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T, '..■!., ' [Per Press Agency."] iicii ■<•■ Wellington-,; Monday Evening: •' Arrived— This morning, ship Shakespeare, from Hamburg, with immigrants eqttal to 338 adults; all foreigners. She is 107 days out, and reports . fever 'on board. ' -There is ', only; ; .one case at , present. . , There have several. The ship is placed m quarantine and reported to , be m a very dirty state. .'■■•:' .: .. New Plymouth, Monday. [ ; The proposed harbor is to be near the ■ Sugar Loaves. „.. . : ' Casey declines to say where he found the gold quartz. . ; ■ ;; His a general holiday here to-day, m commemoration of the first anniversary of settlement of the Moa block, Of land,- ' the first that has come into the possession of the province since the war. The progress- ' of settlement dates 'from that period,, as previously the; natives' de- : cliri'ed to pa^t. with their, territory. • ,Th6y ;are now offering ' large' blocks of land, and the province is acquiring lands for .£ettlemen& ' , ', .'. ,- v • . Tauranga, Monday. I .'-. There has been continuous rain. Cattle have, been turned into the wheat pad- , docks on many farms. .; Meadow and oaten r hay is ruined; The Maori wheat: is ,alsp destroyed. , ' , ; Kelly commences an action for bribery and corruption against Morris. • . ! .■■<■ V.--TT-- •. Grahamstown, Monday.' i.'Betweeriten o'clock and noon to-day, ■ 220 men applied at the District Engineer's Office for' work. They are 1 promised work Puriri seven miles f rom '.' Shortlaiid at six Shillings' per dayv Each man has to 'provide his own tools. Only £1000 is granted for, the work. . ' : , i: HSra.ExCELEEirCT ; THE GOVBBNOE. ;f- The .Governor with Lady Ndrmanby and suite are qx'pccted to, pay a visit to Auckland early 'in February.. . ....... .. .■';-. . • ', ; j ■,".,. Bjinimsa. SocißTK^The monthly piiymen! a of tlio Timaru Building Society are due this^vening. r jU . : i:. '■', jLjsyßisE.OAi) Boabd. — A meeting of this Board will be held this morning, at the Town OJerk's Qffige."',';, V ..,!.; .', ... -,; . ; .. ■ Immig-eants. -The immigraDts by thp Sou» (knr . for^. Timaru. will ; arrive . to , day by the Lady Bird^ and will be open for . onj. ggiperaent at. Timar,u , on; Saturday next, and jat Waimate on. Monday. ;,,.: ,.;, ' ";',. District CpURT.—- A;. civil seseipn, of this ; ipiourt wjll be held to-day, commencing at 11 am."' !■■ -. ,'.'i .(It •:■:: ■ -;'. ; -:'-.' '.-■■: ■;■■ ■ ■ _ ,CnTjjß,Cs,.pß. ENOHANI), ; Q;EJIALDINK, —r •; A ,'njpetipg, ol,,tiie . members pf the Church ;of island, Geral.dine, ■nrill bo ,lield m. the ; Me- : chanicB 1 Institute p£ thatj , town this evening, jjo,', consider business • of , importance to ..the church. ' . i - j . :Thb North Coach.— 7The passenger traffic .between Timaru and Torauka being performed prin cipally , . by . th o : railway . now, ; ; the . north , 2Otia)x ceased, to run between those places on Mpnd.ay. lapt. , .•'.. . •. , ■. ' , :; ■.^".'Q^i^DSTO.irß Ejection. — r Jhe ■. Bcturning Officer,; B. 'Wopllco(r,be )i Esq.,, attended at the RM.^Court-house, Waimate, on Monday last, to announce' the,, result of the. i polling fprj the lelectton; of a member /for Gladstone. - ;Mr'F, Teschemater was;declaredduly.elected.,.. : , ' t : I Accii.EN^ at ,T EM P EA; —^Ji acpidenfc,,fpr-.. itiinately unattended with serious consequences,' ioccurred atTpmqka yesterday: .'..As a man m chargft . o£ a dray,, belonging to : Mr, W,. Hphfee, , jW.OB ; driving .: down, ( .BrowiVßtrceb, : : through:] sheer. careleasnesß. Jiei.r/fHithe dr^y agaiiißt the^ ;yerand^b, posts, 'of MJf:, 81.B 1 .