The Hon. D. Buddo. M.P.. who is returning from a trip to via Vancouver, is expected to reach the Dominion at the end of this month. Mr Victor Beck, touring manager for Mr Edward Branseomlie, arrived in Timaru yesterday to make arrangements for the "appearance of the "Smart Set" here on the 17th, 18th, and 20th inst. The Westlaud Presbytery at its meeting on Monday sustained :i hearty and unanimous call from the congregation of Hokitika to the Rev. George King; of Pleasant Point. Should Mr King accept this call half the congregations in the Timaru Presbytery will be vacant.
The death is announced to.dav of Mrs Andrew Burnett, of Aorangi* G-ive, and the news will be received with great regret by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. As mistress of the homestead of Mount Cook station Mrs Burnett's name was synonymous with hospitality, in the older days when the route to Mount Cook included the ford of the upp%* Tasmsji. and later at the Aorangi farm the same kind welcome awaited every caller. Her kindly disposition endeared hdr to all her friends, of which she made many in Timaru. for at ouefime Mr and Mrs Burnett owned a house 111 Perth Street and spent the winters in town, returning to the run in summer. Mrs Burnett died on "Wednesday morning after only a few days illness- The funeral iakes pl-ica at Timaru to-morrow, a train arriving at the station at 11.30 a.m.
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15393, 9 July 1914, Page 7
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Timaru Herald, Volume CI, Issue 15393, 9 July 1914, Page 7
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