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[Pun Pkess Agbncv."] "Wellington, Wednesday Evening. The Post suj'B, that Ministers havo intimated to Mr Ballance that, on Sir Julius Vogel's arrival, they nre willing to accept the requisition now being signed m Wanganui, inviting that gentleman to stand for the now scat for that district. They etate that,, if elected, Sir Julius Yogel will sit for Wangauui. Foxton", Thursday Evening. Arrived — Steamer Napier this morning. Sho passed the ship St. Leonards from London, for Wellington, off Maim Island : also the cutter Nautilus, ashore on Eoxlon bar with railway iron from Dunedin. Sailed. — Schooner Herald, for Timaru. Napier, Thursday Evening. Sir Donald McLean has just issued an address to the electors of Napier. The only contest expected is for the other seat. Mr Ormond'a return for Clive though is considered most Biire. Auckland, Wednesday. Annie Miller, alias Mrs Heath, is charged with tho wilful murder of her infant by throwing it and herself into tho water. Tho prisoner, who appeared half deud m Court, and had to sit down, was fully committed. Tho Bench complimented a lad named Veraden, who rescued tho woman from the water. Thursday Evening. Tho te3fc by a selected team of Volunteers, snidors against en field rides, rosultod largely m favor of cnfiolds. Tho report of officers m charge rocommends a reduction m minimum number of points to qualify for colonial firing. The result at the firing of ten shots at 400, 500, find 600 yards was m favor of enfiolds ovor long snidors by 39 poiuts, and over short sniders by 93 points. Matthew Mooro has been committed for trial for tho wilful murder of Richard Burrct. Tho victim was an old man, whom ho beat over the head with a pioco of iron m a row m Shorfcland street somo weoks ago, causing death. WANOANUi,Thursday Evening. Mr H. C. Field, Engineer to the Road Board, announces his intention of standing for Wunganui on independent grounds, and,without being tied to party. Nelson, Thursday Evening. Forty Mataura immigrants were forwardod to Taranaki by tho s.s. Taranaki to-day. The remainder will bo landed to-morrow. There wore eloveu deaths — two adults and nino children — during the voyage. Tho ship was m a field of icebergs for 167 miles. The weather was bitterly cold, and ono passengor was frost bitten. Dunedin, Wednosday Evpning. Requisitions, it is said, will bo presented to Mr E. Cargill and Mr W. Larnach, asking them to stand for the City. It is also rumourod that on tho other sido Messrs Macaudrew, Hyde Harris, and George Turnbull will bo put forward, while it is undorstood Mr 11. S. Fish, junr., will stand on tho Government ticket. Mr G. McLean will again stand for Waikouaiti. Mr Mncasscy is spoken of as a candidate for Wakali|>u, and Messrs R. H. Loary and Smythies for Mount Ida. Dunedin, Thursday Evening. An important change is being made m tho G-uardian staff. Mr Pyko has ceased his connection with tho paper entirely, and Captain Baldwin is now solo editor of tho Guardian and Mercury. It is stated that Mr Jamos Green, Secretary for Works, intends to oppo3o Mr McGlashan for Roslyu. Tho City Council, yesterday, passod a voto of £100 for an exporiment to turn cxeremontitious matter from the city into fuel. The idea has been successfully carried out m Borlin. A kiln is to bo erected, and tho proper mixtures are to be obtained to tost the matter. Port Cjtaimers, Thursday Evening. Tho ship Calypso, from London, is just towed up to the anchorage. She brings a full general cargo, fi-1 prizo long-woolled Lincoln sheep, and thirty passengers. Whon m latitude 44 south and longitudo 31 east, she sighted an immense number of icebergs, and from thenco to 44 south 66 cast, was constantly passing ico. Electohal;. — Mr F. Teschomaker announces himself elsewhere as a candidate for election to tho House of Representative!) for tho Gladstono district. Our Waimate correspondent tells us that Mr James Bruco is confidently spoken of as intending to stand, and that a section of tho electors, not satisfied with the political principles of oithor Mr Tesehomaker or Mr Bruco, aro about to invite the candidaturo of a gentleman resident m Timaru. As neither Mr Teschemaker nor Mr Bruco has