- Brown's store,' .smashing .them: all; , to. .pieces., \ The. ; man escaped with a few bruises.,. . :I, ; . : ; , : , : TnrARU Crioket ■ Clthb.— We k ihave been requested, to call attention to the, fact ;j thafc a .meeting pf,the, -Timaru Cricket Clqb is to^be holdiat the Clarendon Hotel on Thursday^ the '27, th ,inst., at 7.30. The business : of the .club: .wilibe ; the "new ground" question, and elec^ tipp of members. - As the question qf .having a good grbund:tpiplay pnis.of vital. import 1 to the club, ! members,, ought to; make a^pqint of jßttending the -meeting. ; : .•-.■,.,. .;.-... , SoHopii Tbkat.—^Tbe Sunday School .fete m. cgnnection . witfi St. ..Mart's/Church, promises to be an unqualified success. . The spot phpsen for the sports is Mr Green's; paddock, ,E l jzabeth'Street , ■ opposite . the ; lat e . residenoe .of Mrs, Butler... A more suitable place could not'liaTe .-been fselectfed,.. the, paddock ;be}ng eqsilj!,ac!o,a33ible fromj.aii Jparts of theparish, ;and ; bavipg ; been. recently, mown it is m capital order fq_r holding sports upon! All of the arrangempnts are on the^mpgt , complete scale ■ ftnci-iit. may safely bo predicted that if. the weather be f a vprable th e fete will b e t h e most extensive and successful ; one that, has .been held m connection with the Church. ; A short s^ryiye wjlLtako place at noon to-day m the Jphurch, and the.childre.n will proceed thence "to the scene of/tbe festivities. "Whilst. ereTytbing has been done to provide full enjoyment forrtbe schpLire, arrangements jbaye- also been made to., •.entertain ; the; parente of, :chiidren; andjparisniongrs. generally, , who are m; j.i 2 •'■•'•>
The Bexlbiitgbbs. — The Lynch family pi Bollringers and Mr Keeley were again succeai ful m drawing another crowded house at the Volunteer Hall, Tenraka, on Monday even ing. Long before the doors wero opened i large and expectant crowd had gatherec outside the hall, and within a quarter of ai hour after admission was available, not ever standing room could be obtained for several people. In consequence of the great success Mr Bell made arrangements with the troupi for them to give an extra performance lual evening. [ , Primitive : Methodistß.— Tlio Joaiuh Ward of this'town is to be transferrec to 'the charge, of the Primitive . Methodisl Church,' Duhedin,' m April next, and his brother, the Keverend Charles Ward, .. oi Melbourne, has been appointed pastor of the Timaru congregation. The Primitive Methodists of Dunedin, we are informed, have renewed the lease of the large Temperance Hall, and their services will be conducted there until their new church ib built. ■• The Dunedin congregation aro fortunate m having secured tho services of such a popular preachbr as Mr Ward. i Waimate. — The Rev. C. Frasor, of Ohrisi;church, gave a lecture on Monday evening m the Temperance Hall, Waimate, m aid of the funds of tho Public Library, Mr E. Campbell m the Chair. The subject, " Eras oi English Literature," was most ably handled by the roverend lpcturer. The attendance was very small. Miss Macfarlaue performed on the piano, before the opening, and after tho close of tho lecture. A vote of thanks to Mr Fraser was accorded by the meeting. . The Rev. Mr Tinsley was to lecture last evening m the Waimate Temperance Hall, "on " Scotland and her Sons," the proceeds to go m aid of the Building Fund of the Primitive Methodists at Waituato. ■ ! Advance TiirAEtT.