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The weather report telegraphed today is ais under : "Moderate to. strong Boufhca-ly winds probalble; expert warm iand humid conditions; weather probably 000 l and bhiangiealble afterwards ; glass rise slowly; tides and tea' moderate "

Rev. Wl H. Himton tiakee the moraing ser\'ice to-morrow at the Baptist and Cbngregational Ctuurcibiee amd Mi* Ela&ter tine evening.

At the May Quoem ■balttery orusbing ia pix>aeedin.g .on bdhalf of the Mtw Queen Ooimptiny.

Speoial service will vbte conducted at tha Ohurdh, of Jeae« Christ of Latter Day Saints by Elder Geo. Bowles ait 7 p.m.

A, telegram from Wellington says: "I underatamdl that Mr Mac Donald, inemiber for the Bay of Plenty, has accepted alfjjointment as seooind Gfc. Verainent \\liip."

Wesley Church pulpit will bei occupied to-morrow by Mr C. H. Old&, wdiose eivfiinng discourse will ""be on "Haw to reaiLlh certainty in religion." Visitors sure cordially imviitiedi.

A gjeueral meteiting 1 of tihe niembieirs of tne Thame« Co-opeirattive Teriuinaiting Building. iSooiety \vill be held in the* Mhws' Union Hall on Tueedttiy, Decembor 21st, to deal with am, appropriaition .of .£2OO by ballot. MieniJbie(r6 nnwt bo financial on t<he 20Hh ; to entitlei tlieini to participate.

A good diay'3 aport will be provided! ait' Tapui mi Wednesday, tihe 29tttx' iDecemibor, when a. aplemdid pr*ogjrtaimimia will! be suibnuitlted to the pul>lie, tihe princip»i race is the Tapu Cup of lltfovs, TJneirei will be fun for young amidl oldL EJatries will he revcedved tap to 18th Deoemfber.

A* the Gh.ur.cihi of Christ, Pollen Sit., to-morrow evettiang, Mr ClUae. Waternoniisie, evlangelist, will ccntinue hiis addresses on Spiritualisiini, the particular ptoaeta o£ tSijei subject which will ibe dealt with wilTb© that arising from Übia popular injterpretaition of tiha teat, "Albsenit from the 'body, present with tihjei Lord"

Thieire. was quite an air of aiotivity a,t, the Goods Wh!a.rf ' thia morn ing, there four vessels discharging, viz., tilie scow Jaime iGiffordi and eohoioner Aitfliainitio, each with fifty, tons of oal for the local gasworks^ scow Moethatt wiitlhi cargo of cofce for Messrs A. and G. Price; and the eu/tteir Sundwlacd wtiitli general cargo.

The Rev. Dr. O^Oallaghaai will conduct divine svervkie a'fa St. Geoirge's Clwircibi to«monxfw asi uind'er: 8 a.m., Holy Coumasuinion, 11 yd. in. prayer amd seinmojQ, 7 p.m. evensi&ng; aud H <ermion t during] wfuaoh tine anthemi "Hark, tliia Glad Sound)," will be rendiered. The Rev. Dr. Oi'dallaghjan also preacihes nit Tapu a,t 3 p.ira.

A five roomed house at Paea-oa, owned by Mrs F. A. B. Cameron, and oticupied by Mr WaeQifiaigtori, was totally gutted by fire. The origin of tlhiei fire ia unknown. The insurance on thio libilding was £150 in! ,the North BritMi micl Meroaaxtile Office, and the fumitiui'e was insuired for £100 in tihe Londhn office. Tttie fire broke out ugiuiu iome lioura later, but was ehieelaeid ie ai very diott time.

At St. Janiea' Pre^bjytariaij; Oiureh to-morroiw, Ghiristmasi gift ofiering and praise aorvlioes will bid held. Rev. Jiameie Milne, M.A;. will praaohi a.t bo'tib stervices at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. At> the evjening servioe antihtetais. will fcla rendiered by tlhlo dioir, amd the sofoists aro SCrs Teasdalo and Messrs Deielble and Galloiway.

