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The police want owners for a Swiss watch, a pair of eye-glasses, a lady's cape, and a gold mounted greenstone bar brooch. The articles named were found m Timaru. , At the Magistrate's Court yesterday, before Mr C. A. Wray, S.M., a youth was fined 5s for riding a bicycle on the footpath m North Btreet. A prohibition order was issued against a labourer on the application of his wife. 1 The two handsome shields that were r won by the Timaru Fire Brigade at the demonstration at Auckland, were on view yesterday m Mr George Hilton's shop window. The trophies are very fine specimens of workmanship, and the Brigade is justly proud of winning them. Mr E. H. Lough, the Returning Officer of the borough of Timaru, declared at noon yesterday Mr Charles Nicholson Macintosh duly elected a member , of the Timaru Harbour Board, vice Mr Moss Jonas resigned. Mr Macintosh was nominated by Mr A. Sinclair and Mr James Ord, and was the only candidate. Mr John Manchester was also 3 elected unopposed. He fills the Beat vacated by Mr A. Hayes. Mr W. H. Clark, of the Washdyke woolworks, gave his employees a picnic last Saturday. The party to the number of about 40 joined the Freezing Works special train and proceeded to Waimate. They spent a very pleasant day, and all express sincere thanks to Mr Clark for the liberal provision made for their enjoyment. We are now opening ex s.s, Tokomaru our second shipment of serges, coatings, fancy dress goods, muslin aprons, side • combs, hdkfs, chiffons, silk trimmings, silk gaufre, fancy millinery ribbons, jackets, mantles, capes. We have done exceedingly well already with new goods • to hand. We are placing the nicest goods j on the Timaru market. Penrose's drapery i establishment. — [Advt.] " In our report of the Mackenzie Coun- » cil's February meeting a clerical error '. occurred m copying the motion made ' by Mr Guthrie respecting the engineer. ' As printed it read—*' That from the Ist '. April next Mr Banks' salary as clerk, . engineer and treasurer," be, etc. It • should have been "as clerk, overseer, 1 and treasurer," engineering work being ' separately provided for. L After another of those high, withering [ nor'-west winds we have experienced j this season, a most beneficial change set . m early on Thursday morning at Albury 1 and it has continued to rain off and on ever since. The change is bound to have a very beneficial effect throughout the country, and was never more needed. Harvest operations are all over, and threshing is the order of the day, unfortunately though not so much with actual threshing as running from paddock to paddock. In several instances , the plough has already started, preparing for next season's harvest. Yesterday's North Otago Times says: r — " Mr T. Lynch, who has for many 1 years filled the position of head porter at Oamaru and guard on the Oamaru- ' Dunedin train, is about to leave for : Timaru, having been promoted to the position of goods foreman there. Mr ! Lynch has been a courteous and painstaking official, and few who had to do business with him but will regret his removal, although they must acknowledge that he has qualified for his promotion. Mr Lynch was a prominent : member of the Oamaru Tennis Club, and s his place will be hard to fill." He arr rived m Timaru yesterday, and takes up his new duty this morning. In the first act of The Cotton King at the Opera House (says the Neio Zealand ' Times) a cleverly worked shower of rain ! is generally received with much favour by the audience, but on Saturday night their demonstrations of approval were considerably more emphatic than usual. Something went wrong with the hose or pipes leading to the flies, with the result that a powerful stream of water shot out into the orchestra and front seats of the stalls, causing the occupants to retreat m disorder. One unlucky violinist received an unexpected douche on the back of the neck, which completely wrecked his collarand rendered a change of attire imperative. At a meeting of the Mackenzie County : Collie Dog Club, held at Burkes Pass, to make final arrangements for the annual trial, which is to be held at the end of the present month, the prosi pects for the forthcoming trial were con- ? sidered highly satisfactory, and it was unanimously agreed that there was abundant evidence of the growing popularity of the trials. About a dozen new members were elected, and one gentleman was made a life member m recognition of his liberal support to the club. Mr Gideon Rutherford is the fourth that ; this honour has been conferred upon, the three previous recipients being Messrs D. Bain, E, Anderson, and J, Robinson.
The quantity of timber exported from Greymouth last week was 278,988 ft. The Blackball Coal Company last week produced 1625 tons, and the Brunner Company 1478 tons coal. The coal export from Westport last week was 5137 tons, of which the Westport Coal Company contributed 4131 tons, and the Cardiff Company 1006 tons. The New Zealand Times is responsible for the statement that the Government have received an offer for the IJomahaka estate with all its improvements at a price which will leave a respectable profit on the original transaction. The children of the Waimate District High School, their teachers, parents and friends are to visit Timaru on Thursday next. Among the places to be visited here will be the Woollen Mills, the proprietors of which, we learn, will throw! them open to inspection that day. We hope that the weather will be tine, so that our Waimate friends will be able to thoroughly enjoy their outing. " 1 can adjourn a case at any time if I consider that the interests of justice demand that such a course should be followed," said a Stipendiary Magistrate the other day to a solicitor who objected to a remand being granted before all the witnesses had been examined. " I don't know that you can," interposed the legal gentleman, but the Bench's reply of "Oh, well, if you don't know that you don't know much," closed the discussion. His Excellency the Governor, Lord Eanfurly, accompanied by Captain Alexander and the Hon. Hill Trevor, passed through Timaru by the down express yesterday afternoon. His Excellency is to visit Waikouaiti. On Tuesday His Excellency will go to Mosgiel, and on Wednesday to Naseby, He will go to Alexandra on Friday, March 11th, toJCromwell on Saturday, March 12th, to Eoxburgh on Monday, March 14th, Lawrence on March 15th, Kaitangata and Milton on March 16th, Gore on March 17th, Balclutha on March 18th, and Dunedin on March 21st. The Counters of Eanfurly, with the Hon. C, Hill Trevor will join the party at Lawrence on March 15th. Captain Ward and Captain WeUesley, the additional aide-de-camp, will meet His Excellency m Dunedin.
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Timaru Herald, Volume LX, Issue 2646, 8 March 1898, Page 2
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1,146TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LX, Issue 2646, 8 March 1898, Page 2
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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume LX, Issue 2646, 8 March 1898, Page 2
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