—Thiß town is gradually being supplied with the institutions common to older towns. It was not many weeks back that a. hansom cab was started, and to judge from the extent to which it has been patronised, it would be missed if tho town were d£jprived of it The latest institution, however, is an organ grinder, and although ho might I*B niissbd if he were to remove to another quarter, his departure would probably give rise to very little disappointment indeed. Our newcomer, who is accompiraied by a performii(o ■ monkey,' is probably one of those genuine Italian organ grinders who wore imported to one of tlie -northern pnmnues recently, at the expense of a generous Government. j 'Kks'iden^ Maghstbatb's CdtfETV Timaetj. At this Courb yesterday, before T. W. -Hall, Esq., and E.'.Wakefieid.j'Esq., J.P.s, H. Duggan was .fined 5s for being drunk and disorderly. At noon on same day before E. Wakeiield, Esh, , Thomas* Collinß wa9 • charged ■ withrjarceny.Consfca.MeGrilclirists.aid that from .information received he arrested the prisoner bri'Mon'day.. Hewaslying at the time m "a paddock cload to the Olaio river. He told prisoner that, he was charged with stealing a bottle of brandy, two half-crowiiß, and two one shilling pieces from the bar of the Otaio hotel. Prisoner said that he knew nothing about the matter. Oil. tho way to the hotel, ho Baid, that ; tie wished he got twelve months for the offencb. On his way to the Court' oh' Tuesday" 'ihbriing 'lie' asketi- Mr Hoskirismot to press tno. ■charge ifrhe pleaded guiltyi Witness ;:spolie to prisoner about a previous -conviction,' 1 nrid ho. L admitted' having been discharged i from the Christchurch gaol m February Jast. ..Stephen : Hoskinsjn: landlord" of : ; the Otaio Hotel,, said that tho proßecutoELwas | m the bar of his house nt about 9 o'clock on Monday evening: 1 He had occasion to- leaye I the . bar, prisoncr;:at : tho time . being i fully' dressed.. Ho returned to the bar m about* five minutes and found prisoner alone Dehiijd tho bar counter with'- his boots J-off. He hqd the bottle produced containing brandy m one hand, m the- other hand . he notice'dlsonje silver. . Witness asked . him ..what j he was;, doing, and he replied that he had come for' a nip ; j as there was no person there) to . serve him. . . Witness asked him what he had go : t inliis other hand,- and he said " nothing," and ■ put. the:i.hnnd,.>into 'his trousers, -.- poevkdt. Witness put his hand ji>to. his pocket and at' once found there the'two half-crowns and the. two shilling pieces produced, j. He .then ajr-, rested him on the charge of 'stealing the money aud brandy. -Prisoner replied in' answer to tho charge that ho had not taken tho brandy, and that he only went m to hayo a nip. Tho bottle, when witness went out of the bar, was on the shelf . and themoney was m a desk m the bar. After wit-., ness had him m charge some time, his ■daughter asked him to let him change his 1 flannel. He told them both to go upstairs', for the purpose. , The prisoner got away and . witness found him again about three hundred yards away from the house. He brought •him back and fastened him up m a storeroom. About an hour afterwards he found |the back of ■ the , store broken, and the prisoner j gone. He did not see him again till last wit-' ness had him m custody; although he searched 1 for him. On the way to Timaru on Tuesday.: morning prisoner said to him that he would plead guilty, and hoped that he would sp'e^k ri,"good' word for -him. Charles Paul, i a; laborer at the Otaio, said that; he went into the bar.of.the Olaio Hotel ;on Monday morning. Saw- prisoner-, and Hpskins .struggling: Saw that prisoner had a bottle m one 'hand,, and saw- Hoskiiis take two Half-crowns arid and two shilling pieces out of the othor hand." ' Prisoner,- previous to - this,' had -to-ltChim that hehadpnly one shilling m tke world. Prisoner, in-reply to a question as to wh'other he wished to say anythingj admitted ; thut he was guilty of taking the money off thejshelf, but tbat he did riot know anything aboixt tho -brandy; He was then committed to -take his trial at the next sitting: of, the District-Court, Timnru. j Ah.PiiU.Settlee ,and iLH.R.