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BOROUGH OF TIMARU. The election of Mayor of Timaru, and j Councillors for the North-East and NorthWest Wards of the Borough of Timaru, which took place yesterday, created much more interest than is usually the case here. The officials at the booth at the Town Hall were kept particularly busy, pretty well all the day, and it will be seen from the figures given below that the majority of those entitles to vote, went to this booth. As 8 o'clock approached those interested gathered at the Town Hall in large numbers, and when the polls were declared at 8.20 p.m. there must have been 600 to 700 persons present. Mr E. H. Lough, the Returning Officer, who came out, accompanied by the retiring Mayor, announced the results as follows: COUNCIL ELECTIONS. North East Ward — R. Bowie 53 - J. S. Bennett 13 W. Priest 136 M. Redmayne 113 G. P. Wood 50 Mi} Lough said that unofficially (he had yet to check the figures) he declared Mr Priest and Mr Redmayne elected. North West Ward— W. Coe 102 A. Oborn 94 W. Satterthwaite 11l The unofficial announcement was the return of Mr Coe and Mr Satterthwaite. THE MAYORAL ELECTION. Mn Lough said that he had next to declare the Mayoral election. He had to thank the retiring Mayor for assisting him to count the figures. The results were as follows: Macintosh. McNab Borough Council office 368 173 Presbyterian Schoolroom 43 23 / Wesleyan Schoolroom 110 54 521 250 The reading out of the totals by the Returning Officer was the signal. for a very hearty outburst of applause and cheers, which were renewed when Mr Lough added that the unofficial announcement was that Mr Charles Nicholson Macintosh is Mayor of Timara for the ensuing year. The retiring Mayor (Mr Hole) then mounted a chair and said that although not one of the candidates, he wished to say a word or two in apology to the burgesses for not acceding to many of their wishes to be their Mayor for the ensuing year. He held that any public man who could not properly fulfil the duties of his office to the satisfaction of tha people and himself should give that billet up. That was his position—he could not attend to the duties of Mayor, and, therefore, retired. He was sincerely sorry that he was compelled to do so. Many had said that " Hole will never live through it" (the Mayoral year); he had, and was in better form for work now than ever he was. He had bad a very busy time; from Monday .morning to Saturday night they were sending away men to South Africa, or receiving them back, and too little of his time had been devoted to the borough. He said now that the borough must have a live Mayor and a live Council; and if Mr Macintosh was not a live Mayor he would go out next year, and a live man would come in. He expressed his pleasure seeing Mr Macintosh ejected, and was sure that his brother Councillors would be veiy pleased also. He wished further to add that they were all exceedingly soriy that Mr McNab was not now in the Council. It would be very great loss. Mr Hole added that he hoped the citizens would support the Mayor, and that they would work together generally for the welfare of the town. Mr Hole added some words of praise to the office staff, the town clerk and his assistants, who deserved very great praise. Their town clerk in particular, for the able conduct of this and manj? other elections deserved their best thanks. He hoped that the
Mayor elect and the Councillors would retain him in his position for many years j yet, and that Mr Lough would conduct many morfjl elections. In conclusion, Mr Hole sincerely thanked the citizens for their hearty support during his term if office, and said that in. a year or two perhaps they might have a chance of " finishing him off" by again electing him to municipal office. (Laughter and app ause.) Mr Macintosh, the Mayor-elect, who got a very hearty reception, said that he had to thank them. As far as was m his power he would endeavour to carry out the policy he had laid down in the Theatre Royal on Tuesday evening. As a Jsew Zealander he was proud of the position thev had placed him m, and he hoped that at the end of his term he would have as good feeling and popularity as the retiring Mavor, Mr Hole- He could only again thank them, and express the hope that he would deserve their confidence. (Applause. 1 ; Mr McNab then came forward, and after a hearty handshake and congratulations to the new Mayor, said that he had to | apologise for being in such a position and
1 creating such a disturbance in Timaru. • At the time the present Mayor was retiring from office he did not aspire to office. He had come forward at the instance 01 a great many supporters, and from a sense of duty had allowed himself to be nomi- ' nated for office. By their votes that day they had expressed their wish, and he accepted it, and congratulated Mr Macintosh. ' Mr McNab hoped the citizens would support the Mayor, and that he would leave office with' as good a record as the retiring Mayor. Mr McNab concluded i by thanking the burgesses for giving him so many, votes. (Applause.) The elected Councillors were then called upon. Mr Hole said that Mr Priest had been called away to Dunedin, and wished that lie (Mr Hole) should return thanks "should Mr Priest get a place." Mr Hole then thanked the electors. Mr Priest was well known, as a good citizen, a good busir ness man, and he would ba a good Councillor. Mr Ho!e was sure that Mr Priest i would deserve their confidence. | Mr Redmayne also returned his thanks. He never thought he would get so many votes. He had not been long in Timaru, but he was not a new chum at Council work, and would do his very best for the borough. (Applause.) Mr Satterthwaite