There wsisi puoliher large and highly appreciative! audiencei at the Oddfellcwfe' Hall It&t nigihltt when the Pi!,thiei Ktjfjures (Mr. Will Perry nianapieir) Were nflfwiiis screened. Thie eeilietitioh of fihnsi was excellent', while. 'Hie li<r;ht and operating was fifislfc-claes. Thie 1 connici singing contea* creiatoll . considerable interest,, end j)o lititle ivniusftaiimtl. The winner lur'nteicl t'p in Mr Fr.infe fijmitfa

Lloyds Bros, and their tlalented company will pu"os»t'Hrt' * first-class picture 'flfiaw a* tdxet Miners' Unioift Haß to-nigjhlti. .Skwnel firs* elaiss views will <be screened, and a good night's amusamiant hias Ibleeni aaranged.

At the • Primitive' -.Methodist Church jto-mionio'w morning J^r Wf. Danby will preacihl, while in <ih<e evening at 7 R«v. A. Harding will offioiato. The Reiv. Hardiragi will alsio pnetaidil at Omahu alti 11 a.mi. and ait Puriri at 3 p.m.

"The only Ibills thle Governmenfe has been able to gab through this, seaeiooi ha\ia been passed with the assistance of the Oijiposition," says Mr Massey. Surely the leader of the Opposition does not meanl to infer that itixe duty of the Opposition is nuerely to obstruct, amd. not to ajssist in tlhie passing of bills!

Mr Clement Wragge adivjisesi: "The

drought in iSbuth Aimerioai and the present dirough* in Klew South Wbiles are intermittent pcroludeo to tha coming deficiency of rflttnfall in tha Sbutihern Bamißphlere: and' Australasia'"generally. Rcanietoiber my fcreoast in re i^a^M altt" Aiudkland laSit Jvwvoury. TUts aJbnormial solar maiximum haa calusad the temporary delay. Mbral: Conserve water:"

A cowespondeimb writing! to the Te AiVxhla Mail, criticismg 1 thia principle of no-license, refers to the condition of affairs in WlaiM as follows:—"Go to Wiiihi and' see if closingi thief bars has roadb any diminution in drinking. I was in Waihi .last- Saturday, and had no more difficulty in> procuring liquor than whlen tihjei 'bars were publicly open. Ifc is an open secret, instead of four selling as under lio■ense, there ara forty disposing 1 now under no-license."

Our Paeroa oorrespondenit \Vritosi: "It is with regi'et tbalb I record the death of Mr John Vuglar, am old and respected re&idenit of t*hi» distriat, who pa«*d away. For a long time Mil' Vutcilar aairried on (bbsdniees ae. a butchier, bub of late years he has been living in retiremianit. Mr Vuglar, who had a,titiained tUte good age of 73 years, leafvieH a widow and) ai gpown up family, moat, of whom are residents in this clifitricfti. Th!e family include* MeHS'rs T. P. Vugjar, W. J. Aruglar, Jaineß Vuglai", E. Vnghx; G. Vuglar, Mrs Smitfe (Northjcott), Mrs Alecc. Macgrenfor (Devonport), Misses Winnia and IN)o(rniai Vugiair. Sincena ssymparthy is felti for tihlet widow and family in tiheir sad afiliotionl."