— Tho Neio Zealand JEter aid of the 18th; says ; :'-^lt is with, deep, regret -that we announce the death jof' William. Thorpe Buckland, who was' onejof our oldest and 'most energetic settlers/one lof | our;ni6Bt.prominent\pbUticians, ! and ; 'wh6'wßs greatly, heloved. by all ,fpr his. frank/ straight- [; forward, aiid truthfur.diap'osition,' Mr Buckland's death has been very ''suddenA Yesterday 1 wbek he attended tho nomination ' for tho Franklin dißtrict at Newinarfcefc; where/ he was nominated, m order to make a speeohj after doing which- he r withdrew. ' 'Indi/ed, ;it ; wa» well known that prior, to., last session he had made. 'lip '"liV mifldl'. not t<y-ise\ 'for rer 'election. V Immediately after the noininationhej •ieJs'(i''f6r.rlWraikatb," and;it is Jth|pught tlsit'' h&' ini\ired himself ' by .'.'a^ipn'g' journey '; in' the heat pf, the sun. He had intended'^preiinaiin; for ' somo'. timje bq his.. jroH 1 in' Waikra'tbib'uj^: feeling o'bq'^^ii}racd'' i to|h^a.inoaile'/atV''Benou^ra.', Whenhe^^rri^ecl f,here it wis evident hie was '."suffering" .from 1 paralysis, wh'ioK ; ' co ! n*j !timuiliy:^^ increa»'ecl'.'t|ll , : f|t°]bhii ! u'sp'of 'one; of -his After BO i tne i time he appeared |toj be regaining the use 1 of 'his .aria :_' but pn ; Thursday la^t- erysipelas' jsetj-'in^apd^as he wa9 of a lusty ] hab it b^' body' he "contiiiued to , Bnik untit yestprday' a^t^rnpQnVwhen^he' etx-!; pired. . Mrßupiklan A came to Auckian^in' 1841 , from Adelaide ; sp. that he ha^ been ft 'settler; here for. thirty rfiveypara,. Shortly r afijljr; hifl, arrival, he, comm'en . Ed business' as a^butchpr, and by energy and- dih'gence. ) '|i.e in> ; ciieased his businesß;;. At an^eariy: .penod he took a contract .for'^ supply i|»g, (^rpopa, which he held for a goqd many 'years" till he gave tip his busineass: m • town, and.' commenced farming. In this pursuit hp^'showed ,t.he.,sa.iney energy, and..diligence o a8 1 lit erej-y---iiingheput hiajhand^o. Since the:, terminn|;ion, p£ , the,\var; 1? c ; ha » . . dealt fi qohsiderp^ly m native lands, and on the ' whole (! lio, has been suooessfuHn 1 Ha sometimes, risky>!fspeeui c lations. "HeTh&T nqw^a large v run "in^ th'e XTppej^ '"W,aikato. ..Frpm an early period. Mr Bucklaud has taken an active Interest m- the piliticat affairs, of ,tho..countiy. 'He-.iivas a mombor' of the first Provincial Council ; of Auckland, and was called to the firet^Execu-! tive. formed by Mr John Williamspii", -We, believe' he! has epniinued a member'.pf j the . Pro yincial Council ever, since. He. has. also represented an Auckjand constituency , m sesv^ral Parliaments,.; and m ; almost every -political movemej^t which excited anygenerii] interest ,ifx the community, Mr Bucklaadtook
Qolt) m thb Tabanaei Peoviitce. — The Thames Advertiser qi %\\o 14th inst. has the followingwith regard to a reported_rich find of gold-bearing .quartz; \p othe Taranaki province : — We have _mude f ui ths-r enquiries respecting' the -crushing of specimeniß. from Taronaki, the result of which iiot only^confirms what appeared 'n yesterday's issue, but leads us also to the opinion that it was a legitimate crushing.. The man who brought the stone — Cornelius Casey —"resided" on thb Tha'mesasa mirier for iriariy years, arid rather better than two.years ago he weut ;tp; j W,&u l gonui, where he appears to have principully resided since. The stone — 581bs. m" all—'which he brought with him did not appear to be very -rich.