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October rain records for Fahrlie, sent bv Dr Svdney J. Cook ,are as follows— Rain fell on 11 days, total fall 3.53, leaviest fall 2.08 on the 22nd, average for October for the previous 10 years 2.863.

Scarlet fever is prevalent about Duncdin. The fever hospital is full, and other patients are housed elsewhere. Tho person who lost a bunch of Iscys may regain possession of them on applying at the.. counter of the l?ost Office. ' ' •

Port Chalmers fishermen made some big hauls of groper and king-fish last week. • They sav the gropcr have appeared about the Heads sooner than usual tTus-scason-- The steam trawlers have "also got good hauls of soles and crayfish.

The Rev. Mr Bates' forecast is as follows:—"Present indications are for rain in all parts of the country, snow on higher.-'levels-and colder weather generally; strong southerly winds rising in. the* southland westerlies.changing: to abtitnerly'elsewhere'shortly. ./- !

In ""to sales made of' Show stock reported in Friday's; issue, ; the National Mortgage and Agency Company advise having sold on account of Mr Ji Douthwaite, a specially selected Btnd Border-Leicester ram to Mr H. T. Bosehdale, Roxburgh, Claremont, at a veiy satisfactory figure.

The Ashburton County Council had seven 34ft. steel piles over from the extension of the kangitata bridge, 29 years ago, and they hare been lelt till quite recently in. the railway rcscrvo - at Window. The Railway Department is bow claimins £'2o for •Storage," and lias removed the piles' to AckSngton to secure possession until the demand is paid. The Council is naturally very angry about the proceeding. Mr-V. G. Day, S.M., directed that in all local cases where females taken into custody by the police, hate to lie medically examined, one of the two ■ examining must be the lacly doctor who J* iw practise here. A woman was before the Court yesterday charged with lunacy, and on the certificates of Drs. McC'alinn and Dryden,' she was committed to Ashbourne Hall, a private asylum, near Dunedin. __

At a meeting of the 'Public Library Juint Committee, held last evening, the Deputy-Mayor presiding, some routine business was done and a draft list «>f books to be ordered was revised. The librarian 1 reported "that borrowers' tickets had been-supplied 1 -to 304"ratepayers. ,56 to; guarantees and-,six* to. subscribers, .total 416. Tlie books issued during been: 11(34 of fiction, and 141 of other wdrks. "From the contractor)? lia'd' heen~ received "99 nooks for- lending'- and 'II -for the reference department.' A few? accounts were recommended to the Council for payment, and it was.'*dccidcd to. recommend triafe a cabinet and' cards'"for a card catalogue bo procured. A parrel of books for boys and girls,' about £5 worth, sent by the contractor, for approval, was looked over, 'and "most of them recommended* for 'acceptance. The committee approved of providing a section of-books especially suited for children. "> .

A very evenly contested race was rowed last evening by three crews of the Timaru Rowing. Club. A heavy soir*-westf lead wind r o]uicklyJ worked up a jobbfly sea which itaade~ it very hard going and caused'tfie oarsmen'to splash a. lot until the shelter afforded by the cant of the old brcalrwatcr was reached. From a very "even start Xichous and RoUinson ■'gradually forged ahead of Nome, until'«t tho cisd of tho breakwater they [had a canvas lead on him, and remained tbo ame to the dredge's moorings outsider Here Nbrrio drew up; And all wcrojon even terms, hut Norri©>inade an effort •and obtained half a lengj*\*a lead when the harbour mouth, was: Tc«ched,_with Nicholls and Koffinson level s ; From here a Terr strenuous-' figHt to« tho fin> i«h was witnessed by the crowd w too Moody wharf, Nicholls Z™*™®**™!?ing no until at the end of the Moodv he was on even terms- with Nome *nd Rollinson was half a length to the had. Aji all out finish resulted in Norrie winning by two /ect from NrcWK Rollinson being half a J* 1 "" j This evening Archer and Mahen *•" contest the second heat and Duff and •Malthns the third.

