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MONTHLY MEETING. The usual monthly mooting of the £w Plymouth Borough Council wa= v last evening. Present • The Mayor (Mr. (J. Tiscfi) Councillors G. '\V. Browne, H. Gilbert, J. Hooker, (}. Bishop, Watkins, West, Bollringer, X Doekriil. Reports of officers, as published, wore adopted. WORKS COMMITTEE. The Works Committee reported fts follows : — "That Mr. Spencor bo informed that tho Council cannot sco us way to reduce the charge of £1 IPs flgainst the County Council for tho Us<i of its tar boiler and roller, the charge hating been arranged with tho County Engineer at thp time. "That the Council join iho X««w Plymouth Employers' Association at an anndal subscription of £1 Is. "That upon thp New Plymouth Firewood and Carrying Company. Ltd., complying with the usual conditions and paving the cost of the work the Borough Engineer be authorised to construct a stamlpipo at Vogoltow n to supply water to their traction ongiius estimated at UK) gallons per day, tho cbargo to bo 10s per month. "That the question of remedying the block in tho drain under (iaino Stroot from section 2<12 Ik> referred to tho Borough Engineor to deal with." Tho report was adopted ELECTRIC LIGHTING The Electrical Engineer reported as follows : — Powerhouse —With longer mghu the load is steadiK increasing. Two generator-, sertu foi ordinary running, but on Saturday night* the' three sets are now run. The niuxuniiin recorded lond in I**! kilowatts. Totul capacity of plan* 180 k.v, With existing conditions no over load can bo looked for Judging from tho progrow made since supply was commenced m January, 1906 (three yours and four months) the machines we have should bo capable ot taking the load for the coming wimer. but another sot will l*e required for the following year. Since the i niutnoncement of supply ««> have been particularly fortunate in not having any failure in supply due to want of machinery in case of accident, but it is not safe to bo running every machine with no reserve in case of accident. It is desirable that the next set should be equal in capacity to tho whole of the existing plant, I would advise that a 200 k.w. set be installed, and if it is to be ready for the winter ot 1910, no time should be lost in placing the order. A new pipe line will also be required. A 3Gin diameter line would serve for the above set, but I would advise that the new line be not less than 48in at the lower end and say 60 in at the top. A line of this si«o would serve for a ■econd 200 k.w. set. The tunnel will serve for present requirements while a weir at the intake should give sufficient head for full load for the above extension. While the pipe lino is required before the new set can be utilised, I would advise that the now generator and turbine be ordered and installed as early as possible, and the tail race eonstrucred in readiness for the pipe connections. Three months should be allowed for tenders and not less than nine months for delivery. MARSLAND HILL MEMORIAL. Councillor Bellrmger protested against the Marsland Hill Memorial Committee being allowed to place a barbe>d-w ire fenco around tho monunuint, in contravention of the borough ! by-laws, and moved that the committee bo asked to reconsider the matter. Councillor Docknll stated that persons were already climbing up tho monument and defacing it, and tho barbed-wire fence was only intended as a temporary measure until a permanent fence was erected around it. The motion was carried. | i MISCELLANEOUS. An extension of tune for the demolition of a temporary building m Kunau Pa was granted to Mr. Newton King, on the application of Mr. King's manager, Mr. S. W. Shaw. It was decided that the Council should meet in Friday afternoon next at 4 o'clock to consider the estimates for the following youi. ' A request from Mr. L. Ci. P. Spencer that a little improvement should be t made to tho Mill Road on the borough | side of the bridge, so as to make it | reasonably passable for traffic, w rofenod to tho Works Committee.
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Taranaki Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13956, 11 May 1909, Page 1
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697BOROUGH COUNCIL. Taranaki Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13956, 11 May 1909, Page 1
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BOROUGH COUNCIL. Taranaki Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13956, 11 May 1909, Page 1
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