— lt is ns a wliitish quartz, wilh a very dark" f vein through it, and m m'iii/r— cects dissimilur to" any quarts usually found, on, the .Thames. , JUp mad° up atti-mpV "i. 1 •oncealine'nfc further th^n' thafho did not a;'|ieir to like : the idea of inib'ii-it being giv<-n to the matter, until such time ap he securod the ground properly. Although a skilful : miner, he' iseemed,-. to /bo altogetherunaware of the extreme richness of the sppciinens, and did not expect more than 20ozs. gold, instead of which the actual-yield was" 60ozs 15dwts melted gold, or considerably over an ounce to the pound. The gold was, we believe, sold at the National Bank. Caseytook two mates .from the Thames with him, and stated that as soon as he had properly secured the ground so as not- to be rushed too soon, he would return to the Thames withsome general stuff from thereof, so inn niched' stuff, and another parcel of Binn'ar quality,. to that whici). has been just treated. ; . :.; : ■Bacon ;Eotiischiliß. — It is stated ; in'l:a»i English paper received by the . last iinail I hat Raron-Kbthsehild, accompanied' by»mariof'high rank; purposes making a. trip through the Australasian . Colonies' thi-Uyear. He is expected, to, .arrive m New Zealand during the next session of Parliament, and' when m Wellington' will' probably become the guest of Sir Julius Vogei;' I Attempt to Upset a Thain. — On Friday morning last (says i the \ Lyttelton Times of yesterday) an 'attempt was made to upset tho first train, f roxn Southbrjdgo to Christchurch. When about half-a-milp on tho Christchurch side of the Ellesinor'o "statidn, the enginedriver observed ' an 'obstruction on the line,, and brought; the .train to., a .stop., as quickly as possible. A quantity, of stones ' and wortmen's picks and" shovels 'Were laid across the rails. It ia to be -hoped that tho perpetrator of this diabolical act to, uj) set the train will be brought to Justice! L j ■ ' ' THE-LAEGfEST OAK 'IN' NEW iW^ learn, from the -Mangitifyei .Advocate that an interesting discovery was ' made ( the other da|y"by Mr- Aberne'th'y, Traffic I 'Manager of th.VFoxtoni and < JPulmerston Tramway. ,■; Whileout in^heibush, a, few miles, from Foxton, Mr, Aberriethy" came upon a yeri^blo-spe'cimea of the' English ( buk'. - ■ The ' tree 'is ■ about ■fifteen inches/^in. .diameter, ; and gi^jws,. perfectly straight for some twenty feet from the ground, and gnarled, as' is'generally the ca^e, 'with the' oak.- We are given <to 'understand about yeara ago, some of .the first" Missionaries giivb tlie natives a'lot'b'f 'seeds 6i ; various English-tree6','ahd :; it'i4''getierally sup- ■ posed that this is -the iprqdupt ; pf .one of tlje acorns thus distribple,d. , r The , appearance ofth'u'tree' would cicnotd this' as' being- its age,' !all6wi>uce being "made cfbr-its quickerlgrowth" f ui;New.,Ze^!^nd^thi»n i in.the,qid ; ,Coi(nl ! ry. j . Habd' on " the '' MoaiipN ' ' Eldee- — Ifr, Hurst! 1 the ' Mdrmori' elder;'' (says^Uio Ne'^o ,iZealav4.Mnil).,yi»s sene&w.ayi:frpm.iJJtah aa apostle, without scrip- or. .purse. He' ; needed neither. In corice.ti" ignorance, an.d. 'impiiddilcD 'he is' so 'rich' \y>- ehd'owM' <tKdfi ; ! ho t wanis,,no^ui;};her sustaining opOjWer,;^ unlesp, . were, the , contj.nuous kick, which 1 would' appropriately' sustain' him ciii'the unitod boot-toes of the inhabitants (duringiiUis prpgress through the •oolony. j ..r Ar A CfIMPiAINTyFROM: jAOK^CJ^'Sr.^Ay. — A.'. correspondent writes to tho Otago Daily: '^Weis'of'SaWaHy/Jani 22; a:s:f6ifows':'iiSfa^--.Ydii will-greja,tly; : inserting' th'esetfew ,ljnes,in the coiumnßrof^jour. paper,rwjLth..regard J to r matters .m \ general at. -' Jacksoit'a 'BaySpecM' SetUemeut. we arie> for the,,two lasfc months,^earance of the s.s Wafpara, almost. put 6f jrovialbris.' The' s.s. 