A cencraY "meeting of the Society for the Promotidnuf the Health ot \Voimm and*CMldrc» was held. on Satiu-day afternoon in Assembly Koun». Present—Mcsdanics Newman, A. U worthy; H Klwortby, Palmer, G. Jones'Oddie, Banmber, Lynch, Moore, SnSthson, and Miss Jonas. The treasurer: ?ead a statement diowiiigtho finance for eightmonths to be-re-ceiot»r£ll9 7s 9d, expenditure tIUO fSFSkf&k balance LVI 19s. Mrs Stinson warmly thanked the Society for the most instructive lecture which Sister Alice had given in .the resbyteriaii school. The sister detailed the forward step that had been taken in Geraldine: she recently gave a lecture there; and from the support accorded it seemed very likely that the town would have a flourishing branch. Flic forthcoming garden party to be held at Mrs Smithson's residence was next discussed, and further arrangements were made to add tp the cninvmcnt of the numerous guests cxnectecl. It was reported that there will be numerous" entries for the highland dancing, the music to be supplied bv the Pi9c Band. The Marine Band will t»lay dfor the dancing in the evening. The secretary reported as regards the Government subsidy, that it was crnite likely that the money would be placed to'credit bv the end of November. The following were elected members— Mesdatnes Baxter, Hay, A>u>n. Cj. Talbot, Leo. H. F. Knssell, comhm.B. Kerr, G. Arthur, James, Bawlmes, Stronach. t™^*™* s * V*Jliaw*. 1 Paterson. Daniel. Maltlme W, F. Gillingham, Southgatc, Burt, Isitt, and "Mr-A, Scott.

The Wellingtou-Brindisi mail of September 24th arrived in London on October 29th. A meeting of the Committco of the Beautifying Association is to bo held in the Borough Council Chambers this evening at 8.

Thero was a slight fall of rain at Winchester on Sunday, tho fringe of a thunderstorm passing along the hills. Yesterday was a day of nor-west wind, blowing very strongly at times.

The Napier Borough Council, received petitions for and against tho opening of tea-rooms connected with the public baths on Sundays. After a discussion the Council adopted a compromise, resolving that the rooms should not she open during church service hours, 10-bO a.m. to 1 p.m., and 7to 8 p.m. This decision has yet to be confirmed.

Mr Richard Pcarsc, son of Mr Diggory Pearsc, the well-known farmer, of Waitohi, expects to mako the trial flight of his monoplane in a very few days now. He has been working on the airship for a long time, and is confident that he has got over many difficulties. Tho frame is of bamboo, the wings of strong calico, and the motor is of 24 horse-power. The trial flight will bo made from a paddock which is in young wheat, but tho direction is not as yet been determined upon.

The "annual conference of the New Zealand Federated Builders' and Contractors' Association will be opened at : Chrisctkurch to-day. Apprentices will be the chief topic discussed (says Thursday's Wellington "Post"). It islicld by the building trade that the apprentice is a vanishing quantity, and that instead of a steady stream of tradesmen from Home it is more desirable to train up a larger number of apprentices to develop year by year into journeymen, thus rendering the influx of. tradesmen from.overseas unnecessary. •'-'"-Mrßenett was informed when in. Sydney that although much, lias been done there to solve the ap-i prontice problem, there are still not 7 enough lads being trained in.the bnjlding trades to provide for the future requirements of the country. The barque Hippolas, which brought a large consignment of timber, has greatly facilitated the progress of the : work at tho new wharf. Prior to the arrival of the Hippolas tho work was somewhat retarded for lack of material, but judging by the amount of timber now in the vicinity of tho wharf, ' "this state of' affairs is not likely to soon occur again. - Piles and beams cover quite a considerable area of the reclaimed' ground. Fully .£6OOO worth of-timber is now lying at the scene of ioperations, and with the present liberal supply of piles ,ctc., Mr Slowey has been able to provide employment fori" several new hands, and the spot during working hours presents an animated appearance. A considerable amount of work has to be don© upon each" pile in preparing it for use, in squaring the top, pointing and shoeing the lower end, and charring and tarring -the: ; greater part of the length, of each pile.. Gorse cuttings are used for the "charring and thus a ; use is found for one of the waste "products of,the farm."