stated what his political principles aro, wo cannot help thinking this action a little premature. We aro glad, however, to hear of numbors coming forward, for the largor tho field the better tho race. Tub Wukeler Tkoote. — Tliis troupe, ■who appeared at tho Mechanics' Institute, Timaru, on Wednesday and Thursday ovening, were well patronised by tho public. Mr Wheeler with his Irish character songs, and his sou Bonnie with his Negro and other comic songs, succeeded iv creating great amusement. Tho ballads givon by Miss Elsie DoCourcy wero sung with great tasto and effect. All tho singers woro loudly applauded, encores being numorous. In addition to the singing a couplo of amusing farces wcro given each evening. As regards thfir performances m the faroes the Company are as clever as m their singing. Tho audiences seemed well pleased with tho entertainments. The troupe appear at Tomuka to-night and to-morrow night. ■ ■ The CnßisTcntracn Snow. — As briofly stated m our last issuo. by telegram, tho show at Christchurch was a great success. Tho receipts at tho gates amounted to £490, about £40 less than thoso of last year. That the attendance was not so large as last year was m consequence of the heavy rain on Monday, which prevented pooplo living at a distance from attending. The exhibition of stock of all descriptions was the most ' extensive ever hold m tho province, or tho colony. The entries wero much more numerous than at last Chrißtchurch show, and the average of merit was a great improvement upon any previous exhibition. The champion medals wore taken as follows : Best merino ram ofanv ago, G. W. H. Lee : best merino ewe, •R. Chapman ; best Loicoster ram, W. Marcroft's Standard Bearer ; best Leicester owe, P. C Threlkeld ; best Lincoln ram, Nolson \ and Williams ; best Lincoln owe, R. M. Mortep ; best Komnoy Marsh ram, Palmer and Peter; best Roinney Marsh owe, A. P. O'Callaghan ; best'bull, John Grigg's Alphonso ; best : cow or heifer, A. A. Fan tham's- Rose -^Judf best draught entire, Mr Wall's Pride of Scotland ; best draught mare, Mr Wall's Maggio r Craig.
Timabu Public School.— A special meeting of the Committee of tliis school was held on Wednesday aftornoon, m tho Borough Council Chamber, to consider the appointment of ii second master. Tho members presont were Messrs Tate (Chairman), Cliff, Hart, Suttcr, and the Eov. W. Gillies. A letter was read from Mr Mitchell, of Melbourne, to whom the Becond mastership had been offered, declining tho appointment. Mr Cuthbert, of West Taieri, Otago, was thon unanimously elected second master, subject to the approval of the Minister of Education. The following letter from his Honor the Superintendent was read, m answer to one from the Committee bringing under his notics a letter received from the Ministor for Education, and stating they declined to receive it on account of it 3 offensivo character : — Superintendent's Office, Christchurch, Novomber 2, 1875, to J. H. Sutter, Esq., Chairman of the Timaru School Committee, Sir, — I luito the honor to acknowledge tho receipt of your letter of tho Bth ultimo, which reached mo when I was m Wellington, where I had not the opportunity of making mysplf acquainted with a'l tho circumstances of the ease referred to, or the power of dealing with it. You return to me a certain letter from the Education Department, signed by Mr Knight, and accompany it with a resolution passed by the School Committee, declining to receive the letter for reasons which aro given m tho resolution. I trust that the committee will accept my assuranco that I should beTnost sorry that an affront should bo offered to any body of gentlemen performing duties such as those entrusted to you, and that while I admit that tho form of tho letter m question is not m accordance with official usage, I am satisfied nftcr conference with. Mr Knight, that he had no intention to say what would be offensive to the Committee. I hope that m futuro no want of harmony will nriso to interfere with the practical work of tho Committee, which has hitherto been attended with such beneficial roGults. — I have, etc., W. EoLLESTOif, Superintendent." Pkize Fimno.