'Maori, from ! I)uriedin,/ has been-here. four times' : sinoD^heWinprfra, and only brought a few tons, of ,gppds,,;iuid' .the consequence, is, we havp hail fco.iiye.ehii'fly 'bn'fl'our ami tea. ! A f tereera ! m was'srht IrolnrHokitika, via the; Bluffy pSr t=a. [Maori, ; early jln.Npvemher, stating ..; the,. Wninararwpulri be. here 6n"th'e'lßth of 'that itibnfch, but clt'ti not' 'corue. ; 'The' '■ Maori •was'hei'e aftdin'toii-''tlie jl^.th of; December, and j ;bi;o l U};liifc,.Ji J^c}K>iig of goods, including .one bullock, , for ( about 2()0, p'ePpte,'and ; al3y J the 'news v thiit the 'Widjiara would be here inifour;days: >:iFr6liT-thab-date ) which is three week's ago to-dny, Lhere has beenno steamer,. an djthe-:only, way ?ye havoof inak->j ing our grievances known is through "We^have 'tb' pay a ; ve'ry l 'higtipr'ice l for our things. i.'Dnnediri.:flour, £18 per . ton,v inferior rpotaXoes, . £}A pcr rr ton ; meat, ,fr,esh, 8d r per .lb j preserved, 10d,' when attainable,' which is ' very" seldoiil—^t^iat : is meat : aud ; potiitoesi^ A , great., muny; of; thejsettlers have land cleared for potatoes, but could not get.them, and the ground tying ' cropless. ' 'Sucli^s 'the "state of things ' at 1 this settlaniop t, ■( . 'Captain < Malcol m, of. the».B. Maori, -ipfo.rinudinin.^mc tinie.ago that He Qouldjland'floui", liere'at. '^l"i per ton, f ana"potatbcs afc£6 per 'tori : ; iiri' i J h'ri / jt!36 f:! 6bl|d Bome'fresh;m'oafc'.to](lhe;a(!ttl:i< at fid per lb,; IJut. mpsfe of the settlers arc m debt, to the Government store, nnd, receivmun > money r 6r their labor, could Uofc avail Uicinsclvps ~bT the" ohance. Now, I think,... Sir, you will ugrj>e with me that it is-.the duty of the por.-on m ; charge to bujrgoods m the'cheapes^; and mokt convenient regular steam commumcatiQn^betweorix.Duhediu aud Jacjc- : son's Bay, and prqvi^pns are atleast_3o per ; centy'cheiiper. -is-' a'f material- il^ain to. settlers with families, who, by thcir'agre'e-, menfc, only receive 24 jjper week for two years. Some of the •^settltfrs- 'have been here now' nearly one year, andrthe rural land was only; open for' selection' 6n : 'the; ( 3rd_inst., af ter tak-•frig-iniAe 'inbrithJ'tPsurvey'fbr one hundred, ■and; twenty! 50-aore 1 farms, andinme-'tenthß oi (themi under .water j .in-, fact, .the whole; block ■ set; aaide for, sf)ttlerneo(b. - From the ;AraWata" o tUe sffpa?t iriyeyj is ;np,thirig-,.b,ut, a -.suocessibn of lakes and lagoons. I. .do. not think there wiU(b:o teu sectiqns taken up tbyi.itheKSßttlars here.;; /They -Uayempat of[ft,etn ; ej;e€ted.hdnßeß ,pA - th^ji;;loiacre. seetioas^.an^ the r iopin}on 'of ; most of them is that they have nl&e^aeSeSitbd' ,tnu"ch floWi- The-rpad (thafcrutiß jErom.the bay jtO-Araw^ta riyeivr-^disfance afi.spvea'niilesfabout five nj.iles,- ate -cleared { pf i'bn^hy:and chains. of;-it;.;iormed. i.Thafc.ii&jalli-Jihe. work )done,,in- the Settlement up itO/.tU'e'jSc^sejittim'e/ ; : ,Wehave ; a fishing pojnpgtny Jbrifr: lit is expected to: -Tneetijjihe Isaite.fatp.aeCth^ ,C6ai;mi<>e thers w^?s^) much.blovtiDgn.boutby »the[/BeEJLderifr, -Agent,! hut.,; turned ,:«ufey»if." : iThoy,!did not get.sp.much,coaijii9.w.ould,<TTeld ,a .pick,, aff^r ...six' oi'ontha', jprospeoJing.