WANTED-Evorybody to buy their , BOOTS and SHOES where good value' for motey la , always given,—M, WHITEHEAD, Pollen atreet. • WANTED. -TENDERS will bo rcooived" for CLEARING 50 ACRES, more or lees. Tenders dose on SATURDAY, \ JBth inst. Full particulars OQ appHoation to R, N, Smith,. ..■ 7 •■;
m O MINERS, Tenders will be received by tho undor signed till the 20th cf July instant, foi SINKING a Prospeoting shaft 100 ft fmon or lees) in tbo Wairete daim, Waihi Specifications ma? be seen at Mr Qeuion'i . office, 'Ihamcß, or at the Waihi Hotel Waihi. '•-■■■ , - : JOHN McCOMBIE, B>rangahake,.llth July, 1891. .Tji O(] . ■S; A. L E , At the Farawai Sale Yards TO-MORROW (Wednesday) the 15th inst. at 2 o'clook p,m, 3 SPRINGERS NEAR CALVING, . , .FLEMINGSCo., ■<■■■••• Auctioneers. rpAMEB ;MINERB' UNION, A.M.A, ELECTION OFFICERS, A BALLOT will be taken at the Office of the Braneh,'.'Albert 1 itreet, on THURS* DAT, the 16th day of Jnly, between the hours of 9 a,to. and 7 p.m., for the ELECTION of COMMIfTEE (12); By order, ' ■•' : :' ADiM THOMSON, Secretary, mB AKOHA ELECTION. Sir Walter Bullkr desires me to give bis beet. THANKS to the Committee who worked »nd the Eleoton who voted for him
during the reboot oon'eat, , . . ROBERT MoKEOWN, : Chairman to the Committee,
■*T» E N D• K R S . NEWMbANATAiISI GOLD MINING COUPANYjCLimitbd.) , Tenders will be received till 1 o'clock p,m, TO-MORROW (Wednesday), the 15th Inst, for SINKING a WINZE on the Point Ruesell level, Full partloulare to be obtained from the tradoreigned at the Com* pany's office. ; • G,S, CLARK. qv. B N D E. B .8 ' Tenders for IMPROVEMENTS to tho TarabOßobool (Thames) will bo reoeired by the Education Board, Auoklsnd, until 12 noon 8D FRIDAY; 24th July, 1801. Plans and epeoifiofttlon may be seen at tho office of the Board (Viotoria Aroade, Auoklond) j and on application to the Chairman of the District School Committee, Tararu. The accepted tenderer or tenderers will not he allowed to withdraw from the contract entered into by him or.them with the Boaid, ' nor will his or their enreties bo relieved, SALUTATION HOTEL, MARY STREET, THAMES. EHRENFRIED BROS , , lease having EXPIRED, tbo Proprielor haa arranged to have . ■ SPECIAL ALE ■/_'■ ON DRAUGHT.. WINES and SPIKITS of the Beat Brands ' - ; always in Stock, , OUAULEsIuOKLANI), ; ; Pro*bietob. , TIIEOiOKAL, DIS TRLC TOF TE Hi ■■-■■■'. \•. AROHA.' •■•:.-
; RESULT OF POLL, Tho total number of votes POLLED' at the various polling places' »re as follows: BROOME, OHARJvEa :.:,.;; ... 12 BULLEB, WALTER i/AWRY... 523 ?RABER, WILLIAM;; ...; .. 876 Informal : ~., ~.. ~, ,„ 27 William hiving received ia the aggregate. at 'all ■ tho i Polling' places tho greatest number of votes, I hereby declare him DDLY ELECTED as : membor for the abovedistriotln,the Ilonso ot Representatives, . ;•• . „ •:■• • THEO, M. LAWLORi 'RetupiDg Officer, To Arohtt, . 13th July, 1891, . ... EOONOMIO FIRE OFFICE ■:.;' (LIMITBD.) :. Head. pfflco!' 26, OLD BROAD-SThEET, ' .' LONDON. ' Board of Directors': Chairman : Samphon S. Lloid, Esq. David Ainsworlb,Esq, Walter Low, Esq. W. Armineßevan,Eeq, Wm. Dele Shaw, Esq. Smith Feather, Esq. Geo. T. Mewbutn, Eeq Thos. ]N. Foster, Esq. Wm, H. Shepherd,Eaq Cbatr. A. Fox, Ksq. By. SeatontEarr, Esq. ! ■ Mesera flowden and Walton, Superintendents, D'unedin, The undersigned having been appointed Agent for the Provincial Distriote of Auok% land, Taranaki, Hawera, and Gisborne, and the Company having complied with the re- - ([uiremente of the New Zealand Government, he is prepared to aooept Fire Business of every insurablo description at lowest current rates oi.premium. Claims will bo dealt with liberally and promptly, and settlements made in the Colony, without reference to London. Proposal Forma, and further particulars oan be had at tbe Company's Temporary Offices, Nos, 13 and 14, 91, Queon-streot, Auckland. . JOHNST.CLAIR, • ■ i;v . • '■" District Agent. .', r SAMUELT,,WmTEHOUSE, • Albert Street, Thames,