— The T. A. V. Cadets, held their third competition for Mr Lane's Cup, on Tuesday the Oth instant, at 6 a.m. Tho scores wore as follows : — 100 yds. 200 yds. Total. Corporal Potter ... 16 ... 13 ... 29 Corporal Hill, ... 14 ... 9 ... 23 Gunner Smith, ... 14 ... 3 ... 17 Gunner Pountlcy,... 10 ... 6 ... 15 Gunner Walden, ... 9 ... 5 ... 14 Gunner McEne, ... 9 , 0 ... 9 Bombardier King,... 8 ... 0 ... 8 Gunner King, ... 3 ... 5 ... 8 Gunner Potors, ... 5 ... 2 ... 7 The weather was unfavorable for shooting, a Btrong wind was blowing obliquely across tho range. Corporal Potter holds tho cup till next competition. Gas.— Nearly all tho plant for tho gas works at Timaru arrived here on Wednesday, by the barque Suffolk. Tho remainder of tho plant, including the holder, will bo brought by tho barque Amateur, wliicb. is expected to arrive hero m the courso of a day or two. The plant brought by tho Suffolk is being landed and eonTcyed to tho site of the gas works. Tho energy which the directors have displayed m forwarding the gas works, and the successful results which have attended their efforts, must bo very satisfactory to tho shareholders. Mr Courtis, the engineer, is expected by tho noxfc steamer from Melbourno, arid immediately after his arrival hero tho gas works will bo commoncod, and continued without delay until completed. Englisjt Sktlatiks. — By tho steam ship Beautiful Star, tho South Canterbury Acclimatisation Society, yesterday, received onehundred and sixtj'-fivo skylarks, m tho charge of Mr Ball from Nolson. Owing totho rough weather oxporiencod by tho steamer on her voyage from Lyttelton to Timaru nearly onehundred of tho birds died on tho way. As the consignment received only amounted to half tho mnnber ordered by the Society, and as the birds were vory weak, it was thought better to turn them out at ouco, they were consequently distributed as follows : — Levels, 15 ; P. Eussoll, Otipua, 15 ; Pareora station, 15; Otaio-river-bod, 15; W. B. Howell, Point, 15 ; A. W. Wright, Makikihi, 15 ; A. Perry, Sundown, 15 ; Messrs Scaly, Glcngummel, 15 ; P, B. Lnxmoore, 15 ; F. Archer, 15; Timaru Downs, 15. Caledonian Society/. — A meeting, convened for the purpose of forming a Caledonian Society, was held at the Club Hotel, Waimato, on Wednesday last, thirty-five gentlemen responded to tho call. Mr James Bruce was moved to thn chair. After somo deliberation as to the rules of tho new society, it was resolved that tho rules of tho Oamaru socioty, with a few alterations, bo adopted. A mnnnging committee of twenty was appointed to conduct tho business nnd carry out tho objoets of tho society ; Mr Bruce being presidont of tho society. It was also resolved that a gathering for open air amusements bo held about Christmas, tho dato to bo fixed at a futuro meeting. A subscription list was opened and about £60 subscribed. Tho noxt meeting is to bo hold on Monday, tho 22nd instant. The Weatheb akd the Crops. — The lato rains have caused a great change for the better m tho crops and tho general appearance of tho couutry m the Waimate district. Previous to tho change of weathor, the country had a dreary, wintry aspect, but since the rain all this has passed away, and vegetation is rapidly clotliing tho sceuo with verdure and beauty. The crops and grass are backward here for tho advanced position of the season, but warm weather now will bring everything up to a flourishing stato. A largo breadth of land is under onts tliis season, nnd again a decrease m the acreage under wheat. A considerablo area has been laid down with English grass under favorablo circumstances ; and tho rolling downs nnd terraces to the westward of tho township aro m many instances assuming tho verdure so pleasing to tho eye and so profitable to tho agriculturist.
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Timaru Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 1281, 12 November 1875, Page 3
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2,037LATEST TELEGRAMS. Timaru Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 1281, 12 November 1875, Page 3
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LATEST TELEGRAMS. Timaru Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 1281, 12 November 1875, Page 3
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