Much difference of opinion exists about the proper wording of the inscriptions to be placed upon the memorial just erected on Marsland Hill. The idea oi' the promoters of the memorial is, we believe, contained in the principal inscription, which reads thus: — "To the honoured memory of the services of H.M. Naval. Military and Colonial Forces find Loyal Mauris who fell in action or died during the Maori War 1845-47 and 1860-70. Erected by their comrades anJ fellow-countrymen from all parts of the British Empire, April, 1909." That is in every way proper and appropriate, nor can exception be taken to th.3 naming of tho various regiments and corp^ of both Imperial and Colonial forces which took part in tho wars. But a mistake? is, we think, being marlc in naming a number of veshcls of the Navy which took no actual pail in tho operations. In all some twenty-throe vessels uamod, but quite 'a number of them, we believe, took no actual part in the operations, and to commemorate their services is to rather, detract from the value of the honour paid to the memory of those men who actually gave their lives to their country. Again, a mistake is being made, wo think, in singling out any individuals lo have their names inscribed on the monument among those who have takon an active part in the movement to so honour the memory of thos* who foil in the wars. Among the names thus singled out are those of men who have worked hard and unselfishly, but there are others who have done just as much and are equally entitled to have their names handed down to posterity. It would be better to leave out all individual reference; simply allowing the inscription to record the fact that the memorial i 3 "erected by their comrades and fellow-countrymen."
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Bibliographic details
Taranaki Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13934, 15 April 1909, Page 4
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Taranaki Herald, Volume LV, Issue 13934, 15 April 1909, Page 4