Messrs A. E. Phillips and B. F. BowMan have been returned members of the Parihaka Road Board. Mr. Phillips defeated Mr. P. Willcox in the Rahotu Ward, and Mr. Bowman defeated Mr. M. Deegan in the Opua Ward. Mr. Ja». Pearn has been authorised by the Marsland Hill Memorial Committee to have erected around the monument, a barbed wire fence in order to prevent youngsters playing about the concrete steps forming it« base. Mr. Pearn ha> also been authorised to protect the monument on behalf of the committee.
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Taranaki Herald, Volume 10, Issue 13955, 10 May 1909, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4
Taranaki Herald, Volume 10, Issue 13955, 10 May 1909, Page 2