-TTTI am, - 3BTTLE,B,T7T6th Jf&nuary,Jß76. t '•• lNXBBPBOVI»OIif6 HC^ES^ifMATdaKr— r,The"J; ,pt(u)ox; Daily !Punes, . of "JanuauyvJtha: 22n;d; referring to tho chesßf match. r ]ua<. take hplace . between ,Aja;eiland;.an^. Dupedin-,,- (Eaytfi^—Fpfi some time past the interea&tak^n.ip'.qhesS-ihas been gradually increasing) and extending; throughpufc^tha ; cplpny,;'bu6 perhaps m no' proyirice lias it hoen' more- manifest than m O'tage-ii-iWithiri'the space of a few months: a -club-has been Btarted m Dunedin ;- then fol- , lowed a handicap'! fourmwnent amongst its members, which,~in- fact, was open to^ all' icoWegi-; jiEnthuiiafits .at l LawrenceT"lffi,me4if : .ately^st^rt-e.d.ft club,. and,; not being Wne jto 'take'^part ia. a _ 'ipujnament' face." to face. *e-' solved "to 1 try ; --iliheif ; Btrerigtb -*- the champipnsof Dtmedirvitbrpughjjthei^edium of the telegraph. Their challenge; was 7 justified by the fact of their drawirig twojodt :of ithefbuE gamea iplayeH ; -but Victo"ry fell, 'as jthey, ft^tjeipated, 1.0,.the. older community: tAn 'Xuciiiind genfrleman "himng offered ft.jnlyer,: i enp i 't6'"be' bbinpeted' for "By 1 the 1 "province's^ to. ribe,iwo)tothf©B years :iuf suceessiori before ■ it became the prp^perty, pf . anjj. province ,;: Auck'- (;- lanfl,g(^iefaliV^st^mJcoming'¥6 1 thS- 'front, '■cfibiiteiiged.-'-tli^^r?Tvinces, Dunedin alone Bpeuia,tp, have, t«kga7Jiotice of the general
ohaUengn, and applied for further particolare. ; Thc inqv'ry led to a direct challenge from the che*s players of Auckland to those of Duriedin to a match per telegraph, to consist 'of fifteen players each side^ — a friendly contest: 'before playing for the Cup." The challenge came early m If ovember last. A general meefcibg'of the chess players of Dunediu was called ; the challenge was accepted, but instead of rfifteen players, Duriedin urged that nine should' be the outside number. Victoria and .New South "WiiL. s in their annual mutcliVs only have seven, players on each bide, and they devote <a whole dixy 1 to ; th'e contest— gorierully- : siime • holiday, ■wheh'the^legraph'bffice'ia closed to the publici; 'The 'free : "U80 !l of the 1 ■wire for ; such r roatch after eight o'clock m the evening has b'fe'eri sanctioned by £he Gfovernment, bad'' for fifteen players to commence contending at that hoiirit was : thought would be a-Tery tedious, and, for the openit. r, arduous undertaking. • : Tho Aucklande's ■ih -n telegraphed — '" Prefer to play 15; but hi i play nine rather than abandon match." A'l the arrangements the match will commence as early as practicable after the Cook Strait Gable is repaired. . ' The messages will probably have to be repeatc-d at Blenheim and Wellington, although we understand it is • practicable"; with ; proper ■ appliances, to telegraph the whole distance without once'repeating. The players for' both citi-'^h >ive now been selected, and, at the request of Auckland, are arranged, with some regard !■■> merit, as follows :— Auckland — Messrs' M->rlon, i Stewart, ' Irtish; Nixon; 'William*, Heather, Brodie, Bice, Jakins. Dunedin — Mesßra D. B. Hay, Jnnion, Mou'at; >Croßs, ": Griußtood, Quick, Johnson, Bey Mr Ash, Dr Bakewoll. The fo'l'-wing emergency men were ' chosen :— J\ nckland— MessrsLewison, Gorio, Eev E-lU. .Brt;e. .Dunedin — Messrs Wilson/ Christie, Mauder. Dr Home has been selected referee for Dunedin at Auokland, and MrEobert Carr (who acted as referee foi Lawrence m their late match Tsdth Diinudin) libb : been selected .again as referee here fur Auckland. , . The names, of the Dunedin team were telegraphed to ' Auckland yesterday.' Only one game ench will'be pluyed, and the city's player'v winning 'the majority of games will be declared the viotors. The rules nsgivenin Staunton^s Chess Praxis will bo used for the guidance of the players.!, A move once despatched cannot be recalled. The time limit for' each player is two ! hours for '3o .mpves .