choaiises «nd; :ax vally clev ; oc are thx* vaiudeiviille tu'i-ms ;thaib pmvidc j .tike en)tra"ote.s.. Nil one vtu'en hoiw Miotilier Goose oamei to !"b;e a-ssioiccatfed wibht nieiiry ■King' Cbl©, nw is it elu'osiicledl oven mi fadry 'teles th,a,t Boy Blue Ml iix leva .with, : !Red Kidimg Haod!, 0111 h;o;\\- su.cih, a perfectly \t[nr sotiie boy .a®'itisis-Efeisae Jemniiiig's mad© oa-me. to be -dtascwilcd fnoanthei br'aixd! rcipiiiee.etnitc'd in Mio-tihe>r ."Goosej, «x-.;el-leaitly poa"tr;f.,yticl by M? Jinuny GWald, a ooqiiletitisli, hard pun!C'n"mg daone. T-he charaatea's gKrt. hiOipeleß^ly miked uipI anid! the .audietiicd «iit,s. tig'hit 'a,nd; g|i'g,<rles wad! laughs m aibeuirdEty after 'a.bMiii'dity is 'ir-itv-cdluiaeid. Miss Jenaiimgls. .as a, boiiiny Bby liiluti,: .squib ■ aituaiiUiiiiig costumes, dainices ninnbly vx.)d sings nviiitJi . firit? effoot'. '-Dioiw'ni- in. Bau-guandy," 'M:is-

sissipi -Shore;" "and "Yautr King and Country Xweid Yomi," 'wielra sP'lendict ciffo'itsi,' wind, she vAiis efliittaAai&tically n,pplaaidcd for 'h;ea- kitten- pwitiraolhic effort mitlii (.ih'o lassiattaoifc© .of itiho cihoTus in gorgeous •ciostiumeis ■ repi Jeis-«nti;ng! vbe AllFe9. C Mli.-ss;, Jennings .wft§.,nlm..a®eoiisuteKl wiithi Edd! Hc«T, V cformiug ficjmno iini Miss Jllosie Cblen>,aav, in sevorat aafcihy ducttis. ■N'oaiible 'vercv "Lbvin' While the Win,' is Good," in wiluioh'boitJii amprg!oid!" griaieofu'lly ; fndl "Tr& Got. All I iWtunifc .But You." Miiss Jennings is this "mast lovable boy 7' «?ectn! luerto foir some thue and titae iiudi-cima-'e giiwe jhior! lilie. c;lad hiiind ';;innK.diiaitely. Ilcsie Colenii;m in al.lur.injr sil».O'rt frocks'j wais- nui ido^il pirl t^ Mis« JeinniiiiUls, Jinid, alsol made ai hit with t.h!a audience. S-ho possesses n> true, siwieieib yoaciei, amid! h:* soLosi «aid diueits w'eiret fDaifciHi-esi. "A GM in the Heart; of M:w'ylaaiid!" aaiid "Ldttlci Toniuiy Aiflk-iiis"-" wei'e her best efforts: Mis.-: Ooleim,ain> "\vias wi'inSioniei all'Uigb. TUi« only oittoi" girl piiiiiid-pals were Carmen 'Ooknuaiix, wihiO' Jiid liar shtipi* ly ])irH3>poirtno«i& amidor :-bhet oveiiall <v£ Pcn-ijei! J)jhiin!y JSiWufc, and, itcMoimplislied: -'Wli.isit.lo It" Aviith ehoru-s aid 1, nicely. Jcmhw Liyniiia m«.de a. beamy Suofcih; kissde in a. -duiet. w'.-th Kiintj Cole, M- Will «;aynelr. l"lie laitter genltlomaai, has wai excoptioaiially .oilenaa 4 temoiri ,v.O'iioei j and 1 being.. »;if!:cd! wiith. .a, fumiiy fatfo and ran'o avh., 'boitib ■ ■ossciHit.iails to a. cioauieldiiaai!, 'is qiuiaimtly fuiiiiiny/ H's mimicny is excclkm.t,' <und' h& ■c«ui. sing, life rendering of t-fie "Veterau's ■Song" was _ :' Vtiritable triumph in which lieal <viJa-m-at.ic iuslnuct Was reavaled. He and Mi 1 Jamny Gerald, a ccniHcal^lbther G-O'Oiso, did several joy :aii'ife, .and their ■taugO' • biwlesq'Uie was a. tiiea* in. aiciv'obaibici twiste. Mr Gerald :is ail, ■ excellent- ■ "pimwiisti," and his evory expression and mioifcioni is genudnely amusing. His tumbling tuivns, hu!nioa!c.u'.* duetsa.nd aibteuipte ait feiui'min 1© ooyne;s«i evwikei, unstJutad ajxplajjjse...'. Hii^igvigs': ane- redly cleiveir, and'^ei is 'quite ■;; a unique dresseir. Tliie oijhoi" nwnoi'. parts .-are av«;11 filled!,' EVfliss Lillilirad malkiimg: a awnsab fai-iy. The principals, ■raid and-.all are splendid. Aimionqr, the vaudeville" aatists :ire tlftJ Flr'edo brothers, woird musiciaus, ■wiho wiheedle tuin'ot'ul moioidLes from all olasseis oi msbtmnmt® in all manner of aifctiit'udes. TUney are an undomiaibly cleveir dud:.' Mil Spe&d is an export oycilist wiho> : iniaiti-agei.s a bicycle •\viitih. as much: ease as.<tihei ayienaigc pcr--60:11 ■mianiaigjas his leg's., T:h<? Wahino Trio .are dia.iit^eatsi of Hughest »tmir dard 1. Too .dan-ciimg; is the specialty ol 'otks daiindy, wiho;has c;a.used> qu;ite n mffc'i herta; aimoitheu' step dances grandly, amd aivoibher. does all manaeir oi giriiiicefuil slidtaS' amd: ■sibeps witli a ■pair <yf ti\v!inkl>nig tootsies. The brio ':$ ■■ww'tihy of a. placel om. aim- siiag-e. 'I'lid froickino- tilM'ouwho'iit- av^'s g-argieous; in coloair and tha sicendc .effects: and 1 euise'm:l)le« -well «;o* up. An oircihest.ra Uiuidbi' K. C. Elkin, lends valmaWe assistance. To-n.ig'ht's oftciring; is "Cinderella,"' in. which" .several .now -s'evng oat^ I ch.t:i?, dancing:, etc:, Will 1« intrtnduiced. A - record attendance should! greet t.liis taileiu*ed'.c.ombi-na.tioin. on, it's j final a.ppeai"ain'co here this civetLing'.

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Thames Star, Volume XLX, Issue 14834, 1 November 1915, Page 4

Word Count

"MOTHER GOOSE" Thames Star, Volume XLX, Issue 14834, 1 November 1915, Page 4

"MOTHER GOOSE" Thames Star, Volume XLX, Issue 14834, 1 November 1915, Page 4