Chaplain-Major Evan* then delivered tho iollowing dedicatory prayer:—"Almighty and Everlasting (Jod, in Whom we~Hve and mow> and ha\o our being, Who rulest ovor tho empires ot this world, and disposcst of them as Thou wilt, mercifully hear our pniyers, and accept and hallow this memorial, which our hands have erected to Thy honour and glory, and in loving memory ot our brethren who fought for this fair land and fell upon the lields of battle, and who now rest in peace. Continue to us, wo beseech Thee, tho blessings of peace; make wars to cease in all the world; pour down upon us and upon all nations the spirit of peace; spread nbroml the gospel of peaoe, and tuially bring us all to the city of eternal peace, the Heavenly Jorusulem. there to praise Thee everlastingly, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." When tho prayei came to a close tho "Last Post" was sounded by tho Battalion bugler. Cheers tor Lord and Lady Plunket brought the ceremony to a close. Tho members of tho Memorial Committee were then presented to his Excellency. At Lady Plunket's request. Colonel Bauehop presented Captain Mace to her. His Excellency then reviewed 'the veterans, several of whom he spoke to, congratulating the more feeble on their pluck in parading to honour their departed comrades. After review ing the troops, their "Excellencies were photographed in front of tho monument, with Captain fin-thorne-Hardy, A.U.C., the Hon. Miss Hill, Colonel Ellis, V.D., and Messrs. Crone (who wore Afghanistan and Egyptian war medals), and Quigley (wearing Indian Mutiny, Crimean, and New Zealand medals). The Royal Salute was again given, tho National Anthem was played by the band, and then their Excellencies were driven back to tho White Hart Hotel. Unfortunately, the arrangements for tho ceremony were far from perfect. The public were allowed to get too near tho monument, while tho school cadets were placed behind the crowd, in «;trh a position that they could neither «.co the ceremony nor hear the speeches.
Taranaki Herald, Volume 08, Issue 13954, 8 May 1909, Page 3