(exclusiye ;of the tinio taken in ;transmit ting, such move*).. l^lr Archor, the iudefatigablo Secre'ta>y of the' Chess Club, has undertaken to keup a record of each game— the mores, the time eaoh is -received and despatched;'and the number of minutes, taken to consider each move..- As toithe result we can offer no opinion. Little ds known of the stre.ngth^of the; Auckland ..players, ; whilst; /tre |think, th?y' cani^qt; know ; muchj about, those of Dunedini ' The 'match' will ( be. ployed in' ' the 'Provincial' Council ''Chambe^i" ; or 'Library, , which i"has been ; i kindly; j granted ,vby.:-j<ihe Speaker, Mr J. ,L. Gillies., ;All ;our players are^diligi'ntly .practising for the match, and wo hope ' their, efforts 1 will meet their reward ' m victory. Yesterday afternoon " a "■ cwas received from i ! Auckl and. ipref erring that the. first move at boards, J,, ,5, 5, 7j. and 9, , bo drawn for,.; _ :i -,, ......,;, . ,•■ - ; ...,:..„..,, ; Disco YEBT;; op ■ Dra^tn gs of G,kbat ,-4n- ' ti^ui.tx. ; m Ne jy ZEALAND.r--The .Post learns fidin'a'priyatb eourc'd'.tbati m the course J pi? bis 'e'xplbratibriVDr'Hudst'fcariie -upori a 'shallbw icave^ 'the: ■iruiestone'-waHs''of ! whichi-rwere .covered if of tjip space c/f übout, a .hundred, feet .high .with, remarkable ; drawjngs of apparently ! great' antiquity 1 , pr ".Hoaqt ''lfa3" J ail r '.ffiodo 'drawings carefully 'cdrjied,^ arid 'the mTo'ririatiou m detail will shortly bo published.' Tiiero are ;three :distinqt;,.. sets, of ,; drawings.; ijhe oldest of them m red, the others m black. The scaling off from the Burface'bf the' limestone; rock .affords, proof ,of ,the groat antiquity qf ithe. work.- [The. , most/ interesting :oir«umstaocjaa .connected tfith'thejired paintings' as, .that thoytincluda iketolios .of the ancient, .moa .by a artist.' ,-,;.■ \.\ i,,.,:. ; ./fl Fatal Accident.. — The Lyttell6ii t Times of ''yesterday.'' Sa^s^A" 1 • jpame'd' George .Major, the 'sbh'of Henry Major, - laborer 5 ,-' wa3 ■'accidentally 'k'illed at' ;! ]jinbphT' yesterday; ;•' It appears that deceasbd,' who 'was eleven years of .Hge, c was, riding baro:back -on. a .horse belbii'ging to' Mr 'Frame, sto'tidnmastor, ; when ■ the ""• horse .shied' and : thriiw" him.'..lJnfortunately, m. fallipg, he beqamoentangied : m teth'erTopoVilnd r; 'was''dr'agged digtanco before ho could bo released. j When i 'pioked •vp i: hS was q\iitß' insensible, '.and' though "Dr Durham was immediately sent for; : tlio boy •'expired beforehe arrived.. ; •'■' •" ; V : '•'. ' y ' t [ Wsniioii'ftWxzATm Oxiijand, Magic Pns,3. — It is a subject of general remark among , druggists' ithiat/ niaV medibines ; introduced-, m . Australia haye, mot . .with so , large a aale; a3 'p-JESTON^S WI&'JLRJ) ' <j>lL' an 4. M&&£O 'PIZJLS. Possessing' such! healing arid : cuf'itive qualities, those great American remedies hive a wide range of application, and j Ußefulneßs.h3^ey far exceed the expectations of the most sangnine, eliciting thaloudoßtjpraieo,and make .permanent living advertising; mediums. pfi'all whouspthem. Composed, entirely .of healinggums, vegetable oils, andherbs. .VPiEISTON'S REMEDIES are; pronounced by all, .'irArbalm for everyi wound,'.'. " A ( gur-e, for 'every, i^l." .SoJe.Agent?— KEMPTHQEN, -PEOSSEB & Co. Price — Half-a-crown. — [AdvtJ]
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Timaru Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 1325, 26 January 1876, Page 3
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4,342LATEST TELEGRAM. Timaru Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 1325, 26 January 1876, Page 3
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LATEST TELEGRAM. Timaru Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 1325, 26 January 1876, Page 3
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