A vcrv interesting tcrempny took place iu "Waimate on Sunday -afternoon when two invalid chairs and one couch were presented to the Waimate Hospital by the residents of Nukuroa, Waitaki village settlement/and AVa>bao natives. Ladies were tho moving spirit m tho movement which produced the presents, and Mcsdanies Lindsay, Duncan and Tau were specially mentioned as workers in the niatter, and the result is creditable to.all. One of tho chairs, a very ingenious contrivance, was manufactured by Mr W. Ji Wills, and the couch by Messrs A. S. Jones and Co., and Mr Sinelair (chairman of trustees) expressed Jsatfe--faction at'the way the work had beeii dune. 'There was a good .attendance of the public, the Waimate Brass- Band wore (as usual when required), in evidence. It was mentioned 'that Mr C Hendry of Blnecliffs had presented an invalid chair, now in use, and that to Mr Atwill tho trustees were \ indebted' for the flag then waving in the. breeze. ' ,Mr W. Lindsay, . acting for the presentation committee, made the presentation in a very happy manner, and expressed tho donors' thanks to the "tr'tistcVs and Dr Barclay, more especially the latter for the great assist- : ance'rendered in going into details as to'the'form oF'tho presents - and making Hheni as suitable to requirements as possible. Messrs Sinclair and Atwill anfl Dr Barclay briefly addressed 7 the' audience in appreciation of ' the kindness, 'and affection for. the local hKSpitaT, which' had prompted the gifts, and - a hearty vote of 'thanks was accorded the donors 'of all the items'mentioned. Afternoon tea .was ■scry kindly /handed , round . by. the nurses. " x

Ihm.'t contuiuc gropmg hi the d.irk Buy a kodak r.t Baxter's Pharinijv. It nipaiis daylight all tho time...

Mrs S.' H. Walker, 230 Humlfray street, Ballarat, Vic, writes: "Have uscii Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for four years, and know r£ is excellent. Have found it mpst 'w»»v°fir-ial. tan recommend it to anyone. ,In fact hare done so many times, and it has good results m every case." ' For "sale'every wnero ...

Grow, the best Vegetables by sowing P. G. Alley's selected seeds. Scud for illustrated* catalogue, post free. ... v When yon wake up in the morning with a bad-taste in your mouth you know'that you need a dose of Chamberlain'* Tablets, for they will sharpen your appetite and strengthen the digeit«-»' organs. For sale-everywhere... XMAS PARCELS FOR ABROAD. FORWARDED SAFELY, SPEEDILY, CHEAPLY. Bring to us (or notify us and' wo will collect them) any mementos of thr. approaching season which you desire sent to friends at Home. Ail parcels entrusted to us are dispatched direct bv steamer, securely packed, and mav Iks depended on to arrive at the time stated and in good order. The New Zealand Express Co., Ltd. ... Yon can lose your situation, You can lose your rank or station, You can lose your reputation, You can even lose your wifel But if this advice -ou follow When your cough sounds harsh and hollow, . _ And Woods' Peppermint you swallow, You will never lose your life... MUSCLES IN KNOTS. JOINTS ALL STIFFENED AND SWOLLEN. Lance-like pains torture and torment the victim of Rheumatism, and jnu don't think yon will ever get rid of the disease. Perhaps you hare tried all kinds of so-called cures and much-advertised quack remedies ail to no purpose. Well, don't despair. There is a medicine that can and will cure you. Take RHEUMO. It ». a positive antidote for uric acid poisoiiiig. It relieves pain, removes the swelling, and clears the system of excess uric acid the cause of all the trouble. RHEUMO is neither a liniment nor a pill, but a liquid medicine of marvellous therapeutic . value RHEUMO conquers Rheumatism. Sold brail chemists and storekeepers at 2s 6d and 4s 6d a bottle,

Threshing mill-owners will meet i" the Sophia street 'hall at 1.30 p.m. on Saturday.

Rather a neat.joke was worked off at the farewell gathering to Mr Moses White, last night', when the chairman called upon Mr Barkas for a song—"if Barkas was willing." Barkas was Avilling. As Oamaru observes the King's birthday holiday on the Bth inst., and Timaru on the 9th inst., it has been found impossible owing to the clnsh of holidays to play the tennis match, Oamaru v. Timaru. A daily motor service has been established between Culverden and Hanmer Springs by the Railway Department, and return tickets, good for three months, can be had from Timaru for £2 6s. On November 15th an election will bo held of members to the Council of New Zealand Accountants. Canterbury has the right to appoint three representatives, and one to represent South Canterbury lias been nominated —Mr A. Wilson, accountant to the C.F.C.A. It accountants here desire to have a local representative on the Council they can' do so by giving their united support to the local nominee. A meeting of the South Canterbury Boxing Association was held last night, when matters were discussed in .connection with the inter-club championship to be held on January 1 and 3-1910 at Timaru. Mr F. C. Watson presided, others prcscut, being Messrs It. J. Cooke, J. O'Donncll, G. Triggs, and F. Waddell (lion. secy.). It was decided to hold a boxing tournament on November .24 and 25 when some good local talent will be forthcoming. There will bo two contests of six rounds each in which Fitzsimroons will fight T. Brady, of Christchurch, and C, Stewart will fight Leckic. Among irther boxers to take part in the contests will bo' Kaill, of Bluff, Mitchell, of Lyttelton, Parott, of Lyttclton, and Gillespie, of, Tcmuka.