nest returned his sincere thanks. As a Timaru boy he was proud that he had won his first election, and would use his best endeavours for the progress of Timaru. He could not say that he was in favour of buying the gas works (A voice: "You will be."), but would do what he thought right in the interests of his ward and of the borough as a whole. (Applause.) Mr Coe cordially thanked them, and said that he would do his best for Timaru. Personally he did not believe in the ward system; but as things were he would look after his ward's interests and do his best for the town. (Applause.) Mr Gordon Wood, as one of the defeated candidates, said that he had to very sincerely thank those who had voted against him. It showed their sense in returning men who were better than himself. (Laughter and applause.) Mr McNab then moved, and the Mayorelect seconded, a very hearty vote of thanks to the Returning Officer, and after Mr Lough had replied, the proceedings, which had been very enthusiastic, closed. Per Fresc Association. AUCKLAND, April 24. The municipal elections passed off quietly, though considerable interest was taken in the polling, which was fairly heavy. For the Mayoralty of Auckland, the voting was, Dr Campbell 3517 votes, Mr D. Arkell, 895 votes. WANGANUI, April 24. Great interest was taken in the Mayoral contest to-day. A big crowd waited to ascertain the result. The figures were— Mr Hatrick (present Mayor), 1131: Mr Bassett, 719. The Council returns are not available till morning. NAPIER, April 24. The municipal elections excited greater < interest than on any previous occasion, and 1 the polling is the heaviest on record. There were twenty-five nominees for twelve seats on the Council, and two candidates for the Mayoralty. It is expected' that the result of the election will not be known ' until about 2 a.m. j NELSON, April 24. A good deal of quiet interest was taken ; in the municipal elections to-day. The re- 1 suit of the poll for the Mayoralty was Mr ■ Hy. Baigent, 802 votes, Mr F. Trask 644, 1 majority for Mr Baigent, 138. There were seventeen nominated for the* City Council, but one candidate retired. The result will not be known in time to telegraph to-night. |
The Mayoral election to-day created great interest. Feeling has beeci almost as keen as in the case of a Parliamentary poll. In the evening an enormous crowd gathered on Lambton. Quay opposite the newspaper' offices, to learn the result of the polling at the different booths. ■ The first booth gave Mr Aitken a lead of 400 . votes, which was increased by each one till his majority reached 3069. The final figures were, Mr Aitken', '5801; Mr Wilford, 2722. ' The result of the Petone Mayoralty is Mr Mothes, 414; Mr Kirk, 396. The result of th«j polling of Councillors may not be known till after midnight.' Melrose Mayoralty—Mr Frost, 451; Mr Reed, 292; Mr Fullford, 134; Mr Baylis, 134. Karori Mayoralty—Mr McDonald, 230; Mr Henderson, 228. WESTPORT, April 24. Great interest was taken in the municipal elections to-day, there being foiir candidates for each ward and three Councillors required. For the north ward Mr Larsen polled 200, Mr McLaughlin, 186.; Mr Lamplough, 165; for the south ward, Mr Nahr, 238; Mr Williams, 237; Mr McDonnell, 205; for middle ward, Mr Wilson, 117; Mr Marshall, 83; Mr Riley, 82. In each case a member of the last Council was defeated. CHRISTCHURCH, April 24. In only two of the city wards were there contests. For the north-west ward Mr C. M. Gray and Mr G. Payling, old Councillors, and Mr R. M. Mac Donald, were returned, Mr W. Prudhoe, an old Councillor, being defeated. For the southwest} ward, Mr J. M. Taylor, a new man in municipal politics, headed the poll, and Mr H. S. Loughnan and Mr H. Wood, old Councillors, were also returned. Mr R. H. Green, previously in the Council, was defeated. Mr T. C. Field was elected Mayor of Lyttelton, and Mr B. P. Manhire re-elec-ted Mayor of Sydenham. OAMARU, April 24. In the contest for the Mayoralty, Mr Allan Hedley polled 409 votes, and Mr John Taylor 144 votes. ASHBURTON, April 24. Considerable interest was taken; in the municipal elections. The candidates for the Mayoralty were Mr W. H. Collins and Mr J. Sealy. The former was elected by a majority of {ls. The Councillors elected were Messrs Reid, Alcorn, Davison, Clark, Andrews, Willis, Timmins, Davis, and Jones. DUNEDIN, April 24. Considerable interest was. taken in the Mayoral election to-day, and in the contest for Leath Ward. For the Mayor, the voting was Denniston, 2279; Dawson, 1414; Chapman, 641. For South Ward, Messrs Gore and Carroll were elected. Mr Crust, one of the retiring Councillors, and Mr Gourley, tied for third place, and there will be a recount to-morrow. For St. Kilda Mr G. Hodges beat his opponent .by four votes. South Dunedin elected Mr A. Todd, while North East Valley elected Mr W. B. Anderson.
For Leith ward, city, three new Councillors were elected, Messrs McDonald, Maitland, and Lawrence. For Port Chalmers, John Mill defeated the present Mayor.
The result of the Invercargill Mayoral election was —C. S. Longuet, 641; Horace Bastings, 357; F. G. Stone, 293.
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Timaru Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 3551, 25 April 1901, Page 3
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1,930THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Timaru Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 3551, 25 April 1901, Page 3
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THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Timaru Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 3551, 25 April 1901, Page 3
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