Thus the Wellington Free Lamee: —" 'Davic' Stawarb (JHieta. Rewiti), of Thames, is dlefad. Het was thY grealtest lamd-owner in or aiboulb that town, and probalbly Weighed 22 atone. People outside Thatiitisi will projblaibly reaneaKibetr this Ihialf-casto genitletmun best as having been one of the greatest; of tih© Maori footibiallerS wbio in the long 1 ng»- wteot to England. At that tarn© Heta. wa& a, remarkfilWy hamcfeomo slim younlg iikwii, for he \va.H the son of a Seott;sihi stalwart of great physique and a Maori cliieftfetiness) renowned for her beauty. The elder Stewart' still aurvivtes, and hasn't <liang|ad in appmrame during! the last 30 yeans. TThks laite 'Dime/ was practically the territorial peter of Shortland, owning all tlbe most vlalu'albilet land, and tfraythiiiisj on Bb. This fact has hainjpieired improvement* in that part of the Thinner for, although Mr Stenvwh was universally popular and wealthy, tliiere was no inducement for lessees who lived on his land to rfeMlmild o>r infiprwe. So that the regrotltod deatlh, of the* most, conwidlerable personage of Thames nveans that 'tail-oaf nuns* go. It mean?* that innumeralblei ramshackle* buildings in the best part of a town thaib may ibo yet a Blendigo or a Ballarat, wSll be desjitsroyedi, and the town renbuiltL But Thames i« very fiorry for tlio grefeilb, goKKI-natured lnaulkwxl, who hiaa |b|een ill for a long timet, and Whioi wbs a veritable Lord Bountiful to sleotfes of Thlaimies folk."

Regarding tthe aiTe&t of Garieob far tibia Dungog inurdler, tine victim, Frank Opleman, aiged &5 years, was found dead' in ai Watenblodle near Maitland's Greek, Dungogl, on November J9. rri,-, maii hmd appwirefnitly been dw? thn^ei or four wedks wihieni the body w>as flisaoiyfredl. Accoirdlnjgi to the medical testimony, at tlie inquest, the cause of deatih. wa* m< injury to the brain, ca,uoed by a blunt instrument of fair weight, and wieldeid by a -silTong amm The aocoiised is a Gerynian named Wilhelmi Ganrleclh, and was also known as Gibfbs ainct Kapoleon. Garledhl is 35 years old, stands sfjb Bin, is strong -a»?.ldl mtouitly builib. Detective McHatftie, who went from Newcastle IJo atstet thie Maitlamd poiice, tpccedl Garleoh to NjewoatatU^. He i»lso ascertained! ..that a man ' had drawn ihjo whole of tJje dk?ad puan's savings fronji tjjp bpank- —a sunn pf £77 6s in all, which w\m psiii py«r this counted in uasfe. From >Nbwoa«tle the police traded Gariedh. to Sydney, where Ihie A\la» ksfc seen on Novennbier lsb.

M> JAQre than one place in New Zealand Mr j. Fostieir Fraser is said to L«iVB made an announcement t« tho effect that the only towns in which tie had! efeem >aoy drunkenness were Invoroargill and Oaunaru. Ijn reply to tihis tihei Mayor of Iniveroarjgiill writing tk» tthe local paper, saidl: "ft b hard to ibeliero thiait he (Mi* Frasser) sajid apytohing of tine kind. He arrived Iby t&e' grist <espreas, and was mot by myself andl others, I can say pdsitivisly hjt< t&w ro drunkenness upon hia arrival. Ha was eßCorted to the Clmb Hotel, and tweanty minutes afterwards abaaled: for a rui^ in, Mr Hunt's motor car; then with myself and others was entertained by Mr Hunt; then camie to town in Mr Hynifc's car just mi time for his lect«r«. I w»s aft ;tb« lecture, and saw no druimkemness tjb&rp, aadl thus can say that frora thie timio iq# hjs arrivnl \mtM tfoa conclusion of hiia lactur^i' he could not poa»iWy haya seen any drunkenness. AiflieiF tWei ledture he was effiit^ilained privately, and he left) by tßie early coprews next morning. Whfen- and where could -iiiei haive seen the dryniliieDnefiS?"-

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Thames Star, Volume XLV, Issue 10609, 11 December 1909, Page 2

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NEWSY PARS. Thames Star, Volume XLV, Issue 10609, 11 December 1909, Page 2

NEWSY PARS. Thames Star, Volume XLV, Issue 10609, 11 December 1909, Page 2