This evening Hairy Rickards' company will open with a first class Vaudevilo progrannno for one night only, which should be appreciated by tnc public. To-morrow evening the grand military display will bo given by local boys, with the Garrison Baud in attendance to play selections, and with a few special patho films to complete the programme. It should be safe to predict' a full hpuso. The.Patho pictures will be shown on Thursday, Friday an:l : Saturday, with tho usual matinee on Saturday afternoon. From November 4th to 22nd, there will be no visiting companies' here, and as nearly all local entertainments, except the Patho pictures are over, the public of Timaru will be givgn one evening a week at these. \ The programmes are tho same as shown in' the larger towns 1 , and all who have seen them speak highly of them and to the way the entertainments are conducted.

.:.: It will be, remembered that at the meeting of the Timaru Harbour Board on Friday last,' a, letter was received from Mr D. Stuart, referring members of the Borad to a report in the "Timaru Herald," of June 22nd, 1893, for a knowledge of the genesis of reclamation work at. Tiriiaru harbour. - This report is briefly, as follows:—"My object (D. Stuart, chairman) in bringing forward this report, is to ask your immediate. au3 earnest consideration of the following recommendation, namely '—That .instructions be given .to' our ''solicitors'to draft a Bill empoweririg' the Board to reclaim "(1) All that sea area of our 275 acre> Crown grant contained within a straight lino drawn from the southern "corner of section 1298 (Waimataitai) to the elbow of the north mole (say about 100 acres). And (2) All that area .of the inner harbour between the ln-cafcwatcr"and tho north : mole extending a of foiir chains to seaward of tho raihva property boundary line (say about ' six acres)." After a good deal of -discussion TMr Teschemaker moved the adoption, of the report, and that the npccssary steps be taken to give effect to it. The'motion was carried ncm con"

In. spite of the boisterous weather the ladies named who are interested in the work of the Timaru Arts and Craft Society met in the Technical School yesterday afternoon—Mesdames Priest, Smithson, Simmers, Lamb, Rockel, Greene, Burns, Misses Priest, Hooper, Blanche Hall, Cabot and Butterworth. Mr Grant, director of the Technical School, introduced the business of the meeting and he and Mr Green explained the nature of the exhibition which is intended to be held hero next May. Miss Priest (hon. sec. pro. torn.) reported that she had many promises,of help and already the names of more -.than.forty ladies have been Kivcn as members of the society ._ The following officers were then appointed: Mrs Smithson (in the chair), Misses Priest and Cabot (hon. secretaries), Mesdames Burns, Gladstone, Robinson, Rockel, Lamb, Newman,.Boys, Greene, Cowan; Priest, Hardwicke, Jameson, Loughnan, H. LeCren, E. A. LeCren, Misses Hooper, Hall .Drydeii. LeCren, Buttcrworth and Wilson (committee). As a number of subscriptions had already been received, it was unanimously agreed that the general secretary bo requested to have member's tickets printed at once. The ladles undertook to take charge of the loan collection, which will consist besides pictures, old China, glassware, statuary, old silver, curios, and brie a brae of all descriptions. The meeting was a most enthusiastic one and judging by the amount of . support already promised, the exhibition should prove to be by far the most interesting ever held in South Canterbury.

THE CAUSE OF CONSTIPATION. Tho most common cause of constipation is a lack of exercise to keep the muscles of the bowels active. That is why constipation is often brought on by too frequent use- of purgatives. They act violently performing the work of the bowels for them, and so weaken them that they will not act without assistance. Chamberlain's Tablets will euro constipation becauso instead of doing the work of tho bowels they gently stimulate them to voluntary action. Their frequent use will not injure tho most dedicate person. Sold everywhere... -•;'"-. Zymole Trokeys are handy -a carry and are invaluable to all VuO talk or 6ihg. As a stimulating antiseptic for the throat they are unequalled. 23 LACK OF ENERGY. If you lack energy, don't relish your food, feel dull and constipated, all you need is a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets. They will make you feel like a nnw man and givo you a healthy appetite. They will do you more good than a. 5s bottle of tonic. Sold everywhere... I'ianos. rianos. l'ianos. The Dresden Piano Company, Ltd., beg to announce to the general public ot liuiaru and the surrounding district that they have just opened up an entirely new stock of pianos. Our high grade instruments, include .lobn ilroadwood and Son, Collard and Collard, the most famous of British makers, the best that money ran buy; also tho Ronish, Lipp and Sohn, Koch and Sohn, Bohm, besides other celebrated makers. Wo give you a ten years' warranty with any instrument you choose;, we also givo you the right of exchargiug if you are not perfectly satisfied. You are on a good sound wicket when buying your piano or organ from this well known and up-to-date firm. ...

The Wellington Education Board adopted a recommendation from, the. Chief Inspector that all district high schools be required to adopt a course of "agricultural instruction." A "course" was laid for 34 hours, of which the following only bear immediately on agriculture:— Elementary physiology and anatomy of farm animals (boys) .household economy (girls), 1 hour; elementary physics (farm mechanics), 2 hours; agricultural scienco and rural economy, 3 hours; dairying (1 hour); total, 7 hours out of 34. Definite word was received yesterday that the team representing the Canterbury Lawn Tennis Association will break their journey at Timarn on Saturday next, on their way to play Otago at Dunedin on the Bth inst., and meet a team from the Timarn Tennis Club. Each team will consist of four ladies and four men, and play will start on the Elizabeth street courts at 11.30 a.m., and be kept going till 3.15 p.m. when the Canterbury representatives will pick up the second express and resume their journey south. The match, short as its duration will necessarily be, will consist principally of doubles play, should' be well worth seeing, and should give a worthy fillip to local tennis. For the Timarn club a te->m w ; ll bo chosen from the following—Mrs F. J. Rolleston, Miss Sotham, Miss C. Hay, Miss Blair, and Miss E. Miles; Pearse, Cameron, Thompson, Revel!, and Webster. It .is expected that members will do their very best _ to make this match thoroughly enjoyable.

The "New Zealand Times" ta.l'cs a North Island and a city view of the duty on flour. In an article on the rejection of Mr Hogg's Flour Duty Abolition Bill, it says:—"Apparently Mr Hogg could see no difference between tea and sugar duties —abolished by the Government—and the flour duty. •There is, however, a distinct cleavage. Tlie duty on tea was essentially a revenue duty. Tea is not produced in New Zealand, and never will be. Any duty imposed upon tea gos straight to the* Treasury. In the case of a. duty on flour only a fraction is received in revenue, .'and the millers themselves collect the penalty against imports with every ton of flour they sell to consumers. Belief in the theory that it is. the growers of wheat who receive protection by this duty accounts for its appearance on the Customs schedule. That this, is a delusion we believe to bo self-evident. New Zealand wheat is" actually being exported to markets other than our own. The farmer gets no benefit from this duty. He happens to think that ho does — and therein is to bo found the secret of expediency. The-people pay wv dearly to support him in tlie heresy ' At the meeting of tho Presbyterian General Assembly, in Christchurch, on Saturday, the report of the Fire Insurance Committee was presented by the Revi A. S. Morrison (Waimate). He stated that guarantees had been taken rip to ; the amount of £7775, and several other amounts had been promised. The decision of the Assembly on the overture of the Wellington Presbytery would make the total amount guaranteed nearly £IO,OOO. A good deal of inertia seemed to exist in tho Church with regard to the scheme, for many congregations and whole presbyteries had not responded at all to tho overtures made to them. Some.congregations had done admirably; Milton for instance, had guaranteed £775. Mr A. Bell, of Auckland seconded the, motion, and in order that-tho amount of tho . guarantees should reach tho siim of £IO,OOO aimed at, he suggested ■ that twenty-two persons should each give' a guarantee of £IOO. The suggestion was carried into effect and £5400 was guaranteed by those present. Tho report was adopted and the management, of the fund was transferred to. a central committee of three ministers and five laynien at Wellington. i Patrick O'Shea, the winner of Saturday's road race, is a resident of Sydenham, and is twenty years of ago. He is employed at Messrs H. Berry and; Co.'s; warehouse as a packer. He has/ never won a race previously. Interviewed just after the finish,-O'Shea said that he_ "had nothing tocomplain of." Tlie wind had been very strong, arid everyone had to plug hard all tho way. Tin's side of Rangitala O'Shea had a spill, and buckled his wheel badly; Ho lost some time in putting' it straight, and between Ashhurton and Rakaia he fell off again, but got through unhurt. Leonard Maw, of Dunedin. who finished second, had three spills, and was somewhat badly ont about the face and neck. Ho was leading the other isido- of Ashhurton. when another rider ran into him, and again at Selwyn he came down,_ while about four miles from the: finish ho fell over a counlo of riders. One wheel was very badly buckled, tho spokes sticking out all round. He pushed his machine' home with _ the wheel in" a very "groggy" condition and made a plucky finish. J. _ Arnst, who made the fastest time, said that he felt nrctty knocked up by the hard ride pnd head wind. He was left by himself for a long time ,and found it a tough ride. Two nunctures wcro picked up at Winchester, but ho effected repairs promntlv and went on against the wind, which proved moro trying as the goal was\ncarcd. Show visitors are invited to inspect tho largest stock of hoots and shoes in South Canterbury, by railing at Soiiter's Shoe Store, next J. Ballantyne and Co. Over £3OOO worth of footwear to choose from. Being direct imDortcrs. we are able to give the best value. Souter's brown ' boots and shoes arc wonderful value... If the muscles of the throat are strained a cold is very casilv contracted. Zymolo Trokoys will prevent this; they are just the thing for lioirseness and irritating coughs. ...

Hardy's celebrated fishiug. tackle and sports depot is at present showing a very fino assortment of rods, reels, lines, casts, traces, flics, nets, phantoms, baskets, waders, etc., at prices to suit all enthusiasts. Tennis players will please note that there arc a few very fine sample of Slazengor s racquets, also 1909-10 tennis balls, presses, put preserver, etc., at Francis Tasker's. sports depot. ... Stearns' Hcadacho Cure is tho most convenient as well as the most effiacious headache remedy known. Cures in a few minutes. Easy, to carry. Simple to take. 77 P. G. Allen's flower seeds always give satisfaction. ...

Daylight from tho loading of tho camera, to the perfect picture. If you use a kodak. Baxter's Pharmacy...

If you are thinking of buying » camera call and inspect our stock. We have just landed a nice lot direct "°™ tho makers at prices within the reach of all. Kodaks (film cameras) from os to £5 17s 6d; plate cameras from 7s 6d to £6. All photo requisites in 6tock. At L. B. James' Pharmacy, Stafford street, Timaru...

A slight irritation in tho throat may lead to a hacking cough. Zymole Trokeys stop it; they soothe the irritation and strengthen the throat. 14

Lutha Burbauk is the earliest, pea grown. Procure from P. G. Allen. ...

Do you kodak If not call and let us explain '' kodnkery ''! You will bo interested. Baxter's Pharmacy...

Tho consideration shown by tho various local bodies through' whoso districts the Timaru-Christclmrch road race competitors passed on Saturday, was the subject of favourable mention at the social gathering held on Saturday night, when the prizes won in tho contest were presented. , . SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Guinness and LcCrcn Gcraldine sale, to-morrow. C.F..C.A—St. Andrews sale, on Friday;' tenders for farm. O'Callaghan and Co.—Sale of furniture, to-morrow., N.M. and A. Co.—Sale at St. Andrews, on Friday. Jonas and Co. — Clearing sale, tomorrow. J. E. Reid —Special purchase of canvas shoes. E. Berry—To person who took parcel. ■Threshing mill-owners —Meeting, on Saturday. W. A. Pearson—High class tailoring. Wotten and Co.—Want tailoresses. Borough of Timaru —TurnbuH street closed. E. Gannon Sold, business to -Georges'and Calvert. F. J. Dunn—Prices of mirrors, brushes, combs, etc. Waimate Show—On Thursday next. John Kenipthorhe Bargains in houses and sections. Hutton and Co.—Post, and Christmas cards, diaries; etc. Lost—Bicycle, apron, cablo chain, rewards. C. Bowker —Money to loud, shops, etc., to let. ' Wood and Amyes—Phoenix Accident Insurance. Temuka ' Presbyterian Church Choirmaster wanted: 'Wanteds—Scvci»oiotices. 7

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Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14046, 2 November 1909, Page 5

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14046, 2 November 1909, Page 5

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume XIIC, Issue 14046, 2 November 1909, Page 5